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  • Just was seeing what's up with everyone. It's been a little while since I've been online lol.
    Sorry I've been gone again, my bf's dad passed away recently. The day after he passed he was cremated, and then he had a funeral in Mexico.
    Understand what you have experienced. Four cousins, two aunts, and two uncles, in a short span. You and your family are in my prayers.
    woah hey, long time no see.
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    only saw him on for a minute but he was gone by the time i posted this xD
    :C well hope he'll be back soon XD
    Sorry, I disappeared because my bf's dad died. It happened super fast and the very next day he got cremated, then we went to Mexico to his funeral. Don't worry though I'm okay, he's the one that is having a hard time.
    i made an oops i posted a image in the wrong spot it is a ship but i put it in copleted game i renamed it to "Please remove this resource, it was reuploaded in the right place" and posted it in the corect place. To let you know I am dislexic and if it was not for sinnistar I would not have know about the error or what to do about it.
    he was a greate help for me to day. he deserves something.
    I'm back! Sorry I haven't been online... I've been having a hard time coping with my grandma's death... Anyways I should be back online more
    dude! sorry to hear that :/ we each have the opportunity to carry our wonderful relatives spirits with us in our lives. let her impact on you shine through your perspective, attitude, and actions. hope all's well :)
    I'm so sorry everyone... I've been having a rough time, my grandma passed away yesterday this is the third death I'm having to deal with...
    I've been trying hard to be strong, but I really haven't been able to keep myself together... It was one thing after another with her cancer, and I just couldn't handle things well... I hope you understand why I haven't been on recently...
    These things won't ever stop happening, will they? I'm praying for your family. No one expects you to be strong enough to keep yourself together. Take the time you need and hang on. If you need someone to talk to, we're all here for you~<3
    Hey man I understand. I hope you'll feel better soon. my thoughts are with you buddy! Miss ya, hope you'll come back around sometime in the near future :)
    Sorry I was gone yesterday for awhile, my internet was shut off for the day.
    Hey Darc~ How are you :D ?
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    I'm good! I'm debating on either playing games or working on graphics... I also need to take some more time to work on my game.
    I was debating about the same thing today XD then I started to do mapping instead ehhh. Anyways have fun~ I'm going to sleep now.
    dang games always distracting us from being creative!
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