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Advent Calendar


Staff member
Resource Team

It's November and the holiday season starts in the next month. Time to fill up our Advent Calendar with your help! o///o
Resources, music, scripts, little games, tutorials - what you can provide will help us gather wonderful gift packages for the entire community. Depending on the amount of the contributions from the community for the community we can make a daily advent calendar, a package every advent or a big package for Christmas itself.

What you can do:
  • Send a PM with your contribution to @Xyphien (please add Terms of Service as a text file and a credit list if you work with other resources)
  • The contribution must be your own work (teams allowed) and unpublished until after Christmas
  • it can be everything you consider valuable for the community (a simple char pose, a song, a little game you made for this event, a tutorial you would have published anyway sometimes, some edited tiles, artworks, backing recipes for dl or print and so on... Every little piece will help to make this a big event for everybody!)
  • You can decide if you want it exclusive for this community
  • suggested theme "Christmas/Winter" (only a suggestion, you can make whatever inspires you to contribute)
What the staff will do:
  • We collect all contributions
  • We decide at the end of the collection if it could be a daily, weekly or single event in December
  • The contributions will be published together by the staff in the respective interval in a special thread that will be the advent calendar
If most active member post only a single contribution we could have a gift shower in December. *u*
We hope you are excited and lots of great things will come together in this collection.

Thanks to @PandaMaru for coming up with this amazing idea!
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Local Hero
That could be a good opportunity for all who think about joining the Resource Team as a test run. ;)
But for everyone else too.

I can offer graphical help, if someone like to share his Christmas recipes in this event. (Like here)

I hope a lots of differnet things will come together. X3 Then we could here holiday music, baking cookies, make xmas games and be inspired by all the stunning works of other community members.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
That could be a good opportunity for all who think about joining the Resource Team as a test run. ;)
It's also a great opportunity for the people on the Resource Team. I can imagine a huge resource pack waiting behind the 24. :D
Anyway, I'd be up for it. I just got done with a request and now I'm free to compose some seasonal tunes to fit in here. ^_^


Local Hero
Have anyone contribute until now?
I'm busy with so many things I will need some time until I can send in my things for the calendar.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
The timing is so bad. So busy with the exams these weeks. Maybe ill be able to draw and pixel a few things this weekend ;3 so little time though


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I gotta focus on the Resource Team stuff, so I'm probably not going to contribute something here. Unless I can finally get that song done that I've been planning to make for the last five days or so. :D