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  • HOLY COW! I haven't been on in a while, but I'm back, and making progress on my game TAT:ASRPG. Check it out in my "Under Development" post!
    So... I realized when trying to show my music to a friend, that was deleted bc I was inactive on my account... time to make new songs ig...
    Just finished writing the script for Part 1, Act 1, "The Ring" for my game TAT:ASRPG!!! Moving on to Act 2, "The Toy Thief" now!!!
    Just finished the script for the tutorial segment of TAT:ASRPG! Now I have to finish the rest of the script... And design a title screen...
    I finally finished planning out the maps! Now I can focus on writing up the script on my computer, instead of on my phone lol
    I'm sorta torn... should I work on the script so I can get the dialogue voiced, or work on maps to I can start mapping in MV with tilesets?
    I have so much going on right now it's like I'm playing Tetris, with the blocks being every event I'm going to in the next couple of days...
    Just started making the tilesets for TAT:ASRPG, and I've made a template for the "inside_A4" tileset. I'll share my template with you all!
    That great feeling when you come up with a really great idea for the story of your game (details in my post in "Projects under Development")
    So, as of now, my artist has just started working on the first character! Now I just have to work on the rest of the game...
    I FINALLY found an artist to help me with the art! The first spritesheets and pictures for TAT:ASRPG are coming soon!
    I haven't worked on my game because I've been working on a school project, but it's done and I'm ready to finally keep working on my game!
    Its not enough to share the whole project, but I'm working in the database for my game rn, adding items, skills, classes, and more!
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