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  • *raises executioner's axe. cuts nearly 300sq mi of overworld. dawn of 150th day of production, 120sq mi remain*
    Hmm. If any char can become any class, I need to e checking every char in party for skills like 'pick lock'. Then decide who is best at it
    Would be easier for ff-scale parties but I've got a pool of 150 chars, not always in party. Need to think of a super efficient way to check this. Although.. There will always be a dialogue for these cases. So maybe efficiency won't be a huge factor.
    Or make it so ONLY player char can learn 'bash lock,' 'spot trap,' etc. but then there's no way to have spot trap AND, say, magical lockpick. So fuck that option.

    The answer, as always, is write more code. Lol.
    for the record: the cherokee make excellent medium(leather)armour, and the navajo make the most legit weaponry in america.
    both nations can be found by driving I-40 between the cali mojave desert and oklahoma city. if you have cash to spend and are looking for the real deal, check them out. the navajo sell their gear in their gas stations, cherokee at trading posts.
    damn... check over on the official forums, and the mods/developers are real defensive, to the point of being jerks :/ ill stay over here lol
    oh man. so much happened. visited native american nations. looking into Cali national guard/forest service as dayjob. found gold ore. fun!!!
    If you're going into the national guard, or anything involving recruiters, never accept your first choice (Unless it's the one you want). They only care about getting their quota for the month, and you're just another person to them 9 times out of 10. #Justsaying :D
    yeah i was trying to go 11B, then i decided fuck jerry brown and fuck obama. imma finish my game and hire my own goddamn ex-special forces militia. create my own military base, then go through basic
    If you want to credit me "Tuomo L" is fine enough. I'll do the charaset edit later since some people have been requesting it, I had ideas for it already.
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    Reactions: polar_fawkes
    right on :D mind letting me know when you've uploaded? my life is craaaazy right now (in a great way!)
    Tuomo L
    Tuomo L
    Sure, mine's pretty crazy too so don't be hanging around waiting, it'll be done when I have the time. :P
    drove from Sac->LA, then LA->SD... where do i move to though lmao. still thinking austin, but i've got a lead on insanely cheap rent in WA
    either way im goddamn tired. to do: smoke a 27. eat half a sandwich. watch team dd as i fall asleep
    I am not as familiar with a lot of the state names (SD) but a quick Google tells all... If the neighbourhood is good, then I'd go with the WA option. Otherwise, if you like AU...
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    Reactions: LTN Games
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    LMAO i see whats going on here!! THIS IS SOME EAST WEST SHIT ISNT IT! :D
    dude this is some interesting stuff. which one of these guys should i look into first? i've pretty much exhausted the death row->NWA chain, down to start my east side education
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