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  • The hardest part for me is the easiest for most people. Characters, monsters, stories, ect. are things I find difficult.
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    Reactions: Lore
    This comment thread is so edgy
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    I'll give you the hugs you're seeking. Or I would, but I don't wanna get you sick xD But...Maybe what can help is getting aid from people who find characters and stories easier, but find what you find easy hard? Like me. Though I'm with you on monsters, monsters are hard.
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    Reactions: Lore
    *hugs* I'm the hugger...@Mysiath just likes to stab people in the spleen.
    I'm making a visual novel/dating sim tutorial for MV. Any requests for a feature? It doesnt have to be sim specific. (Cont.)
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    Reactions: Cunechan and Lore
    A lot of it could be used in normal games (friendship points and a screen dedicated to how many you have), A marriage system like in fire emblem, ect.

    Its for the contest so any unique features I could give a tutorial on will help my chances, I think.
    >.> anyone else getting kinda. . .tired of RPG Maker horror with cutesy loli girl as main character? People link that and RPG maker now...
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    Reactions: Cunechan and Lore
    Soo true. I didn't like pocket mirror at all tbh, mad father, ib and co are rather the interest of tumblr community. These even were good and original but I'm so tired of seeing this kawaii horror. And it's why i rather use a guy as protagonist instead of a girl, i can write them better anyway. But contrasted to these cutesy horror games I really loved this non rpg maker but point and click game called "the cat lady"
    The Cat Lady is one of the best indie games of all time imo!
    Ikr i love it so much
    Pixel art is the bane of my existence but the Pop horror set was the only tileset I could replicate. Now I'm stuck making pixel battlers RIP
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    Reactions: Cunechan and Lore
    Yeah I thought I was a semi decent artist then I realized I don't really understand anything about shading and such when I went to pixel art :(
    I already knew I know nothing about shading. Maybe that's why I don't feel as bad. I'd love to see one of your tries :D
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    Reactions: Lore
    I was stuck making faces, then making busts, then charsets, then busts again, and now all i do is animations/movies xD?
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