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  • Not quite sure why I went to kumoricon, as I don't watch anime, but I had a good time. Managed to only spend a moderately large sum of money
    I've been up for 37 hours straight. why am I not tired? I guess I'll lay down and hope to fall asleep or something...
    All this overtime I'm doing is mind numbing, but all that money, makes it almost worth it.
    Been pretty inactive the last couple months yet I got the Sir badge. Has a well mannered hacker been using my account while I was away? =P
    • Like
    Reactions: MinisterJay
    Maybe it took a little while for the entire process to go through. :) You DESERVED it.
    • Like
    Reactions: Akod
    You deserved it during your time of activity, so I feel that even though you may have been more inactive than you have been, you still deserve it nonetheless :D
    so I was watchin some gameplay vids (looks really cool) but some people were saying the game is extremely easy--that was a year ago though so I wanted to ask if that's still true?
    is there endgame PvE content? that was the other complaint I read
    Not so much. BDO is designed for endgame PvP, so the only real good endgame PvE would be the world bosses.
    ah I see, thanks for the info =)
    • Like
    Reactions: Akod
    I was (mostly) gone for several days and I apparently missed something huge. This is crazy.
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    Reactions: Macro
    Do not worry, Akod. It is a natural process. I look forward to seeing more of you, and your contributions.
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    Reactions: Akod
    Welcome back!
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    Reactions: Akod
    @MinisterJay I understand it's natural for this to happen, it's just sad to see people go. I should be fully back now, maybe a little inactive the first week of March, so I hope to bring my activity here back up. @Macro Thanks! Good to be back, I missed this place while I was away.
    does your black desert beta start today?
    No, my black desert beta started two days ago and runs through the end of the day tomorrow. So much to test, so little time. =(
    how is it?
    It's really good. The system where you have to combo certain skills into others is really fluid, they did a really good job on it. And the fact that you get most of your exp from killing monsters instead of quests is nice, and makes more sense.
    Stalk mode activated! =P */follow'd* I hope Black Desert Online is fun. been a while since I played a good free (it is free right? or is it P2P?) MMO. I think the last was Neverwinter a few years ago.
    • Like
    Reactions: Akod
    It's P2P, with a one time payment of $30 for the basic package. It's looking amazing, though, so it's probably worth it. I'll be able to give a more definite answer in a few days. =)
    • Like
    Reactions: Micro
    Ahhh I see, like GW2. that's pretty cool. looking forward to hearing more about it!
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    Reactions: Akod
    Got my tax return statement. They took about 20% of my wages this year. The taxing is real. I hate my government. =(
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    Reactions: Micro
    About a third of my earnings go to taxes, don't see it as a reason to hate a government though, unless you live in a place where you get to hold onto your taxable income before it is deducted?
    It's more that they take such a large portion of my wages, then come tax return I get practically none of it back. Last year I payed in a large sum of money, yet I ended getting ~$40 back. I understand why they keep some, but that was ridiculous.
    3 nosebleeds in one day, it's getting worse...If I mysteriously stop showing up, it's because I bled to death through my nose.
    Eien Nanashi
    Eien Nanashi
    You should stop looking at upskirt panties. :P
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    Reactions: Akod
    Found my old archived files from Such fond memories, it makes me sad that it's all I have left from such a great time in my life. =(
    Yeah, it was pretty sad at the end of its life, but with multiple things working against the site and the inability to do pretty much anything to the site's structure thanks to iEntry there wasn't much we could have done.
    True enough - I'm happy I at least still see some of the members I remember around different communities.
    Yeah, I still see a lot of those who were active till the end. It's the ones I don't see that make me sad, like Macy and Sketcy.
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