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  1. Kerux

    Reisen's Gallery

    look great! good job on both of those! :-D
  2. Kerux

    It's Amy's Birthday!

  3. Kerux

    Cate becomes a mama

    Have fun! That's a great work y'all are doing. :-)
  4. Kerux

    Kerux's General Art Thread

    Thanks! It's not really "my style" yet, as the pictures are all straight from the book (not traced, but copied to learn skeletal outlines, shapes, poses, etc). I am using it to develop a style though, so when I put up stuff that is original to me I will definitely mark it. Glad you like it...
  5. Kerux

    Graphics Tablets

    Well, I got to draw a picture with the tablet, and it is GREAT!! Went ahead and sold some old DS games and picked up MangaStudio 5 too, since everything I've read has said its drawing and inking are way better than PS. Gotta say, I agree. So yeah, If you want a nice tablet that doesn't cost too...
  6. Kerux

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    just FYI @Amysaurus your character generations are looking awesome. i really like that style. :-D
  7. Kerux

    Cartoony Enemy Battler's pack 1

    Nice work man! Nice to see the amount of effort you've put into everything. :)
  8. Kerux

    This Monkey thinks he arteh.

    You're getting better and better man! Keep at it! BTW, have you seen Draw with Jazza on Youtube? Guy has some serious tips on improving one's drawing skills. I like to watch his stuff for encouragement and help on different things (especially his one on hands because I am terribad at them lol).
  9. Kerux

    Graphics Tablets

    It came it came! I'll put up impressions after I've used it for a while.
  10. Kerux

    The website told me to make this

    Welcome welcome! Glad to have you on board! And that is a hilarious picture of ProJared, lol. :-D
  11. Kerux

    Sorry to hear about all that. Dunno if you are religious or not, but I will be praying for you...

    Sorry to hear about all that. Dunno if you are religious or not, but I will be praying for you either way. Best wishes and safe travels.
  12. Kerux

    BLuE's Art Stuff

    The hair actually isn't bad at all. I think all it is lacking is some more defined (e.g.: darker) shadows. The rest of the picture would probably be helped by that as well (unless it is a bright ambient light source). Think of where your light source is coming from, what parts of the hair are...
  13. Kerux

    Kerux's General Art Thread

    New stuff! Latest practice images. Same book. (glad) P.S.: Yeah...dunno what happened on those knees in the last one. Maybe he just has extra joints? lol :-D
  14. Kerux

    Them there is some fancy staff name tags. :-D

    Them there is some fancy staff name tags. :-D
  15. Kerux

    Kerux's General Art Thread

    Whelp, I decided that after being out of the drawing game for so long I needed to really go back to basics and re-learn how to draw and everything. I don't see this taking nearly as long as the first time, but I need to really take the time to shake the rust off and get back in working order (my...
  16. Kerux

    Graphics Tablets was a no-go. Now I am not a computer illiterate person. I have built them, changed deep-seated settings, etc. But the drivers for the Huion...the drivers...infuriated me to no end. They were constantly overwritten by the Windows ones and I couldn't even open the tablet driver program...
  17. Kerux

    BLuE's Art Stuff

    Man I love Gurren Laggan references. (cheeky)
  18. Kerux

    Graphics Tablets

    Well, after many reviews and going back and forth, I've pulled the trigger on a Huion H610PRO. Frenden's review finally sold me on it. Looks like it might be a little bit of a thing to get set up, but once it's running it looks like it will be well worth it. I'll let you know how it turns out...
  19. Kerux

    How does gender affect character entirely?

    I think people tend to get nervous about differences between genders because they believe that equality is the same thing as sameness. It's really not. Equality (at least in a social sense) means that one has the same standing as another instead of being lower on the totem pole. Sameness is not...
  20. Kerux

    Graphics Tablets

    Yeah, the small size is what concerned me. Is it really a non-issue, or just something you get used to? I can see where it would be a bonus (e.g. small spaces like working on the couch. Just wasn't sure how that would really play out. Thanks for the talk on it so far! :-)