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ragneBro for Moderator

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Like a Boss
Brothers and Sisters! I have a dream! That this forum will grow to become the largest RM community on the internet! Not only the largest, but the best! Not only the largest and the best, but the friendliest.

We choose to be the largest, best and friendliest. We choose to be the largest, best and friendliest in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.

So if you choose me for moderator, I will do everything in my power to make our dream a reality!

And so, my fellow rpg makers: ask not what your forum can do for you - ask what you can do for your forum.

I have a dream today.

ragneBro for Moderator
NPC's for everyone! ^^


Towns Guard
I was wondering when you'd get around to throwing this at us, mate. I've been enjoying throwing difficult questions at our moderator prospects, so don't think you've escaped me!

Q: A member comes to you and tells you that another member has stolen their art and used it in their own game without permission. You speak to the transgressor, and you can tell they don't understand English very well. They tell you that they didn't realize they've done anything wrong, and agrees to remove the offending materials from their game immediately. However, the reporter is still feeling burned, and demands the transgressor be banned immediately. How do you handle this situation?


Iron fist or reasonable & rational?

Would people call you "mean?"

how do you plan to stop the trolls from trolling innocent posters?

in 1989 there was controversy about you, snow white and 7 dwarves, what do you have to say about that?

is your name pronounced like "ragnarok?"

what do you think you have that trumps the other candidates?


Like a Boss
Q: A member comes to you and tells you that another member has stolen their art and used it in their own game without permission. You speak to the transgressor, and you can tell they don't understand English very well. They tell you that they didn't realize they've done anything wrong, and agrees to remove the offending materials from their game immediately. However, the reporter is still feeling burned, and demands the transgressor be banned immediately. How do you handle this situation?
I call all the parties involved to a three party conference. I explain the misunderstanding and try to get to a joint solution.

Iron fist or reasonable & rational?

Would people call you "mean?"

how do you plan to stop the trolls from trolling innocent posters?

in 1989 there was controversy about you, snow white and 7 dwarves, what do you have to say about that?

is your name pronounced like "ragnarok?"

what do you think you have that trumps the other candidates?
#1. I'm very reasonable, rational & friendly. But do not misconstrue my kindness as a weakness.
#2. I can't imagine why?
#3. First a warning, then I'll ban their asses.
#4. She told me she was over 18!
5#. Yes, I'm a Nord!
6#. What do you think I lack?
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Staff member
Resource Team
@sage asked some good questions I will repeat over here :D

If a staff member did something you disagreed with, how would you react to that situation?

What would your reaction be if another staff member took credit for something you did without your permission? How would you handle the situation? *A.K.A. What I'm doing to Sages questions right now*

My question:
*This has happened to me* You somehow find yourself in what everyone else feels like a argument, or heated disagreement with another member. You didn't mean to do this of course. How would you react to the situation?

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
Let me remind you that moderating isn't hard until being put to the test. It's different to answer a series of questions than to actually handle a real situation. With that said, to win my vote you must be able to answer the following questions. They are broad enough and appear to be easy but remember, the answer can be said in such a manner that can be considered incorrect if it's not what is being looked for. Granted if I ask the same question as some already may have, I more or less skimmed over everyone questions.

Q: Why do you want to be a moderator?

Q: What is leadership?

Q: What is the difference between leadership and management?

Q: What is responsibility?

Q: What is the difference between responsibility and accountability?

Bonus Q: What is my favorite font and my rival font? c:

Don't knock yourself over with these brutal questions, every other contestant will be asked the same questions.


Like a Boss
If a staff member did something you disagreed with, how would you react to that situation?
I would talk to the staff member and sort it out. I believe you can solve most problems with communication.

What would your reaction be if another staff member took credit for something you did without your permission? How would you handle the situation? *A.K.A. What I'm doing to Sages questions right now*
I'll let @sage reply to this, and then I take his answer. Yeah. That's what I'm going with. ^^

You somehow find yourself in what everyone else feels like a argument, or heated disagreement with another member. You didn't mean to do this of course. How would you react to the situation?
Free hugs to everyone?


I'll answer all your questions but I start with your bonus.
Bonus Q: What is my favorite font and my rival font? c:
Your favorite font is Calibri.
Rival font is Verdana.

