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EPIC Boost points plugin! - Boost Pro

EPIC Boost points plugin! - Boost Pro 1.04+

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I don't know if it's just me, but the plugin commands aren't working. When I try to use them I get this error:
Last edited:


Staff member
Resource Team
I don't know if it's just me, but the plugin commands aren't working. When I try to use them I get this error:
I forgot to mention you can't load from a games save file, this adds data to the characters, meaning that data isn't there in your games save file. start a new game :)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I don't have time to test it but try this instead of what you have.
    var cmds = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
    Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function (command, args) {
        if (command === 'upp_BpAdd') {
            var id = Number(args[0]);
            var actor = $gameParty.members()[id];

            actor._uppBonusBp += Number(args[1]);

        } else if (command === 'upp_BpAdd') {
            var id = Number(args[0]);
            var actor = $gameParty.members()[id];

            actor._uppBonusBp -= Number(args[1]);
        } else {
  , command, args);


Weird, I'm getting the same error still. The only change is that now it has line 134 of upp_boostPro as having the error.


Staff member
Resource Team
Weird, I'm getting the same error still. The only change is that now it has line 134 of upp_boostPro as having the error.
that makes zero sense because all that does is add the actors bonus bp by the number you put o.O Screenshot your event for me?


Staff member
Resource Team
It's literally just a plugin command.
upp_BpAdd 10 5
Yes, actor 10 does exist.
What other plugins are you using? Maybe I can try to find out why this one isn't working for you, this confuses me to no end and I wanna get to the bottom of it if I can :/ Me not being that great of a programmer tho lol, well, we'll see if I can fix it.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Okay I believe the problem is that most plugin users don't know the party members starts with 0 not 1 so the best solution for the plugin developer is to subtract one from the plugin command argument 'actor', or tell the plugin user to remember that the first actor starts with 0. This would be the solution for you @TheUnproPro This ensures that if the user puts in 1 for the actor argument then it will really be actor 0. I hope this helps.
    var cmds = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
    Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function (command, args) {
        cmds.apply(this, arguments);
        if(command == "upp_BpAdd"){
            var id = Number(args[0] - 1);
            var actor = $gameParty.members()[id];
            actor._uppBonusBp += Number(args[1]);
        if(command == "upp_BpSub"){
            var id = Number(args[0] - 1);
            var actor = $gameParty.members()[id];
            actor._uppBonusBp -= Number(args[1]);



Staff member
Resource Team
TheUnproPro updated EPIC Boost points plugin! - Boost Pro with a new update entry:


This should fix any issues people were having.
Read the rest of this update entry...
Okay I believe the problem is that most plugin users don't know the party members starts with 0 not 1 so the best solution for the plugin developer is to subtract one from the plugin command argument 'actor', or tell the plugin user to remember that the first actor starts with 0. This would be the solution for you @TheUnproPro This ensures that if the user puts in 1 for the actor argument then it will really be actor 0. I hope this helps.
    var cmds = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
    Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function (command, args) {
        cmds.apply(this, arguments);
        if(command == "upp_BpAdd"){
            var id = Number(args[0] - 1);
            var actor = $gameParty.members()[id];
            actor._uppBonusBp += Number(args[1]);
        if(command == "upp_BpSub"){
            var id = Number(args[0] - 1);
            var actor = $gameParty.members()[id];
            actor._uppBonusBp -= Number(args[1]);

Thanks, I'm an idiot, I usually do this (as you can see in other plugins), but I for some reason forgot to do it this time -.-


It's still giving me the same error report. So I'll just answer the question of which plugins I'm using.
Quite a few, to be honest. Though since there's a few listed in the Developer Tools > Console, I'm going to guess (based off my very limited knowledge of how plugins/scripting works) those are the ones upp_boostPro is having a problem with?
"questsystem" is Vlue's quest plugin (, "recipecrafting" is Vlue's crafting system (, "MOG_Weather_EX" is Moghunter's weather effects plugin, "MOG_CharParticles" is Moghunter's particle effects plugin (both of which can be found in Moghunter's Master Demo:, "Alpha_ABS" is Pheonix KageDesu's action battle system (, "XDE_AchievementSys" is xDGameStudios' achievement system (, and the last three are YEP plugins (CoreEngine:, ClassChangeCore:, and X_Subclass:

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
It's still giving me the same error report. So I'll just answer the question of which plugins I'm using.
Quite a few, to be honest. Though since there's a few listed in the Developer Tools > Console, I'm going to guess (based off my very limited knowledge of how plugins/scripting works) those are the ones upp_boostPro is having a problem with?
"questsystem" is Vlue's quest plugin (, "recipecrafting" is Vlue's crafting system (, "MOG_Weather_EX" is Moghunter's weather effects plugin, "MOG_CharParticles" is Moghunter's particle effects plugin (both of which can be found in Moghunter's Master Demo:, "Alpha_ABS" is Pheonix KageDesu's action battle system (, "XDE_AchievementSys" is xDGameStudios' achievement system (, and the last three are YEP plugins (CoreEngine:, ClassChangeCore:, and X_Subclass:
If youre getting the exact same error then the actor does not exist. Remember this plugin does not read the actors in the database only the actors you have in your party at the time the plugin command is called.