Welcome to the forums
@Foreverwhere! Glad to have you here! If you have any questions, or need any help, feel free to ask as we are all here to assist you in your endeavours! :D
Thank you so much for the warm welcome. :) I will be asking for advice, taking part in discussions, and looking people who want to be a part of this paid project. When we have something more concrete, I'll even post a demo.
Are you able to have a page set up for your project, or do you just post it on its own thread?
Hi Foreverwhere, and welcome to the community. I understand a family working together game company. We formed JABHA Creativity, and each letter in JABHA is the first name initial of each family member in chronological birth order. I am the made designer. My wife is an editor. My eldest daughter is in media. Our next daughter works in promotions, and our son is a game dev too. Looking forward to seeing you around.
Wow! Sounds like you really have a sweet set up with your entire family working on stuff. We formed "Studio Blue". Did you form an LLC yet? I hear that is the way to go to protect yourself from lawsuits.
We've had to go outside the family (we don't have any children) for resources. We have a composer and an artist, and will be searching for others as well (mainly a programmer).
There is a certain enjoyment with having your own design studio, but it's also a lot of work. That's why we decided to go with RPG Maker instead of something like Unity. It's good to have the engine already created, and with a few plugins, you can really have a customized game tailored to your tastes.
Thanks for the welcome. I hope we continue to communicate!