- Xy$
- -0.10
Install python 3.4.3 exactly, using this direct link.
Or go to https://www.python.org/downloads/ and find it there.
Note: When I say to open up CMD, make sure you close any other opened CMDs first and open
a new one, otherwise it likely wont work. (I don't think...)
If done correctly, you should see a python34 in C: drive
(C:\Python34). This is important, remember this path.
Press Win+R and run SystemPropertiesAdvanced, if that doesn't work for you, then
open your start menu and type "This PC" or "My PC", then right click it and click properties.
- Click "Advanced Settings"
- Click "Environment Variables" located under the 3 "Settings" buttons. (you'd be surprised
how easy it is to miss).
- In "System Variables", look for "Path" without quotes,
click it, then click "Edit", and at the end of the string, type ;C:\Python34
(on windows 10 a window might pop up listing a bunch of stuff, just click "New"
and paste C:\Python34) Click ok. I'm not really sure if this is case sensitive or
- TEST TIME! open up command prompt by pressing Win+R and typing cmd.
Type "python --version" without the quotes. You should see it say 3.4.3
Make sure you use -- and not just -.
Download JDK from Oracle with this link:
32 bit: http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u91-b15/jdk-8u91-windows-i586.exe
64 bit: http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u91-b15/jdk-8u91-windows-x64.exe
(If you have a 64 bit machine, then use the 64 bit as its the one we'll be using in
this guide. If you're not sure, try to install the 64 bit version and if an error is
trown at you, try to install the 32 bit one instead. Note that this is to version 8u91-b15)
- If done correctly, and with this exact version, go back to your Environment Variables
Click "New" in the System Variables area, then name the new variable JAVA_HOME (case sensitive)
and give the variables value C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_91
- Now, edit the Path variable again, and add ;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_91 or click
"New" and then C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_91
- TEST TIME! Open up cmd again (Win+R and type cmd) and type "java -version" without quotes.
(Only use - this time! not -- like python) if all went well it should say
"java version "1.8.0_91"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.91-b15, mixed mode)"
Download the latest Apache-Ant. http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi
Hopefully it's around version 1.9.7 or so. (make sure to download the Zip Archive)
- Extract the zip folder to your C drive (C:\).
- BACK TO ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES!... Oh come on, you should have seen this coming... Maybe?
Anyway, in System Variables create yet another new variable called ANT_HOME (Case Sensitive)
and give it the value of C:\apache-ant-1.9.7 (Where 1.9.7 would be w/e version you're using)
Edit "Path" again and put ;C:\apache-ant-1.9.7\bin (IMPORTANT! notice the \bin at the end.
this needs to be here in path only, not ANT_HOME) at the end of the string or click "New"
and paste C:\apache-ant-1.9.7\bin (Again, 1.9.7 being the version you have).
- TEST TIME! Open up cmd again (Win+R and type cmd) and type "ant -version" without quotes.
It should say "Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.7 compiled on April 9 2016" if done correctly
with the exact same version.
Download Android Studio
When installing it, you'll be able to select where the android SDK is installed.
It should default to C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk where *your name* is
w/e name you have on your computer. We can keep it at that.
- Open Android Studio for the first time. Import your previous settings if you have any,
if not then check "I do not have a previous version..."
You should see a first-time setup manager thing, when prompted with 2 choices "Standard"
and "Custom", select "Standard". Select your theme (I like Dracula theme), just click next
then finish. If you get errors at the end, saying something like "Your CPU does not support
required features (VT-x or SVM)", then don't worry about it, we just wont be able to
use the virtual android. (Basically an emulator), we'll have to use a real device.
Once it's done doing its thing, click Finish. Now you should be prompted with a few options,
like "Start a new Android Studio project", but we're not going to click that. Instead,
at the bottom you should see "Configure". Click that and click "SDK Manager". Now you should
see a list, click "Android 5.1" (since thats what the guide says, not really sure if it matters,
but better to be safe than sorry.) Slightly above that list is "SDK Tools". Click that, and make
sure the following is checked.
Android SDK Build Tools
Android SDK Platform Tools
Android SDK Tools
Google USB Driver
Make sure you know what path you installed Android SDK in. It should be
C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk if left default.
Edit path and add the following.
;C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk;C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\tools;C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools
or if on Windows 10 or you have a list, click "New" and add the following
C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk
C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\tools
C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools
Click Ok.
