Indie Dev

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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


I just looked online. read this then put your project folder somewhere else on your hd.
I just looked online. read this then put your project folder somewhere else on your hd.
looks like your profile is corrupted.
I just looked online. read this then put your project folder somewhere else on your hd.

looks like your profile is corrupted.
You may need to setup a new profile on your computer to fix it.


Praised Adventurer
I just looked online. read this then put your project folder somewhere else on your hd.

looks like your profile is corrupted.

You may need to setup a new profile on your computer to fix it.
yeah that would normally work, but I've already tried that as part of my bunch of troubleshooting fixes and none of them fixed it. It's an odd one, but thanks for trying at least heh but yeah I've tried that before and no good sadly. This whole pc was weird from the start when I first got all the parts together so it's not really a surprise that it's wonky.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Today... (err... yesterday..? Early morning hours are weird.) I was finally able to completely replace MV's female face generator parts with ones drawn by me. It took 464 separate files. *twitches*



Praised Adventurer
Today... (err... yesterday..? Early morning hours are weird.) I was finally able to completely replace MV's female face generator parts with ones drawn by me. It took 464 separate files. *twitches*
lol I know the pain! I know it very well lol....had replaced all of those before and then lost it after 1.3 came out >.< oh the pain of putting all those back in.


Staff member
Here is a sneak peek on a game I started that has hundreds of different creations. Some spin, some wobble, and others just float with the water movements.



Praised Adventurer
Well, since I'm doing commissions right now, I've not gotten much time put into TOTL this past couple of weeks. But I figured I'd share a little of what's coming in this month's pack. If you guessed it's Halloween themed, you guessed right (with exception to my roofs of course, but I may go in and add some cobwebs to those too xP). Anyway, this little guy is Jack xP and there are two variations of him. He's sporting a rockin pumpkin head and tattered clothing! Fitting for the ol' Headless horseman legend right? xP I'll have some other pretty interesting things in this month's pack though so hopefully it delivers on the whole Halloween theme.


Praised Adventurer
Now that my commissions are finished lol, I can resume work on Tales of the Lumminai!! To start off, I've wrapped up the interior for the inn, as well as the Waterworks building entrance. I've also creates several new custom outfits for my NPC's that will be in the common clothing for Greymoore's Province. These will hopefully create the illusion of liveliness. In addition to all of that, I'm on a roll lol, I've added a bunch of new skills that can be learned as well as a lot of new recipes to craft when Chapter 4 is finished. Chapter 5 will introduce crafting in the beginning of it, and then you'll learn all about the amazing Pact Linking in the later parts of it.

So with all that said, I'm at full speed working on TOTL again heh. I love the ideas that boomed into my head while working on commissions xP


Praised Adventurer
Today TOTL has gotten a makeover in the Waterworks building of Weshrain (I'm keeping the dungeon for it the same as it was since it was fine like that). On top of that, I've started the Embassy building as well as the Chapel which are two entirely new buildings to the central district of Weshrain. I've also added in 3 new elf travelers who will occasionally bump into the player's party, eventually leading to a rescue quest to release one of the three sisters who was captured while trying to negotiate peace with the evil forces.

I fixed the formation system, so the front row takes more melee damage, but has a faster and higher damaging melee attack rate. The middle row is normal, with no benefits or debuffs. And the back row takes less melee damage but attacks slower.

Finally, I got the party orb set up in the Weshrain Inn. What this does is allow the player to change their party's active members based on how many allies they've acquired. This allows a party change similar to how Suikoden did it. I really enjoyed that style so I made mine quite similar to that. The main or story specific actors will be locked to the active party however so changing them out isn't possible during the chapters that require them. And that's pretty much it for now.


