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Graphics Altered FF esq version of SV character base.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Now this I really like, I to did not like the big heads on the MV sprites. Thank you for taking the time to do this and they should prove very useful.


Turns out the female is not that different except for the eyes... it's not much different.. not much different at all..

By the way, i don't know if these can be used in Ace unless you also own MV, it's some silly rule by KDKW.
You're just not allowed to use even edits from one maker from the other unless you own both... i could be wrong though.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
No you're right, you must own the exact version of the engine the resources are made for in order to use them. Most people will have both, not everyone but quite a bit & including me. So this is very useful I can generate some characters with your templates here and then use battle symphony or something rather to have sideview battlers in ace that look nice :)

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
I saw that upon your stream and damn... I've never seen someone being that patient to modify them. I would have gave up in the half way. You really deserve respect for that :thumbsup:


I decided i would at least finish the female since i said i would.
But i don't have a lot of faith in these forums.
That faith was dashed when they decided to do a new vote for banners.
I've since used ad-block to block the banner..
I don't need no stinking banner when the web address has the name anyhow.
[doublepost=1450314837,1447207059][/doublepost]Ugh.. sorry folks.. i just can't pull myself back into wanting to finish this project.
It's giving me a head ache.
I was on a roll when i did the male version.
But now i just can't bring myself to finish this.
If someone else wants to take a crack at the female version.. be my guest...