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  • Them there is some fancy staff name tags. :-D
    • Like
    Reactions: LTN Games
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    I know, I like them. They could use a bit of a makeover though, smaller sparkles will make names more readable.
    • Like
    Reactions: Kerux
    I'd prefer if just the banners were sparkling, lol. Having it all over the forums is more showy than I'd like ^__^;
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    Hey that's a great idea as well. I think I'd prefer that more.
    Hmmm...guess I should come back from my unplanned, unofficial hiatus. Pretty tired of *not* being here and not working on my games, lol. :-)
    @LTN Games I've been working on my project, finally. Got my town pretty much done. Still a long way to go but at least it's now WIP XD
    Just FYI, I love the Mascot Contest badge. It rocks. XD
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    Reactions: LTN Games
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    It's really badass.
    I'm glad you like it :D Have you seen Lulu's (The winner's badge)? :D
    Yeah, her's is rockin' too XD
    Sorry haven't been active lately! Lots has been going on. Hope to pick back up soon tho! :-)
    LTN I always use light theme lol. Looks great on my phone (which is what I mainly use for this place).
    • Like
    Reactions: LTN Games
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    hahaha yea mobile may not be so bad but im on desktop
    I use light for both, lol. It's just easier for me to read. :)
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