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Do You Have A Story Ready?

David FoxFire

Getting those smaller details are always a problem with game design. You start thining of a grand forest and then you find out realy RADIO EDIT fast that you have to contend with individual trees. And then you have to deal with the audious task of getting the RADIO EDIT thing out of your head and into a format you can actually use (I have a tip on that in another thread), needing to use some random generator ( is a good one, trust me on this) because your brain's running on RADIO EDIT fumes. And then--surprise surprise RADIO EDIT surprise--yet another idea pops in your head and you want to capture that to put it up for later which detracts you from the RADIO EDIT projects your already working on.

You can replace the RADIO EDITs with whatever comes to mind. :)
Getting those smaller details are always a problem with game design. You start thining of a grand forest and then you find out realy RADIO EDIT fast that you have to contend with individual trees. And then you have to deal with the audious task of getting the RADIO EDIT thing out of your head and into a format you can actually use (I have a tip on that in another thread), needing to use some random generator ( is a good one, trust me on this) because your brain's running on RADIO EDIT fumes. And then--surprise surprise RADIO EDIT surprise--yet another idea pops in your head and you want to capture that to put it up for later which detracts you from the RADIO EDIT projects your already working on.

You can replace the RADIO EDITs with whatever comes to mind. :)
"Fantastic"? Haha!

If I may ask, what's your secret you have alluded to? I would say I just get decisive. I don't have time to go back and change half of a map. I'll plant trees right there and they're staying, because I'm not combing through this field again right now when there are cutscenes to be made!

David FoxFire

"Fantastic"? Haha!

If I may ask, what's your secret you have alluded to? I would say I just get decisive. I don't have time to go back and change half of a map. I'll plant trees right there and they're staying, because I'm not combing through this field again right now when there are cutscenes to be made!
Look for my article "The Lord British 4D Spreadsheet" in this category.


Towns Guard
I've actually just finished writing the premise of my game's story, which I will begin upon RPG Maker MV's release. I'm not ready to share the details yet (because I'm a paranoid little bastard), but I think it's one hell of a story, and if done right, I think it could become a game that people could fall in love with. I don't have the finer details worked out, but I have the overall gist of it hammered out.


Towns Guard
In my opinion, I think it is a good idea to share your story ideas. This way people can give you criticism early.

No one will steal your idea. Everyone here has a story they made on their own and think it's awesome.

Don't be afraid of criticism! There are plenty of awesome folks who will help you out!
I've actually just finished writing the premise of my game's story, which I will begin upon RPG Maker MV's release. I'm not ready to share the details yet (because I'm a paranoid little bastard), but I think it's one hell of a story, and if done right, I think it could become a game that people could fall in love with. I don't have the finer details worked out, but I have the overall gist of it hammered out.
I myself won't be sharing the entirety of my story on the site, however I do plan to pose questions to the greater population here that relate to things that I'm struggling with. It's a nice in-between, because you're hinting at something you're thinking about, but since you haven't decided you can do whatever you want, following others' advice or going your way. :3

Commander Ju

Towns Guard
my story has been ready for a long time, for it is the backstory of my d&d campaign that lasted for many years.
plus the first time I tried to tackle the project, was during the 2k3 era, so I had a long time to refine it :P
And I started a notebook about the design of the game a few weeks ago, saving me some meta brainstorming.
I kinda have one but still trying to get used to the changes MV made to the editor so Im a little distracted from my idea and am just experimenting

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
Modus Operandi:

Just My Luck: [Comedy]
"Jimmy" is not your average Joe. He has this terrible reputation for having bad luck. Extremely bad luck that is. Simply walking outside, everything seems to be out to get him. Frustrated and upset by his life of miserable luck, Jimmy gets word that there is a nice pair of lucky socks that will grant him the best luck that anyone has ever had. His only problem is getting to it while everything attempts to kill him. What's worse is that he meets this really cute girl who, blindly makes his luck even worse by trying to help him and only make things worse. Love hurts. Life isn't easy. You think you're life is bad? Play this game and be happy you aren't actually this guy.

Perception: [Action]
"Red" is a man of mysterious nature, wandering around constantly on an endless chase from his beloved royal family that deems him a heretic and unworthy after saving a girl that he had only seen in his dreams at first, as she was a sacrifice to a cause unknown. Outcasted and hunted, Red comes across another girl who was found washed up on the shores of a broken down town. Saving her life from a group of mercenaries and treating her until she fully recovers, the girl "Purple" is also on the run but for reasons she won't tell. Together Red and Purple seek out a life of survival and mystery as they find out more about each other and the horrible fate that awaits both of them.

Perception and Just My Luck will be worked on back-to-back for me to get used to RMMV's ways and when I think I am fully done understanding the system AND specific scripts / plugins come out, I will make the finishing master piece of Modus Operandi. ^u^


I do! Actually I started it as a 2003's project because I wasn't sure about using VX Ace (I don't really like it even though it has a lot of resources). I've decided to "port" the story to MV. It will take more time but the effort will be worth for.

