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Isaac The Red
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  • Setup my second monitor, it's not as high Res, but the screen is the same size... so... ZOOM monitor for chat and stuff I guess? I dunno...
    Once I have some cash, I'm gonna be buying parts to build a decent PC. But I need the spare money in order to do that.
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    That's rough Lore, Replacing that screen is absolutely the most aggrivating thing to ask a technician to do. [from experience replacing them at work] I would rather do a 100 laptop screen replacements than a single all in one. @_@
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    Reactions: Lore
    It would cost me about the same to buy the components to build my own PC as it would to fix the broken screen on the all in one (not to mention the other things wrong with it) :(
    Logged into DevianArt for the first time in 400 weeks....
    If only I could like this status harder... :)
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    the best part of this stats is its not an exaggeration, the last message I received on that account was over 400 weeks old. Insane levels of holy crapbaskets I havnt been here in a while. but the accound DID have my first major game project's Title screen on it. :D
    I`ve been waiting for it, you`ve been waiting for it. MV 1.3 is HERE! Steam workshop integration for the steam version, and ENCRYPTION!
    OK I know I've been gone a while but where did the forum options go... To change themes and stuff...
    Cunechan that you mention it, its not here anymore atleast in the mobile version
    EDIT: Oh you meant the themes! They dont exist anymore sadly :C But you can change the background to a few pictures you like on the top right.
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    o_o ah that's a shame...
    I miss the themes too QAQ
    I'm not much for the whole famouse people thing... But, David Bowie and Robin WIlliams... D: I'm losing the few I liked a lot.
    R.I.P David Bowie
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    Reactions: fiddlesticks
    Thanks for updating us. I loved his music in high school.
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    Well, XP had some nice elemental sprites, I am kinda sad they didnt bring them back with VX and MV... :/ just seemed like a thing, also I had a bunch of misc elemental sprites for XP that were done in the rtp style but were obscure like a "time" elemental, and a thunder elemental... and stuff like that. o3o they were nifty, I wish I knew where they went.
    Need Demi Human Sprites... And Elemental Sprites...
    There are over a dozen elemental sprites in Resources, do you need me to make a specific type?
    Might drop back into lurker mode for a while. Can't stand toxic attitudes.
    Bizarre Monkey
    Bizarre Monkey

    okay i mean i cant really stop you but i dunno, i dont really see the toxicness here?

    if you want you can point me to a few examples and i'll talk to the staff about them, apparently my opinions matter a lot to them
    Whaaaat. is someone being a meanie head? D:< anyways, I hope you stick around. I really appreciate your suggestions in the writing RT thread and your feedback/posts in general are always nice to read. Looking into how to make that character bio generator you mentioned!
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