- TEST TIME! open CMD again (Win+R) and type "adb version" without quotes. (No - this time),
(MAKE SURE its adb and not abd). If done correctly, it should tell you its version.
Download the crosswalk zip here:
We're going to be using version
Extract the ZIP to your C:\ drive like we did before with ant.
Go into RPG maker MV and export your project using the Deployment option found in
the File Menu. Select "Android/iOS". For good measure, make sure you DONT exclude the
unused files for this test. Now go to the exported games folder (Usually in
your Documents\Output folder), open the www folder, not open Notepad and type the following
"name": "Sample",
"xwalk_version": "0.0.1",
"start_url": "index.html",
"display": "fullscreen",
"orientation": "landscape",
"icons": [
"src": "icon/icon.png",
"sizes": "48x48",
"type": "image/png",
"density": "4.0"
"src": "icon/icon.png",
"sizes": "72x72",
"type": "image/png",
"density": "4.0"
"src": "icon/icon.png",
"sizes": "96x96",
"type": "image/png",
"density": "4.0"
"src": "icon/icon.png",
"sizes": "144x144",
"type": "image/png",
"density": "4.0"
"src": "icon/icon.png",
"sizes": "192x192",
"type": "image/png",
"density": "4.0"
"src": "icon/icon.png",
"sizes": "512x512",
"type": "image/png",
"density": "4.0"
It's a lot to take in, I know, feel free to modify it if you want...
but we're not going to. Now save as manifest.json, in the same
output folder\www (Again, usually in your documents\Output)
Now, open cmd and navigate to your games output folder, for example:
cd C:\Users\*your name*\Documents\Output\* Project *\www where as earlier, the *your name*
part is what ever your pcs name is, and the * Project * part is what ever your games
name is. Now that you navigated to your games output, type python C:\crosswalk-\make_apk.py --package=com.example.sample --manifest=manifest.json
exactly like that. CONGRATS! once its finished, y ou should have an APK file. Now all you need to do
is hook your android up via USB and access your androids files, place it somewhere, and on your
android device, download a file manager (ES File Manager is great), then open your APK
and intall!
An alternative to using the USB port, you can install Google Drive or Dropbox on your android
and simply use that to get your APK to the device.
You can try to install Bluestacks if you don't own a device.
Install python 3.4.3 exactly, using this direct link.
Or go to https://www.python.org/downloads/ and find it there.
Note: When I say to open up CMD, make sure you close any other opened CMDs first and open
a new one, otherwise it likely wont work. (I don't think...)
If done correctly, you should see a python34 in C: drive
(C:\Python34). This is important, remember this path.
Press Win+R and run SystemPropertiesAdvanced, if that doesn't work for you, then
open your start menu and type "This PC" or "My PC", then right click it and click properties.
- Click "Advanced Settings"
- Click "Environment Variables" located under the 3 "Settings" buttons. (you'd be surprised
how easy it is to miss).
- In "System Variables", look for "Path" without quotes,
click it, then click "Edit", and at the end of the string, type ;C:\Python34
(on windows 10 a window might pop up listing a bunch of stuff, just click "New"
and paste C:\Python34) Click ok. I'm not really sure if this is case sensitive or
- TEST TIME! open up command prompt by pressing Win+R and typing cmd.
Type "python --version" without the quotes. You should see it say 3.4.3
Make sure you use -- and not just -.
Download JDK from Oracle with this link:
32 bit: http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u91-b15/jdk-8u91-windows-i586.exe
64 bit: http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u91-b15/jdk-8u91-windows-x64.exe
(If you have a 64 bit machine, then use the 64 bit as its the one we'll be using in
this guide. If you're not sure, try to install the 64 bit version and if an error is
trown at you, try to install the 32 bit one instead. Note that this is to version 8u91-b15)
- If done correctly, and with this exact version, go back to your Environment Variables
Click "New" in the System Variables area, then name the new variable JAVA_HOME (case sensitive)
and give the variables value C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_91
- Now, edit the Path variable again, and add ;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_91 or click
"New" and then C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_91
- TEST TIME! Open up cmd again (Win+R and type cmd) and type "java -version" without quotes.
(Only use - this time! not -- like python) if all went well it should say
"java version "1.8.0_91"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.91-b15, mixed mode)"
Download the latest Apache-Ant. http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi
Hopefully it's around version 1.9.7 or so. (make sure to download the Zip Archive)
- Extract the zip folder to your C drive (C:\).
