Hi! Finally I came here to introduce myself. I do not talk much here, but I'm always learning from the topics. I've read many things around here that have helped me a lot.
In a short way:
My name is Eliaquim Nascimento, I'm 28 years old and I'm from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. I left the Human Resources / Administrative career to follow the games. The RM MV has been my gateway, and of course, the help with resources and plugins of all of you !!! I'm very grateful!
Now, I introduce myself in an a more detailed way ... rsrsrs.
I discovered the RMMV recently, about 5 months ago, after a long journey.
I say this because while i was studying human resources in college, I thought I had found what I liked to do: Dealing with people in the administrative environment.
But after I finished, I realized I was wrong. So I spent a depressed period, looking for and working in any administrative job. I hated the kinds of work I found in this area.
From Human Resources, I went to study Gamefication, then to work in public companies, and at the end of it I found the RM MV.
I realized that it would be difficult, but not impossible, to make a game. And I started to remember when I was a kid, how many things I created for rpgs with paper and pen, for game boards to and a remake of mega drive games for emulator. I remember how much time I spent on it and still felt very happy. So I decided to take RM MV seriously. And here I am.
Thank you very much for the receptivity of all of you, both in this forum and in the Brazilian forum, I was very well received and helped.
I have a lot of admiration for you, especially the creators of features and free plugins. Really.
I hope I can learn a lot from you guys!
Thank you!
In a short way:
My name is Eliaquim Nascimento, I'm 28 years old and I'm from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. I left the Human Resources / Administrative career to follow the games. The RM MV has been my gateway, and of course, the help with resources and plugins of all of you !!! I'm very grateful!
Now, I introduce myself in an a more detailed way ... rsrsrs.
I discovered the RMMV recently, about 5 months ago, after a long journey.
I say this because while i was studying human resources in college, I thought I had found what I liked to do: Dealing with people in the administrative environment.
But after I finished, I realized I was wrong. So I spent a depressed period, looking for and working in any administrative job. I hated the kinds of work I found in this area.
From Human Resources, I went to study Gamefication, then to work in public companies, and at the end of it I found the RM MV.
I realized that it would be difficult, but not impossible, to make a game. And I started to remember when I was a kid, how many things I created for rpgs with paper and pen, for game boards to and a remake of mega drive games for emulator. I remember how much time I spent on it and still felt very happy. So I decided to take RM MV seriously. And here I am.
Thank you very much for the receptivity of all of you, both in this forum and in the Brazilian forum, I was very well received and helped.
I have a lot of admiration for you, especially the creators of features and free plugins. Really.
I hope I can learn a lot from you guys!
Thank you!