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Companion Wulf
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  • In light of recent events in personal life and here, I'll be backseating again. Will continue to support the forum, just not as actively.
    I hope everything works out for your personal life Companion Wulf, I am also sorry about everything that occurred on the forums. I hope to see you around in the future. Take care!
    Companion Wulf
    Companion Wulf
    Thanks. Wasn't enough space to say it's a positive transition (personal life). It didn't merit a full post. ;) It'll just take up a LOT of time. And of course I'll be dropping in regularly, just not actively. I'm fairly neutral in all things, but sometimes I guess empathy gets in the way. It's all good.
    Yeah believe me I was sad to see all that happened myself. :(
    My Stonehenge is done! Got halfway through painstakingly making it only to realise the program I use already had a template! Go figure!
    Attempting to faithfully recreate Stonehenge in Blender isn't the brightest thing I've thought of doing! Haha!
    Murphy's Law: The first real holiday in 3 months I've spent 4 days of it sick!! But despite that, still managed to work a LOT on Otherworld.
    After long deliberation and discussion with my game dev partner(s) yesterday, Otherworld IS officially migrating to MV! Details to follow.
    Been playing around with MV (mostly JGSS/OOP/PIXI). I'm SERIOUSLY now considering converting Otherworld to MV, a revelation even to me!
    Back to studies! I know JS but not how it's constructed in MV. Too impatient to relearn anything. Looks like I'll have to go through it ALL!
    MV uses OOP, and that is what you should look at learning. OOP is language independent, i learned it in python but the same rules apply in any language.
    Companion Wulf
    Companion Wulf
    Yes indeed. I tend to jump right in and don't backtrace any inheritances. That said, I'm now taking FULL advantage of my holiday to do just that and study its OOP. With a great deal of success I might add. Not very patient, but patience is necessary. ;)
    Great plan ;)
    Been focusing on Otherworld (VXA), so not too active with MV stuff. Once this is done, all future projects will be made in MV.
    I trust everyone had a good Xmas. What 2016 resolutions did you make? I'll be focusing on Otherworld, but will still be active with MV.
    All went pretty well, glad all the holiday insanity is over though.

    Resos- Help my family stay positive, get a better job, and get a new car.
    Companion Wulf
    Companion Wulf
    I hear ya with the Xmas insanity, more so work shifts. Bought presents literally last minute, but worked out ok.
    As a general rule, I don't tend to share scripts publicly except on the RPGMT blog. Many reasons for this, but main one is past experience.
    Is it because many do not give the courtesy of giving a little credit for the work you have done?
    Companion Wulf
    Companion Wulf
    That's one reason, yes. My scripts aren't the greatest in the world, but they're effective. People have used them and claimed them as their own. From RPGMT particularly, there are certain "under the hood" copyrighting safeguards in place.
    After tonight I have the weekend off! YAY! And really looking forward to it. Going to focus on the FAQs on RPG Maker Times.
    Work: 2 nights in, 1 night off, 2 nights in....Zzzz! So draining! Time to win the lottery!! :D
    Companion Wulf
    Companion Wulf
    Last lottery jackpot was £114 million. 2 numbers away from the big one, but still got £35 out of the deal LOL
    I feel the pain. 1 day off a week 0400 - 1700 a day 6 days a week.
    Companion Wulf
    Companion Wulf
    Oooh, long day! I think I'd prefer that though. At least you know where you are. Staggered shifts = scattered brains! Haha!
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