That would be nice. I'd really like to see them do something amazing, tho. I think if they took the ideas from FES that work, take the stuff from MV that works, and add in some of the extra functions that plugins provide, they could have the ultimate RPG Maker on their hands. The problems with MV all come down to being too difficult to use. You have to go find graphics, or make them. You have to use GIMP or Photoshop to make a decent map. There aren't any premade buildings or interiors and the graphics included are ugly. The Move Route isn't easy to use. And there's a ton of things that should have been included but are only usable with a plugin. It doesn't even have pixel movement out of the box!
The other question is going to be keyboard support and mouse support. I'd have thought if NISA really wanted to do a deluxe collector's edition, it ought to include a keyboard and mouse. I'm not even sure if the game HAS support. I've been using RPG Maker on console since the PS1. I'm willing to overlook a lot of flaws. But at this point, the developers should have a pretty good idea of what their doing and how to improve it. If it turns out to be another mess, that's gonna be really disappointing. Look at FES. Poor programming is the only thing that really keeps that from greatness. It randomly crashes, has some really bad bugs, is rife with engrish that makes no sense and makes it difficult to figure out what things do, and there's no "parallel events" or "if/or" statements so a lot of things are impossible to do. Can't even make items that do more than one thing. (For instance, an accessory that increases defense and prevents poison.)