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My big issues with MV


For me personally, my issue is not so much the software as it is the pain in the ass scripting they went with, i find javascript far more confusing that RGSS3.

I had an easier time wrapping my brain around RGSS3.
Also the lack of plugins that SHOULD be there but are not are a BIG pain in the damn ass!

I wish to god Victor Saint was still around, he would do this software some damn justice (despite what others say about him).

I loved his animated battle system in Ace.

In RGSS3 there are "viewports" and the ability to use Z for layering, i could overlap windows even.. but javascript seems to lack it or not allow for it.
I'm having HELL making the scripting adjustments i'm trying so god damn hard to make.

Also... only 3 god damn frames per each F'ing post for the side view battlers?
What in the HELL?!
The side-view battle system seems half assed, and even with Yanfly's plugins, it's still not on par with what i had in Ace.
I can't get windows to F'ing overlap in the scripting!!
They refuse!
And instead, they do this odd thing where they .. "cut" into each other when you TRY and overlap.

Also they lied when they said there was no hidden classes, as i can't find classes for things.. i can't find everything.
I have searched all the scripts.
There's not even a way to customize the windows and how the freaking work in javascript!

It feels like a rushed, half assed mess!
There are plugins that i feel are still missing that showed up rather quickly in the community when Ace came out.
There is no damn fog scripts yet.
No Arrow Pointer script(a thing that points at everything in the menus).

Anyhow.. most of my problems will be solved once the plugin makers kick it into high gear and stop focusing on gameplay so much and focus on graphics effects and presentation more than gameplay.
My RPGs don't rely on gameplay, just presentation and visuals and story... and the plugins are just not there.

The damn battle system windows have NO god damn way at all the stop the windows at the bottom from sliding abck and forth, i'm trying to make it more like the old FF games, more stationary!
But the window for stats and such keep moving left and F'ing right!
I keep trying to adjust everything i can think of to make it stop!

JS is going to make me have a god damn stroke with how damn frustrating it is!!
Ugh..... just.. ugh.. ~_~

Bizarre Monkey

Victor Sant, who I assume you refer to when you say Victor Saint, Is an absolutely atrocious coder.

-Uses a poorly built core engine which clashes with other people's scripts and makes no effort to clean it up.
-His scripts demand the use of his core engine, even when they may run fine without it.
-His attitude is incredibly self-righteous. Feedback is trolling to him. I know several people who code who absolutely loathe the way he responds to feedback and the way he handles his methods.
-Never learns anything because he doesn't at all implement constructive criticisms when given.
-Is an egocentric, toxic and otherwise just unpleasant human being. If he did truly leave the RPGmaker community, good riddance.

Every coder I've talked to about him has immediately begun frothing at the mouth at the mention on his name.

That said, I do agree that not so much the javascript, but the way the framework for it is implemented in this system is headache inducing, my coders are tearing their hair out trying to figure out the silly thing, whom are fluent with the javascript language.

Doesn't help that the documentation is virtually useless.

My RPGs don't rely on gameplay, just presentation and visuals and story... and the plugins are just not there.
I have to wonder why you would prioritize graphics over gameplay, though. It's a mindset I truly don't understand, what fuels this need for pretty when play is what players do?
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Towns Guard
It's still early days really, it's like this every time a new engine is released, aside from Ace which didn't differ that much from VX. I was working on my battlers and designing the layout of them with a couple of scripters coming up to the launch of Ace which is why a lot of them were done for it coming out, then also tenkenkai (spelling?) became popular.
I don't see why this latest version has to have the three frame set up since another layout can be scripted into it. It's just got to have the right backing really. In all honesty I'm dumbfounded that there's certain poses missing and ones unnecessarily included by default.

The thing is for a scripter like Victor it's not just a release and done thing, there's always will be compatibility and new undiscovered problems arise. Scripters over the years have always tried to solve this, even back to XP and the Standard Development Kit for those who go back that far, it was a great idea, problem was, if you used it, only scripts made with it in mind would work.

I'm in the middle of - well just able to start now - testing how the default system works graphically (not a coder/scripter) plus I'm always a fan of having animated enemies matching that of the actors.

This is all new to the RM community and if like you say JS is harder to learn then give people time and suggestions, they'd need more tutorials or online classes to be held like there was with XP. Helping each other for free is the easiest and best way for the community to thrive and move forward.
Not saying have patience because no one wants to wait for someone else or have nothing happening, this is what forums are for, coming together and helping each other, working on solutions.

Bizarre Monkey

The whole thing feels very rushed, and from all of my sources, it was.

Yanfly himself stated that they'd had very little break and were on the verge of endangering themselves via lack of eating, rest, etc.

The devotion of him and others is really quite admirable. I do find it a shame that the release didn't go better.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
It seems that all big issues that came up with MV concern the scripting and not so much performance or general usability. But I don't think it's as bad as most people find it to be given the circumstances of the release. Just as @Bizarre Monkey said, it was done in a rush but it's not so flawed that they couldn't mend that with patches and bugfixes. Honestly, MV has been out for a week now. A week. That's nothing. If these issues still stand after a year, then we can start complaining. I know it's hard to work with, but at least understand why that is and understand that they'll do anything to fix what is wrong. :)


That's okay, the software seems incomplete.
You can't use negative blending with anything that's tiling!!
Tiling.. like.. repeating.
So a fog script it won't work.
And if you look under picture, there is no way to use negative blending there either!
And there is no Z!
So you can't use Z to tell something to be lower or higher than something else on screen!
What in THE effing hell?!

Boy Who Codes

Praised Adventurer
That's okay, the software seems incomplete.
You can't use negative blending with anything that's tiling!!
Tiling.. like.. repeating.
So a fog script it won't work.
And if you look under picture, there is no way to use negative blending there either!
And there is no Z!
So you can't use Z to tell something to be lower or higher than something else on screen!
What in THE effing hell?!
Z Index in MV is gone, yes, but there are tons of ways to do so. This is actually even the power of JavaScript better than how it was in Ace. It's easier to make a fog script in MV, rather than in Ace.


Towns Guard
I did use some of Victor Saint scripts back there in XP, one of the early works was one of the best Chrono Trigger Battle System I have ever worked on. Okay it had some flaws, and some things that should be implemented, but I never dared to call for him, since I knew well his vomit feedback reputations.
I long to see a Chrono Trigger Battle System in MV.