Praised Adventurer
Still no giant leap to take Rachdale Cheese to the next level. I've been busy with personal stuff, but have been actively perusing the Forum just the same, and have gleaned numerous snippets, tid-bits and ideas (which is a Good Thing...), but not had much 'me-time' to implement stuff. T'will come, later; meanwhile I'll just continue to engrange notions and Resources for when I'm able to take up the reins again.
One thing I've been experimenting is non-chibi Characters, and have even acquired a set from a third-party source. I'm now able to create and use characters of differing sizes (Overworld, small; Town Maps, medium; Inside, bigger still...). I'm pleased with the difference this makes to the appearance of scale. I have them walking with a smoother gait, too, thanks to a Plug-in or two and an extended Character set. A problem with the attempt to use diagonal movement, as the 'stack' Character sets I have do not have the same movement direction as the Plug-ins I've tried..! The easy route would be to edit the Character sets but, for the moment, that's just too tiring for me. Later I may go that far (it won't involve much fundamental change; just the chore of editing, basically.
Once I'm settled a bit more, I'll update the Teaser hosted on the Web, but it won't be for a while yet. Progress then, of sorts; slower than I would have wished, but progress just the same.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
This is technically from yesterday, but I made a custom SV template for my sprite style, and here's a test of a battler made with it:

I haven't made any weapons or anything yet, but I'm happy with my results so far. (smile)


Praised Adventurer
The rest of the central buildings for Weshrain is now finished and full of life! I now have NPC's that are dynamic and depicting life. They will wander around shops, enter/leave buildings, and chat amongst themselves (you'll see little chat bubbles on them occasionally as well as sometimes overhearing relevant chatter via the Gab plugin). I've also created a randomized Bounty board. What this does is allow for a different playstyle where you'll have to find the target and chase them to a certain area where they will then fight you. If you fail to catch up to them the bounty fails and they get away, but if you can defeat them you'll get the bounty reward along with a special type of currency that will be used in the Capital for Auction bidding xP (cause that feature seemed to vanish from RPG's since the 90's).

Aside from that, I've started working on rounded autotiles to give a more realistic appearing roadway (since that is another "most complained about" thing in my game). I will do the same with all the other autotiles as well. Much work to be done! As for this month's pack, it'll feature a Teepee, two Totems, and a picnic table to give that Thanksgiving illusion. I may add some foodstuff to go with it but those will not be bound to the table, but instead be parts you can put in any order on the table. I also have a BGM to go with it as well as a nifty Native tribe title background for all your Cowboy Vs. Indian needs lol.


Staff member
Today I decided to merge a VX Ace project "Bobbi Ficus" with an MV project "The Promised Nights." I am still using the original Bobbi Ficus logo. Bobbi FIcusis also the first project where I had writers from 6 different continents explain how their cultures viewed fairies. Here is the title screen.



Praised Adventurer
So I've got a small project under development, and it's far simpler and shorter than TOTL will be, but just as unique with it's story and features. I've come up with an interesting idea I'm gonna use for what I'm calling the "Town Interface". Below is my first version of this idea. It's missing the button images still, but the background/border is exactly how I want it to be. The choices will be aligned with the button images so that they look like the buttons are the choices heh. I'm following an idea from a game I played many years ago but I can't remember the name of it (and yeah this is sorta like what Legend of Dragoon had too but that one didn't have any choices except enter/leave heh). Lemme know what you guys think of this idea.

This game is Essence Infinity, and it'll be mostly overworld map based so these town interface/area interface windows are a pretty important part of interacting with the world and going to different places. By choosing to go into an inn or other buildings you'll be transferred as normally, but some choices will trigger a cut scene with a static background image that fits the area the scene is taking place at. It should all come together nicely when I finish it.

I think I have 3 or so backups of everything already. I do not want to draw all of that again! xD
I've learned over the years that you can never have too many backups! Even backups OF backups. LOL

For the game development, I've not been doing much in the way of RPG Maker projects, but have been updating some of my old RMMV plugins, plus writing some more. Be releasing them at some point after Xmas. Most of my attention has been on Smile Game Builder projects, two commissioned, one personal, as well as tutorials, so that's been taking up a LOT of my time.