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I deleted my facebook


If you see me start posting things about my personal life in the off-topic forum , it's because I have no friends where I live, my only friends are online. I deleted my facebook because I had around 300-400 "friends" that were influencing me in a way that I did not want to live my life. I made a drastic change in my lifestyle and many of my friends would just give me a hard time or mock me for who I want to be. I do not define a "friend" as someone who is hostile to you. I appreciate jokes in good sport, but I do not think it's ok to make people feel bad because they want to better themselves.

In other words, this is a great community and I would like to thank each of you for being such wonderful people. Never change and keep believing in yourselves.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
There's a good reason Facebook treats it like a holiday whenever I log in, lol. I don't know, it just really bothers me that everyone I have on Facebook is either complaining or trying to brag about something bizarre.

Facebook statuses when I joined:
"Amy is making a sandwich. Delicious."

Facebook statuses now:
"Amy is making a sandwich #noms #blessed - feeling thankful - with Wize1"

And then there's selfies. Don't get me started on selfies.



I am sure facebook is to someone as this forum is to me. I can respect that at least.
However, it is certain I do not need to go on facebook. :p

Bizarre Monkey

I don't blame you. The only reason I have a facebook (which is aliased) is as a safety net for some of my overseas employees to be able to contact me easily.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Guys, guys, guys! Hearing you all rant about Facebook makes me want to tell you this: we have this research project at my Uni which I'm part of that researches the self-depiction of individuals in social media, primarily Facebook. I'd be happy to share some results with you once that thing is done. :D


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I'm pretty sure my Facebook friends are 95% people I know in real life, then the other 5% are people I don't know, but talk to almost daily. It still weirds me out when people I know from online wind up in my suggested friends list, lol.


... Don't get ME started on selfies. Egocentricity at its finest... "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME I'M SO GREAT I'M HAVING SOO MUCH FUN" :V
I totally agree on this, also sad too see loads of people with a camera on a stick in amusement parks. It's like they can't even enjoy the rides themselves anymore.

I also like to add stuff like playing games with themselves visible through webcam, although there are some that do that in a professional way with a group and be informative and make a great show, too many just try to be interesting by making weird noises and screaming here and there.

@Wize1, I do hope that you will find some good friends near you some day that you can rely on and have fun with. Trying to delete Facebook is way to retarded, I'm not even sure if they really delete stuff, if so it takes ages. I never really used my Facebook page, never personalised it and never even put a profile picture in it or changed any status. tried to delete it but it takes a long time at least, and I'm afraid that if I try to log in that it's still there somehow. It would be nice if they would just had an instant remove button in case you are sure.

David FoxFire

The only thing Facebook is ever good for is games, and nothing else. That's the only reason why I use it, and I don't put in there anything those games don't need.

Besides, personal experience has left me very gun shy over every bit of social media, including microblogs and instant messaging.


Deleting my Facebook was something I did not regret. Like you said it seemed (from what I experienced) like a attention hub for most people that love to go crazy over likes and follows. Did not experience the bullying you did there, but I did on other social media.

David FoxFire

Well, I never got it from Facebook either, but boy, did I ever get cyberbullied. You're talking to a former lolcow who gets compared to Chris W. Chandler for a time. If you don't know who Chris is, consider yourself fortunate, and pray he never gets RPG Maker.

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
I usually use facebook to only communicate with family... :)
Anyway, keep living life and such. To make a friend you have to be a friend! :D
TOTALLY agree. I have two FB accounts. One is my real one, primarily used for family. And since I'm a rebellious black sheep, none of them really talks to me there anyway. Definitely don't want to see what they're eating, where they've been or which exotic country they're going on their holidays. That one's visited probably once in about three months.

The other one is mainly my "pen name" and since they don't accept words like "Companion" as a first name, had to go with "Rob Wulf". It's still my name, just the pseudonym I use with ALL my projects. This account I consider my "business" one, with all my pages attached. I deleted one of the pages because it was causing a lot of stress and was influencing me and bleeding into my personal life.

You be who you want to be, my friend. It's not the destination, it's the journey to get there. If you can get to the point of saying "F*** what other people think, say or do because I'm NOT carrying their baggage around with me, including my own!" you will accomplish just that! ;)