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Looking for a mapper


Hi there, I am making a fantasy rpg tentatively titled the gloom. I am a decent eventer and writer and have a solid familiarity with scripts from working with vx ace. My mapper and best friend has too much going on in life to work with me on the game anymore, and so I have decided to restart the project in mv. I will be doing all the writing and eventing for this game myself. The theory is it is an ensemble cast of mages, knights, orcs, pirates, vampire hunters etc. with a story told in chapters with different parties having their own narrative and the groups merge and diverge while the story unfolds.
It is pretty generic stuff, with a war between two nations being the first act, and the destruction of a curtain of darkness over the orc homeland being the final. I am not asking for da vinci maps, just some good solid towns, forest towns, port towns, cities, and some good maps, like forests, caves, snow lands and castles. I am hoping to do 8 chapters and If I had someone that wanted to work on the level design that would be epic, as my maps are a joke but I can do everything else.
I will be working on this during my off time from work, I usually have about three days a week I can put some hours in.

If you are interested please let me know. I have commercial aspirations but I doubt this game will take it that far.

If you are interest I could provide you with a basic idea of the world map and the regions on it, as well as specific levels I have in mind, like the forest of Lykania, which is populated with werewolves and gets thicker until it turns into a region called the deepwoods. Basically I am hoping to provide background on a map and then see it come to life, but you don't have to be a pro to work with me, adequacy is higher skill level than I have attained.

Sorry for the double post but I thought I'd provide a little more info on some of the areas
The game starts in a castle, a royal palace, think Camelot or something
Then it moves to Yggdra, a vaguely a Scandinavian kingdom, but constantly covered in snow and ice
it is a mountainous terrain full of goblins and caves but in the northern reaches there are cities. You have to cross a wide expanse of tundra and mountains to get there from the starting castle.
I don't want to bog people down with instructions just trying to provide a starting framework. I welcome ideas from anyone who is interested in contributing!
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Sorry for the double post but I thought I'd provide a little more info on some of the areas
The game starts in a castle, a royal palace, think Camelot or something
Then it moves to Yggdra, a vaguely a Scandinavian kingdom, but constantly covered in snow and ice
it is a mountainous terrain full of goblins and caves but in the northern reaches there are cities. You have to cross a wide expanse of tundra and mountains to get there from the starting castle.
I don't want to bog people down with instructions just trying to provide a starting framework. I welcome ideas from anyone who is interested in contributing!
If your still doing this I'd be happy to try and help with the maps. I'm okay with designing them but if you give me details of what you want it to look like I'm sure I can get it done ^.^