Before that, I will start doing a small project to warm up with the MV Engine, will have to write something first.


Towns Guard
I have one project that I am focusing on right now, and one in the lineup that will be much larger in scope. So I'm putting it off XD

Project 1 - Medieval Horror/Mystery
This started as a simple story to make it easier for me to actually finish it as a game, but man... it's gotten pretty damn complex. Here's a watered-down overview of it:

You are a girl from a small village who has been captured by a band of mercenaries and brought to an ancient castle. Before finding out what their purpose is, a dark entity within the castle begins hunting everyone down one by one. You are trying to escape, but the mysteries of the castle are attempting to keep you here for a larger purpose. You might be much more of an important player in a looming conflict than you initially knew... but it's not something you've asked for.

Project 2 - RPG/Adventure/Possibly open-world
This one's been in the works on/off for a couple years...

Sylus was once one of several guardians - skilled warriors in service to a living avatar of their goddess. After an assassin killed their deity, they were scattered across the land, hunted by a branch of the empire seeking to eliminate all remnants of the old gods and their guardians.

After years in hiding, wandering incognito, Sylus gets a tip that someone in a far-off seaside city might be able to help him resurrect his goddess, and begin to turn the wheel of revolution. Unfortunately, this city, completely outside the empire's jurisdiction and ruled by a crime syndicate (think Thieves Guild), is experiencing a huge influx of refugees from the empire, and is starting to experience problems of its own.

Gathering a party and setting out on the journey is a risky endeavor, as political instability increases, and the empire's eyes are everywhere...

I'll stop there for now.


Seems i have a problem you guys don't have. I have limited capabilities in english, both written and spoken. I also have limited vocabulary, while you guys can write the story beautifully like poem.

Is there any chance i can improve mine? (by reading many tales, myths, stories, etc)


Towns Guard
You could take classes and such for English. Honestly, that's the best way for most people who are not natively speaking English. If that's not for you... you could do your best to convey your thoughts in English, then find someone to work with as an editor to your story and script.
I do! Actually I started it as a 2003's project because I wasn't sure about using VX Ace (I don't really like it even though it has a lot of resources). I've decided to "port" the story to MV. It will take more time but the effort will be worth for.

Before that, I will start doing a small project to warm up with the MV Engine, will have to write something first.
Sounds like a good idea to me - I wish I had that patience. Instead, I'm jumping into a full-on, 20hr+ RPG story. Project's planned out and everything, and my hopes are that I'll figure it all out on the way. :S We'll see how that goes!
Seems i have a problem you guys don't have. I have limited capabilities in english, both written and spoken. I also have limited vocabulary, while you guys can write the story beautifully like poem.

Is there any chance i can improve mine? (by reading many tales, myths, stories, etc)
I would back up what's been said: classes are key, that's how I learned Spanish living in Central America for nine years. Also helpful is reading; surprisingly, the better you can read, the more vocabulary you have to work with when writing, speaking, etc. Also, if you're looking for an editor, I'm sure there are plenty on this site willing to help!
My problem is, I story write inside my mind X3 and I have a horrible time getting it onto paper or even typed up ughh.
Ditto. Too bad they've not invented some kind of technology to download all these story ideas in movie format and then you just work from there. (I think they're getting close to that though!).

I actually have something only partly written for an MV game. It happened quite by accident as I was playing around with MV with the intention of testing it out in HTML5 and Android formats! Didn't plan on it, but the wife saw it and thought it would make an awesome interactive-fiction, story-driven game and even she now wants to work on the story/game with me! So, Ye Adventures of Tryggr the Troll is now officially being written, novel first then MV game!

CM Games

Towns Guard
It is not really a big deal to me to share my game ideas to the public 'cuz I have a confident that I can still make my games unique and different in some ways. Besides there's no such thing as original or real idea. Currently I have all in all 14 game concepts. CM
It is not really a big deal to me to share my game ideas to the public 'cuz I have a confident that I can still make my games unique and different in some ways. Besides there's no such thing as original or real idea. Currently I have all in all 14 game concepts. CM
What do you mean when you say 14 game "concepts"? You have 14 story ideas stewing, or you have 14 different game styles planned?


Dragon Goddess
pssh nah I usually do this stuff on the fly. I change my ideas or make new ones so often that I rarely get very far into "development"

I do have a ton of stories and characters fleshed out, however, I just always have a constant desire to make an entirely new idea for each game I start. ideas change frequently with my mood or what's going on in my life, so...yeah. lol

but I admit, MV has gotten me pretty excited. I'm thinking about a new story idea now, hopefully I'll come up with a rough idea this week! AND stick to it this time...!