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Share your Patreon


Praised Adventurer
So I've created a Patreon account, as it is a good way to engage supporters that wish to offer more than a like or a tweet.

Check it out!
Nothing has changed from before though: I will continue to offer scripts and support to anyone that asks.
Though if I hit a certain amount per month I will make all my scripts free for commercial use.

What is Patreon?

For those that are not familiar with Patreon, it is essentially a platform that connects creators to their fans, and provides people with a way to pledge funds to whoever they support in return for, potentially, exclusive content or other "patron" benefits.

Take a look at this video:

Well, that is my interpretation of it. Please don't take this as a full-featured marketing pitch.

Patreon List

Have your own Patreon account? Post them here and I'll compile a list!
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Praised Adventurer
The Patreon is a good idea, but will there still be any option for those prefering to buy as well? ^^
Everything will be the same as before unless specified.

I didn't got the whole idea of this...Is like to pay for a personal assistant?
This article may clarify what Patreon is in general

It's basically a platform that allows people to pledge their support. Think of crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter or GoFundMe. However, Patreon has some functions that would make it easier for creators to provide exclusive content for their patrons (eg: their supporters)
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Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
I rarely did exclusive commissions before. Most of the requests I get were things anyone could have used.
I understand perfectly. It's true what you said and I won't deny it, and besides, it was just an idea that went through my head, nothing more nothing less ^^
When I can, I'll look foward your Patreon and contribute. Only time will tell ^^
[doublepost=1446532059,1445024899][/doublepost]I have a question: Patreon is exclusively recurrent as method of payment, or there's an option to give money only when we could? (As we can with donation etc.)


Local Hero
Yes it is recurring, but it is charged the first of the month, so "donate" for one month and cancel!
I like the patron system, it gives developers and artist a way of having more income and not changing any formulas.
There are artists that are now working full time due to patreon and the transition of working a different jobb to full time artist (no matter what kind, entertainer, developer etc) is something that is made possible trough this system.

I would gladly give a small amount to multiple people recurring then a larger single donation.

David FoxFire

I don't have a Patreon mainly because I don't have enough support for it. Also, most of the responses I get for asking for anything as much as a cup of coffee often gets me naught but denigrating riducule from people who do follow me around the net. (My social clout is that bad in some parts of the tubes, I don't even use social media anymore or even post on DeviantART anymore becuase of it.)

I do have a tip jar though, which collects more lint than tips. Any and all assistance is appreciated and will go into further development of my skills and projects.

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
I like the patron system, it gives developers and artist a way of having more income and not changing any formulas.
I agree with that statement. And also, thanks for providing more infos. ^^
The only thing that scares me if when the developper works full time while being invested via Patreon, and then for no reason, the people that provided income stopped paying. Which it's really risky in the same time. I'm just worrying, but maybe I'm just being parano, but who knows ^^"

@David FoxFire you brought up good points, indeed. That's what I fear the most for my favourite celebrities, scripters, youtubers etc. Being in that kind of situation.
I've heard a lot about Patreon lately. Seems like quite a number of people I know are jumping on this particular wagon. Might look into it, but I'm still guarded about things like this. I've given to crowdfunding before and will again because I've always felt that artists deserve to be paid for their time and work, especially if they're really good.

David FoxFire

@David FoxFire you brought up good points, indeed. That's what I fear the most for my favourite celebrities, scripters, youtubers etc. Being in that kind of situation.
Yeah, story of my life. It's the opposite of what @Companion Wulf is talking about. If all you're getting out of your hard work is getting ignored or passed over...if you're lucky, and you don't find out that burn pages are outranking you on Google, like what happened to me...your productivity tends to suffer. I'd say more but I don't want to bring anyone down.
@David FoxFire Trust me, I've had my fair share of that. When I started though, there was really very little in the way of competition and indie game developers were pretty much hobbyists programming from their bedrooms. The first "commercial" game I ever produced was on the ZX Spectrum 48K - a kind of Firefly clone - and, while it never reached mainstream, did make enough money to eventually upgrade to the 128K version.

Long story short. I went down that path, didn't know too much about copyrights (at the time), and other unscrupulous game devs "borrowed" a lot of my code. The result: That person ultimately made my game, profited from it, and the sponsors and backers I had accused me of copyright infringements.

So, since then I've kept most of my projects to myself for the most part. My RPG Maker Times blog is successful in its own right, but I keep it more as an aside. The projects websites are updated as well. If people visit it, cool! If they don't, oh well! I'm to the point where development is more for my enjoyment than others.

With places like Patreon, as well as many of the crowdfunding sites, it does help indie developers (and sometimes the larger gaming companies) a great deal. The problem is being seen, regardless of how well you promote your projects, because that particular market is glutted with indie game devs. I think luck nowadays, as well as dogged persistence and very thick skin, and literally being everywhere at once with it, plays a much bigger part in making money from what would otherwise be talents, skills or hobbies. It's VERY competitive, often cutthroat.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I'm still thinking about getting a Patreon account. I feel like I wouldn't be able to deliver, to be honest. I feel like I wouldn't be worth my patrons' money. And besides, I have no idea what exclusive contents I could offer them aside from personalized soundtracks. Maybe I'm just underestimating things again. Does it really work as well as it's made out? Even for "amateurs"? 'Cause that's what I am. I'm not a pro-musician. XD
I feel like I wouldn't be able to deliver, to be honest.
I often feel the same, mainly because of my work schedule. I work nights and often my shifts are scattered, so I wouldn't have the proper time to invest. That's the main reason I maintain my blogs; don't make a great deal of money, but do get a check roughly every two months.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Between school and technical issues, I don't think I'd be able to keep up with a Patreon, lol. It's really neat for the people it does work out for, though. :)