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Isaac The Red
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  • Crawling out from my hole to check my shadow...
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    Good to hear. I'm glad the community hasn't died. I've been gone from the RM community as a whole for almost a year. @_@ life has ways of being.... lifey....
    I completely understand that! I've been super busy myself and finally starting to settle back down, but now it's picking back up. Come the 15th I should have a house, be moving into it, etc. etc. which means more inactivity until I can get everything settled back down again :( It's just ughhh lol
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    Hey, but that's a big step forward in life stuff, it's awesome progress. :D Me I'm just trying to make enough money to exist. The free trial on life ended ages ago, and keeping up with subscription costs is a nightmare.
    So did anyone else pick up RPG maker FES on Release day? :D
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    Reactions: fiddlesticks
    no useless
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    Iunno, I actually think it's a fun little creativity toy for on commute. And since it's core isnt that much different then default RPG maker in general, if a bit restrictive. I think it makes a nice prototyping tool. Especially when your away from your lying in bed, out n about ect.
    no apply for me.
    PC strongest field.
    having issues with an old RM2k3 game, crashing when using normal attacks... racking my brains trying to fix it, so I can make a video. e_e
    That feels when you know you have all the plugins setup properly, they are all yanfly plugins, and for no reason you get strange errors.
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    Reactions: fiddlesticks
    Yanfly Plugins give us the most headaches, in MV Support.
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    Well, considering he has the one of the largest and most used plugin libraries for MV, thats not surprising, statistically, plugin problems are going to be more often or not related to his plugins.
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    I've since fixed my issue, was just an issue with something in my project not jiving right, everything works fine now. I had a bad setting in one of the plugins, typo was causing issues, but since MVs error console is so very helpful [sarcasm] it took a while to pinpoint what I messed up lol.
    Officially started supporting yanfly on patreon. It's not that much, but his work helps so much. Least I can do is buy him a drink.
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    Reactions: fiddlesticks
    Sorry to hear that. His plugins give MV Support the most headaches.
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    Most problems I've come across involving yanfly plug-ins with the people I've helped have smoothed out nicely by fixing plugin install order. And in some cases fixing js syntax in lunatic mode tags. But yea, given his plug-ins are some of the most widely used, I can see it being true. Lol. I happen to really enjoy his work. So Imuch supporting it with my wallet. :3
    Ok, so, I'm homeless, that's why I've been a ghost for so long. I'm spending like all of my time on basic survival.
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    Reactions: fiddlesticks
    I understand what you are going through. We were homeless and had vehicle repossessed before. Have faith. You will make it through this rough time.
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    This isn't the first time I've been homeless, just its a little annoying this time around. Having just started my YT channel and such it just threw a giant wrench into my plans.
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    Since I cant use my desktop right now, I'm stuck on laptop. Not entirely a big deal there, but being homeless I don't have a 'quiet' space to do videos. Hardware downgrade is a bit of an annoyance but the lack of a good work space really gets in the way.
    Life is giving me too many lemons... I need to speak to life's manager, and remind life WHO I AM.
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    Reactions: Cunechan and Lore
    I have been there. When life gives you lemons...make lemon zest!
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    Reactions: Lore
    Good luck speaking with the manager. They're always on holidays in Tahiti or someplace.
    Chipped in my $5, towards keeping this place alive, if others would all do the same too, that would be cool. :D
    Too many hobbies means nothing gets done in a timely manner. Especially when 2 of the many of them involve cardboard crack. Force Of Will...
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    Reactions: Lore
    Cardboard crack? What?
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    Reactions: Lore
    Hobbies are just jobs you don't get paid for. Generally. :P
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    Card Games.... @_@ well I'm doing better at least it isnt card games on motorcycles.
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    Reactions: Lore
    Had to spend 20 bucks on a stupid USB cable for this dumb ipod shuffle I found in the dirt a month ago. It only has 2GB of storage... Gross.
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    Reactions: Zackleaynts
    I remember a decade ago when I had one and thought it was the best thing ever...Until it broke horribly and I got lost trying to find the Apple store in my area. Basically, that adventure drove me to never use the shuffle again. :'D
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    yea it's just this little pink 2gb ipod shuffel I found in the dirt on my way home from shopping, I thought it was a cheep offbrand thing when I first picked it up. Got it home and cleaned it off and lolwut ipod.Took forever to find a usb charger for it... had to go to bestbuy, walmart and target didnt carry them... stupid proprietary auxilary jack to USB BS....
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