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partymembers gathering around your main char?

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could someone explaine me, how i can gather my Partymembers around me in a event? Like partymemberss are stepping out of you and group around you, or just 1 Partymember.. tired already some, but somehow it doesnt really work:(


Hmmmm, noo idea. Ill be happy to learn something new too. Hope someone will show us the way.
I sense some plugin needed for this...


Staff member
What are the total number of party members, not including main character? Is this for cosmetic purposes, or does this grouping last a while?


partymembers are 4 (beginning 1 the rest 3 perosns coming step by step as the story goes on, but only 4 Main chars no extra chars in the party) .. cosmetic purpose... for events like meeting a boss people step out of main char then dialog and then back in .

example : hero meets the event, partymember steps out , dialgo starts after dialog event, back in party ( in game 1 person seen only, no followers)

Edit: lke on this picture i captured from echo607 tutorialvideo ( all rights belong to her now stealing or anything just as example)


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Is there any possibility when party arrive for example to specific location or touch event to move with animation every one particular members of party to specific coordinates? Thats a question. Is not it ?
English is so funny for me to understand hahaha :)
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roger, thats the question*gg* sorry.. bad english:).. good german so be pacient :).. writing is not my best side of english, understand more than i can write :)


I also hope for a reply. I know some people call that with a common event, but I have no idea how to set it up. The only way I can think of it is to have an event at X y location your character steps on and then have image of party members start at (your main character's xy) (having one wait 5, 10, 15) and move route around your main's xy.. not sure how to do that exactly but if you always make the event in an area that is large enough, I think it could be done with a common event so that the routes from the main character's xy won't impede their movement. If there is a better way, I hope someone posts. I have not tried it my way but have thought about it a lot. I know there is a way to call out their character id numbers, and I know there is an event called gather followers. Not sure how to put it all together though.
While this question seems daunting (or even impossible) at first, the tools to achieve the effect of your party members emerging from your main actor is already built into RPG Maker MV. It requires the creation of multiple events, one for the story event/dialogue itself, and one each for the other three actors in your party. Let's start with your other actors events:

Each actor event requires two event pages, and will share a switch for the purposes of creating this effect:

Rename all of your actor events to something specific, like their name and purpose, and name a switch to specify its use for this party effect.

Page 1:
- Check "Through"
- Set Priority to "Below Player"

Page 2 is identical to Page 1 except:
- Set events Sprite to the actor named in the Event Name
- Set Switch condition to your new switch

Now, set these actor events someplace out of the way, so they wont get cluttered up with the other events in the map. On to the actual story event.

For the sake of simplicity, I would write out the story event without the use of the party coming out first, just to get the narrative aspect of the event out of the way. After that point you can insert the other actors as needed.

For the sake of demonstration how you would go about it, I created an empty map, using the default new map settings, and did the eventing. I created four characters, the extra three characters being named Ciel, Markus, and Sandra. I created my actor events as above and just used switch 1 as it is, since this was an empty project otherwise. I then made the "story" event just have the player wait two seconds, then the other actors come out, face the camera for a second, then go back inside the player. This is what the event looks like in the event window:

Wait : 120 frames
Set Event Location : Cielevent, (8,6) (Direction: Down)
Set Event Location : Markusevent, (8,6) (Direction: Down)
Set Event Location : Sandraevent, (8,6) (Direction: Down)
Control Switches : #0001 = ON
Set Movement Route : Cielevent
                   : Move Left
                   : Turn Down
Set Movement Route : Markusevent
                   : Move Right
                   : Turn Down
Set Movement Route : Sandraevent (Wait)
                   : Move Up
                   : Turn Down
Wait : 60 frames
Set Movement Route : Cielevent
                   : Move Right
Set Movement Route : Markusevent
                   : Move Left
Set Movement Route : Sandraevent (Wait)
                   : Move Down
Control Switches : #0001 = OFF
And there you have it. The party members come out of the player then go right back into the player. play around with eventing some more and see what other cool stuff you can do this way.

Forgot to mention that only the last item in each Set Movement Route routine requires the wait option checked, in the case of my example, the Sandraevent. Edited the code example to reflect this
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Hi, I've searched for a long time before finding this solution. Thank you so much.

I think I have gotten the gist of it, and managed to replicate it. However, my problem is, as you move around the map, your party member follows you, right? So they can be seen.

From what I understand, and have done, is:
1) Create new sprite as the character (not Player) that I want Movement Route
2) Move it when criteria fits

However, this problem will show TWO of the same character sprite, because it's not actually moving the original sprite, but the newly created one for the purpose of the Movement Route.

Is there a way I can Movement Route, like for Player, except for one party member?



I think you need hide other party members (there should be an option) or remove them for a while.
After desired event finish put them back...


I think Echo actually went through the entire process of how she did that effect in either the first or second part of her let's make a game series as well as a few other times in the series. Maybe you can figure out how to accomplish that effect you are trying to go for by watching through those parts.


I think Echo actually went through the entire process of how she did that effect in either the first or second part of her let's make a game series as well as a few other times in the series. Maybe you can figure out how to accomplish that effect you are trying to go for by watching through those parts.
Really? I've actually watched a lot of her videos. I did a search on her channel and a few other Makers as well, but I couldn't find any. I could've been searching with the wrong key words.

Do you remember which video it is? That'd help out a lot, I've been trying to get this figured out the entire day XD


Okay, so after I cast Detective Skill on myself, I managed to find it. For anyone who's interested, you can watch it here.

Do note that she uses Events, places a sprite there, and makes it move. It works if you're doing a straight cut scene.

What I'm trying to achieve is, say, Player opens chest (on Trigger), and one of the Following party member moves to a certain location. So I can't have them as NPC or an Event with the same sprite as the said party member (as this will cause the map to have TWO of the same member).

