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Member Introductions and Goodbyes


Hello people! You can call me, Vox!
I have a pretty big thing to tell you, hope you will read it till the last.
I registered yesterday, so yeah i'm pretty new here. I came here with a reason, basically i'm a writer, not a game maker etc. But i tried to work with some RPG Maker software, just i can't understand and use it in the best way. So i'm here to find someone or some people to join my project and help me in making a game. This game i wanted will be based on the story i'm working on. So in easy way, i'm just a writer with a bunch of idea. And i need someone or some people (I don't need them that already tried this software for long or anyone that is already a professional one). Just anyone who think knew the basic (or will want to learn till they can, and not going to stop in the middle of the project) and want to try to make the game, then you can join it. This game will be based on my story, and for the rest it's all your parts. Let's say, i'm not telling you to make a game for me. I'm telling you to make a game, based on my story. So i meant, once this project's done. I only own the story, you own the game. But we don't take it in different pack, we came out as one packet. It's not mine 100%, not yours 100%, but for sure it's ours 100%. I don't need any special requirement. No matter how old are you, who are you, and any kind of question that would make you think you are not really a someone who can work on a project. Anyone can join, if you need a team, we will get some others. If you work in personal way, all fine along you think you will be able to do it alone. This project is a big project for me, i'm not a game maker, i'm a writer. Beside this project i'm also working on other projects with other people on it background. Cause this project isn't only a game project, but also a novel, comic, animation, music etc. And now i'm trying to move the story's content into a game. Many benefits i hope we would get by it. Cause on here you who would work more, sure it's going to be you. So i will promise you, that you will get more than me. Again, am not telling you to make a game for me (where on here, i'm the guy and you work for me). But, i'm telling you to make a game, based on my story (you are the guy, i'm helping you on it, we do it together). So for you guys, who feel like keep making a game but never done it till the end, keep making a game but never get satisfied by the result, want to make a game but has no any idea, want to get or be on a big project but don't know how to, has some or less time but for sure there's time you don't how to spend it on, and know at least the basic of this RPG Maker or will always want to learn to be better on it, and anything. No matter what is that, along you will agree to work with me and will do it till the end. Join me. I can't tell you more about the game or how it would be, cause it will touch my story or other project's privacy. Now it's all just about "will you want it?". If you think you do, want it. We will talk about it and i will explain bout the game there. I really put a big hope on this game. I don't need 10 professionals on my project, just give me one that would put their soul in it. And we will make the dream comes true. Never ever think it's too far or too much to be real, most of people's dreams were also "too much not real" before it came true, and not the dream that made it true, but the person. All we can do is trying, all this things i wrote are also a dream now. Will we make it or no, it's future. No one will know about it, all we got is possibility. And we work our best on it. If you think you are interested, please reply. Or if you think you know someone that would want it, please ask them to reply or reply me where to meet them.
Thank you so much for your attention.


Resident Dragon
Welcome to insanity @civoxlevoxie. This is an awesome community, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I promise we don't bite...unless you press the action button. ;)

I will say that is a huge block of text right there. I would recommend posting your request in the Project Recruitment forum rather than here, as most people don't see these sorts of posts here. I'd also suggest spacing out your requirements because large blocks of text like that people either find intimidating or irritating and they don't end up reading the whole thing.


Hi, Vox!
You can call my Ray. Im interested in your project but I am basic in RPG MV (I still want to learn more).
I would do my best an put the most in it(cheeky).The Thing is I study in germany and am German (just so you know the time diference).
If you are still searching someone I would be there IF.......
Youre story is nice and gets along with my taste(puppy eyes)
To make sure youre story wont be stollen by me.... Please send me the number of Letters you have in your story.

Bye bye(bowandarrow)


Hi, Vox!
You can call my Ray. Im interested in your project but I am basic in RPG MV (I still want to learn more).
I would do my best an put the most in it(cheeky).The Thing is I study in germany and am German (just so you know the time diference).
If you are still searching someone I would be there IF.......
Youre story is nice and gets along with my taste(puppy eyes)
To make sure youre story wont be stollen by me.... Please send me the number of Letters you have in your story.

Bye bye(bowandarrow)
Thanks for the reply, Ray!

I love Germany! Well, i'm Asian, so you know our time difference now right. But for me about time difference, it's nothing. I don't really have sleep pattern, i'm online most of the time. So i can say it's not gonna disturb anyone's time here. Cause i would also try to be fit with your time, so no matter where you are as i said, it's ok.

Tbh, i'm not really afraid if someone stole my idea/story. If they will have it, i will just change it into the better one, that's not really hard for me. But i said it's privacy, just so if we would talk about it, we can talk about it privately. Cause if i post it here, i'm afraid if people don't really catch the meaning of it. And as i said, along you agree, we talk about it. And as you said there, you would agree, if you are interested on the story.

Fair enough. But as i wanted to talk about it privately, also we would talk much after this if just you agreed. So is it a problem if i ask your social media that you use most of the time? As u can see i replied you few days after you replied and i don't really like this. I would want to be able to reply you as soon as possible.The problem that i'm new here, and i'm here just to get someone for the project. So it would work better if we talk on other social media, you can think about it or tell me if you won't like this idea. If you are afraid to share your id, i can share mine and you add me there. The point is you can touch the story as you are trying to join the project now, just i would want it better if we can talk about it privately.

Thank you so much.