Bizarre Monkey

in 1989 there was controversy about you, snow white and 7 dwarves, what do you have to say about that?
Ahahahaha! I like this guy.

I was wondering when you'd get around to throwing this at us, mate. I've been enjoying throwing difficult questions at our moderator prospects, so don't think you've escaped me!
And this one, too. My goodness, so sassy!

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
She told me she was over 18!
HAHAHAHA this one mad my laugh XD

Also, as I notice, you seem to enjoy coffee. If you win the election and become the Mod. Shall we get an additionnal forum theme with Chimg selling coffee seeds? :D
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Staff member
Rank the following things in order of importance: activity, content, relevancy, order

Team Xyphien or Team sage?

@sage asked some good questions I will repeat over here :D

If a staff member did something you disagreed with, how would you react to that situation?

What would your reaction be if another staff member took credit for something you did without your permission? How would you handle the situation? *A.K.A. What I'm doing to Sages questions right now*
BOOO :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:
I would talk to the staff member and sort it out. I believe you can solve most problems with communication.
What if they don't listen?


Like a Boss
Also, as I notice, you seem to enjoy coffee. If you win the election and become the Mod. Shall we get an additionnal forum theme with Chimg selling coffee seeds? :D
Not a coffee theme. My theme would be soo epic, that I can't describe it in words...

Q: Why do you want to be a moderator?
I believe I have the qualities required to become a good moderator. Personality plays a big part i whether or not a person is a good forum moderator. A good forum moderator needs to be calm and needs to be able to stand an argument without becoming heated. They need to have a good amount of common sense and they need to be able to handle having harsh words tossed at them. They cannot go easy on any one member and they must treat all members fairly. They need to understand their position and not take advantage of it or abuse their powers. Another good quality would be consideration. Good mods need to be considerate.

@Status Gear Entertainment Hard questions so I took help from Siri, like every iphone owner would do.
Q: What is leadership?
"Leadership is both a research area and a practical skill, regarding the ability of an individual or organization to "lead" or guide other individuals, teams or entire organizations."

Q: What is the difference between leadership and management?
"– The manager administers; the leader innovates.
– The manager is a copy; the leader is an original.
– The manager maintains; the leader develops.
– The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people.
– The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust.
– The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range perspective.
– The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why.
– The manager has his or her eye always on the bottom line; the leader’s eye is on the horizon.
– The manager imitates; the leader originates.
– The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it.
– The manager is the classic good soldier; the leader is his or her own person.
– The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing."

Q: What is responsibility?
"A duty or obligation to satisfactorily perform or complete a task (assigned by someone, or created by one's own promise or circumstances) that one must fulfill, and which has a consequent penalty for failure."

Q: What is the difference between responsibility and accountability?
"Accountability: !n ethics and governance, accountability is answerability, blameworthiness, liability, and the expectation of account-giving.
Responsibility: Responsibility may refer to: being in charge, being the owner of a task or event."

Rank the following things in order of importance: activity, content, relevancy, order

Team Xyphien or Team sage?
Relevancy, content, activity, order.
I probably need to go outside the box and say: Team LTN Games!

What if they don't listen?
Then we fight! Heads up - Dust, CS:GO. BOOM!

How would you deal with a member that keeps spamming with requests for resources?
I would send them a "Learn how to draw resources for RMMV link" in a PM. ^^



Like a Boss
What top three experiences or positions have prepared you best for being a moderator?
Top 3, hmm.. I'll start from the bottom:

3. I have completed all Leisure Suit Larry games. Problem solving at its best. (PS. Ken sent me. DS.)
2. I once aced a math test in primary school. BOOM!
1. Being a father of two, a daughter and a son. It certainly tests one's patience... ^^

I think that's enough. ENOUGH I SAID!

Bonus: I use my phone so much that I'm practically a cyborg.
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
A few new members have joined, their native tongue is Mandarin( or a language foreign to you), other members are having problems understanding them when they write in English, some members even decided to report the posts for help with translation or to do something about it. What is the best action to take with a language foreign to you? How will you interact with such members? If they seem to be posting too much messages where others just can't understand them, whats the best action to take?
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