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[HELP] Stuck In Place After Transfer Player via Common Event

Hello, everybody-

I posed this question in the RPG Maker Forums but nobody was able to provide a solution, so I thought I might ask around here.

I am trying to streamline the way my character moves from one map to another by using variables and a common event.

I have a common event called xferAUTO:

◆Control Variables:#0034 xferTemp = Direction of Player
◆If:xferDIR = xferTemp
◆Play SE:Steps (90, 100, 0)
◆Script:var xferXY = $gameVariables.value(35).split(",",2);
:Script:$gameVariables.setValue(33, xferXY[0]);
:Script:$gameVariables.setValue(32, xferXY[1]);
◆Transfer Player:{xferMAP_ID} ({xferTempX},{xferTempY})

xferAUTO is called when the player touches a particular Map Event:

◆Control Variables:#0037 xferDIR = 4
◆Control Variables:#0036 xferMAP_ID = 2
◆Control Variables:#0035 xferXY = "51,16"
◆Common Event:xferAUTO

However, whenever I run a play test, my Character is transferred to the destination map and is stuck in place:

This doesn't happen if I don't use variables and the xferAUTO Common Event:

◆If:Player is facing Left
  ◆Transfer Player:HALLWAY (51,16) (Direction: Left)
  ◆Set Movement Route:Player (Skip, Wait)
  :Set Movement Route:◇Move Left
  :Set Movement Route:◇Move Left

Would anybody happen to know what I am doing wrong and why this is happening?

  • I am not using a Parallax Map.
  • The tile that the character is transferred to is passable.
  • I do not have any Autoruns on both the destination and source map that is causing any conflict.

Why would it work without variables and a Common Event, but fail otherwise?

I would be very grateful for any insight any of you could offer me. Thanks!


Praised Adventurer
Resource Team
i'm not sure if this will help, but i often create a second event page with nothing on it that gets triggered at the end of the event sequence. see if that has any effect.

btw, the art looks great in your game!
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i'm not sure if this will help, but i often create a second event page with nothing on it that gets triggered at the end of the event sequence. see if that has any effect.

btw, the art looks great in your game!
Starbird- I wasn't able to try your suggestion because Engr. Adiktuzmiko (over at the RPG Maker Forums) was able to help me solve my problem.

This is what my final event and Common event looks like:

◆Control Variables:#0037 xferDIR = 4
◆Control Variables:#0036 xferMAP_ID = 2
◆Control Variables:#0033 xferX = 52
◆Control Variables:#0032 xferY = 16
◆Control Variables:#0031 xferDoorType = 1
◆Common Event:xferAUTO

◆Control Variables:#0030 xferTEMP = Direction of Player
◆If:xferDIR = xferTEMP
  ◆If:xferSMALLROOM is ON
    ◆Control Variables:#0034 xferSTEPS = 1
    ◆Control Variables:#0034 xferSTEPS = 2
  :      :case 1: var xferSND = {name: "Steps", volume: 90, pitch: 100, pan: 0}; AudioManager.playSe(xferSND); break;
  :      :}
  ◆Transfer Player:{xferMAP_ID} ({xferX},{xferY})
  ◆Script:switch($gameVariables.value(37)) {
  :      :case 2: $gameTemp.setDestination($gameVariables.value(33),($gameVariables.value(32)+$gameVariables.value(34))); break;
  :      :case 4: $gameTemp.setDestination(($gameVariables.value(33)-$gameVariables.value(34)), $gameVariables.value(32)); break;
  :      :case 8: $gameTemp.setDestination($gameVariables.value(33),($gameVariables.value(32)-$gameVariables.value(34))); break;
  :      :case 6: $gameTemp.setDestination(($gameVariables.value(33)+$gameVariables.value(34)), $gameVariables.value(32)); break;
  :      :}
  ◆Control Switches:#0037 xferSMALLROOM = OFF
  ◆Control Variables:#0031 xferDoorType = 0

Thank you for the input though and I appreciate the compliment about the art- I am drawing from the visual language of the 16 bit Super Nintendo games I used to play as a young 'un to try and create a world that exists in the same realm as Earthbound, A Link To The Past, and Super Mario World but far away from the default tilesets and characters of RPG Maker MV. Haha