- BACK TO ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES!... Oh come on, you should have seen this coming... Maybe?
Anyway, in System Variables create yet another new variable called ANT_HOME (Case Sensitive)
and give it the value of C:\apache-ant-1.9.7 (Where 1.9.7 would be w/e version you're using)
Edit "Path" again and put ;C:\apache-ant-1.9.7\bin (IMPORTANT! notice the \bin at the end.
this needs to be here in path only, not ANT_HOME) at the end of the string or click "New"
and paste C:\apache-ant-1.9.7\bin (Again, 1.9.7 being the version you have).
- TEST TIME! Open up cmd again (Win+R and type cmd) and type "ant -version" without quotes.
It should say "Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.7 compiled on April 9 2016" if done correctly
with the exact same version.
Download Android Studio
When installing it, you'll be able to select where the android SDK is installed.
It should default to C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk where *your name* is
w/e name you have on your computer. We can keep it at that.
- Open Android Studio for the first time. Import your previous settings if you have any,
if not then check "I do not have a previous version..."
You should see a first-time setup manager thing, when prompted with 2 choices "Standard"
and "Custom", select "Standard". Select your theme (I like Dracula theme), just click next
then finish. If you get errors at the end, saying something like "Your CPU does not support
required features (VT-x or SVM)", then don't worry about it, we just wont be able to
use the virtual android. (Basically an emulator), we'll have to use a real device.
Once it's done doing its thing, click Finish. Now you should be prompted with a few options,
like "Start a new Android Studio project", but we're not going to click that. Instead,
at the bottom you should see "Configure". Click that and click "SDK Manager". Now you should
see a list, click "Android 5.1" (since thats what the guide says, not really sure if it matters,
but better to be safe than sorry.) Slightly above that list is "SDK Tools". Click that, and make
sure the following is checked.
Android SDK Build Tools
Android SDK Platform Tools
Android SDK Tools
Google USB Driver
Make sure you know what path you installed Android SDK in. It should be
C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk if left default.
Edit path and add the following.
;C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk;C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\tools;C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools
or if on Windows 10 or you have a list, click "New" and add the following
C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk
C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\tools
C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools
Click Ok.
- TEST TIME! open CMD again (Win+R) and type "adb version" without quotes. (No - this time),
(MAKE SURE its adb and not abd). If done correctly, it should tell you its version.
Download the crosswalk zip here:
We're going to be using version
Extract the ZIP to your C:\ drive like we did before with ant.
Go into RPG maker MV and export your project using the Deployment option found in
the File Menu. Select "Android/iOS". For good measure, make sure you DONT exclude the
unused files for this test. Now go to the exported games folder (Usually in
your Documents\Output folder), open the www folder, not open Notepad and type the following
"name": "Sample",
"xwalk_version": "0.0.1",
"start_url": "index.html",
"display": "fullscreen",
"orientation": "landscape",
"icons": [
"src": "icon/icon.png",
"sizes": "48x48",
"type": "image/png",
"density": "4.0"
"src": "icon/icon.png",
"sizes": "72x72",
"type": "image/png",
"density": "4.0"
"src": "icon/icon.png",
"sizes": "96x96",
"type": "image/png",
"density": "4.0"
"src": "icon/icon.png",
"sizes": "144x144",
"type": "image/png",
"density": "4.0"
"src": "icon/icon.png",
"sizes": "192x192",
"type": "image/png",
"density": "4.0"
"src": "icon/icon.png",
"sizes": "512x512",
"type": "image/png",
"density": "4.0"
It's a lot to take in, I know, feel free to modify it if you want...
but we're not going to. Now save as manifest.json, in the same
output folder\www (Again, usually in your documents\Output)
Now, open cmd and navigate to your games output folder, for example:
cd C:\Users\*your name*\Documents\Output\* Project *\www where as earlier, the *your name*
part is what ever your pcs name is, and the * Project * part is what ever your games
name is. Now that you navigated to your games output, type python C:\crosswalk-\make_apk.py --package=com.example.sample --manifest=manifest.json
exactly like that. CONGRATS! once its finished, y ou should have an APK file. Now all you need to do
is hook your android up via USB and access your androids files, place it somewhere, and on your
android device, download a file manager (ES File Manager is great), then open your APK
and intall!
An alternative to using the USB port, you can install Google Drive or Dropbox on your android
and simply use that to get your APK to the device.
You can try to install Bluestacks if you don't own a device.