But I hope the video helps someone else out.
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What I'm trying to achieve is, say, Player opens chest (on Trigger), and one of the Following party member moves to a certain location. So I can't have them as NPC or an Event with the same sprite as the said party member (as this will cause the map to have TWO of the same member).
I believe Tsukihime has an event follower script that could help you with that. It lets events follow the players, other events, and a couple of other things I think.


I believe Tsukihime has an event follower script that could help you with that. It lets events follow the players, other events, and a couple of other things I think.
Thanks for the info. I found a script, too, over @

Thing is, I just started using this program and... I have no idea how to use scripts. Am I right to say that I can paste the scripts into the Events -> Advanced -> Scripts? I've tried searching everywhere and I can't find the answer to that.

IF that is correct, then I have another problem. The window box is too small, and anything that doesn't fit into it doesn't get registered. I'd hate to think this is working as intended.


Thanks for the info. I found a script, too, over @

Thing is, I just started using this program and... I have no idea how to use scripts. Am I right to say that I can paste the scripts into the Events -> Advanced -> Scripts? I've tried searching everywhere and I can't find the answer to that.

IF that is correct, then I have another problem. The window box is too small, and anything that doesn't fit into it doesn't get registered. I'd hate to think this is working as intended.
That appears to be for one of the earlier programs, as MV uses plugins instead of scripts. I would suggest looking at Tsukihime's plugin first. If that doesn't work and you're still not be able to accomplish this in MV through other attempts, then maybe you could consider making your project in one of the earlier engines.


That appears to be for one of the earlier programs, as MV uses plugins instead of scripts. I would suggest looking at Tsukihime's plugin first. If that doesn't work and you're still not be able to accomplish this in MV through other attempts, then maybe you could consider making your project in one of the earlier engines.
Oh. Okaaaay... heh guess I wasted some time tinkering with scripts.

But wait a minute. I found this video by SumRndmDde(

What are scripts used for in MV then?


Praised Adventurer
@DolorIpsum ...

No, no, no..! MV does, indeed, use Plug-ins, but also uses Scripts..! It's true the the Script window is a bit small, though, but there are often ways of working around that.
Plug-ins are fine, but require another level of understanding of MV for creating them (or even, in many cases, for using them..!).

@Walker's ...

The Script window is limited to 20 lines, but is not limited in width (well, it is, but the lines can be very long..!). The trick, then, is to have many instructions on each line..! It's a little bit fiddly, but, if using a text editor such as NotePad or, better still, Notepad++, it's easy to remove the Line Feed from the end of each instruction so as to have the Script take up less than 20 lines. Each instruction is ended with a semi-colon (';'...), so the next instruction can follow along on the same line. Any Comments or blank lines can be left out, too. It's a Good Idea, of course, to keep a complete copy of the original to refer to. As an example, I have a fully-commented 51-line script which condenses down to 6 lines for entry into the Event Script window..! (See Spoiler...)
Hope this helps.

The original Script (enables an Event NPC to 'steal' an Item from the Party...)
Enemy Steals Item...

// Determine the success rate of stealing...
var successRate = 0.5;
// Generate a random n° and see if the steal succeeds...
if (Math.random() < successRate)
// Create an empty array for what are valid Items...
var items = [];
// Get the length of the all Items in the player's Party (n° of Items held...)...
var total = $gameParty.items().length;
// A for-loop is used to check each of those Items...
for (var i = 0; i < total; ++i)
// Define each Item for checking validity...
var item = $gameParty.items();
// Check to see if the item is NOT a Key Item...
if (item.itypeId !== 2)
// If it is not a Key Item, add it to the array of candidates for theft...
// (End of loop...)
// Check that there are, indeed, Items to have stolen..!
if (items.length !==0)
// Get a random number based on the size of the Item candidate array...
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length);
// Pick a random Item by using that random number...
var item = items[random];
// Retain this Item's name, before it get stolen..!
// Have the player Party lose 1 of that Item...
$gameParty.loseItem(item, 1);
// Play sound effect...
// The steal attempt has failed. Retain a code to indicate this...
// No Items to have stolen..!. Retain a code to indicate this...
// Play sound effect...
Here's the condensed version of the same Script...
var successRate = 0.5;if (Math.random() < successRate){var items = [];
var total = $gameParty.items().length;for (var i = 0; i < total; ++i){var item = $gameParty.items();
if (item.itypeId !== 2){items.push(item);}}
if (items.length !==0){var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length);var item = items[random];
$gameVariables.setValue(70,;$gameParty.loseItem(item, 1);SoundManager.playCancel();}



(cut for length)
Hey, thanks for the detailed explanation! Okay, got it about the 20 lines part. I wish they would fix that ^^;

Okay, so, I found and installed YanFly's plugin. And, also, her script for Follower Movement Route. The thing is, I'm really confused as to how to install the script, and specifically, what YanFly meant by

In the script editor, place this script below Materials and above Main

To set the move route for a follower, first create a comment with the line

<movecharacter: x>
Do I place the .js file into my js folder to use this Follower Movement Route script? And also, what does YanFly meant by 'create a comment with the line'? Is it the Event->Flow Control->Comment (which adds comment but does nothing under Events?)

Thanks for all the help I'm getting here. This is like my 2nd/3rd day with this program. Much <3


Praised Adventurer
... which is one of the reasons I don't (as yet...) use Plug-ins, if I can avoid it..!
I'm sorry, I can't help more on that right away, as I use none of that 'Dark Magic' stuff. If I have time, I'll set up a dummy Project to try it out; someone more experienced in these murky waters may well deliver the goods before, though.
You're not crawling, nor even walking, but 'running' from the outset. Bon courage; beware the fall at that speed..!
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