Unfortunately I have yet to come up with a title, but i'll keep brain storming.
Rating: M
Length: Undetermined
Battle system: Side view
This is only a first draft and things are likely to change. The game is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi themed world with a bit of a horror/survival twist.. The following mostly to set up for this world I have planned. I plan to flush it out a bit more even if some of it may be considered cliché. The tale below is of the world’s history told by a village elder and is told much like a fairy tale. So please keep in mind that much like a game of telephone maybe not every bit of it is true and over generations the story changed. It’s just what they were raised to believe.
A low rough voice echoes off the softly illuminated walls where shadows dance from a nearby fire. You fall hypnotized as you begin to focus on the voice of the old man before you…
“In The Age of Light the world prospered as the gods smiled upon man, but man’s rapacious nature would lead to its downfall. They learned to harness the power of the gods, the power of light! Man no longer feared the dark and with their new power came the creations of wonders! Chariots that needed no horses, the warm illumination of the sun on every street corner, and metal animals to do their biddings.
The Church had warned that the gods would become angry and they would not tolerate man’s gluttony, but we were blinded with our new power and lost faith in those we once praised. Not long after the war began. The Church could no longer tolerate man’s sins and began their crusade to save us from ourselves, but they were too late The Darkness came! The god’s wrath finally fell upon us. The Twilight moon came crashing down from the heavens. Erasing man sins from the surface of the world, dark clouds blotted out the sun covering the land in complete darkness.
The Age of Twilight had begun the world born anew and covered in darkness. Man was scattered and frighten. The need to survive will bring you to do things you never thought possible. The strong fed on the weak, pillaging and murder common place. The land had started to become stained with blood. Then in the darkness a ray of hope! A faint light had shown itself! In what is now knows as the City of Light. The gods spared the true believers! The Church had survived and were blessed with the god’s illumination. It was not long before survivors all over began to migrate, but not all were given entrance to the city. Only those who give all obedience to the church are allowed to enter. Was not long before those who had grown strong and in power outside the walls grew jealous and wished to wield the power of the gods for themselves once again. An army had gathered outside the walls ready to siege and that’s when they came the monsters….the Demons. Like a flood they came out of the darkness slaughtering those who stood beyond the gate of the glimmering city before retreating back into the black void. There must be no doubt the city is blessed as it was left unscathed, but its doors now forever closed to us who live outside its gate.
It seemed a new life form was to take over our world. Demons…feeding on us who were unworthy of the god’s blessings. Our village was soon too to be engulfed by the wrath when our first chieftain fell to his feet and prayed asking how we may prove ourselves. In a bright flash of light a weapon was found. A silver sword appeared in his hand and enriched with the knowledge on the ancient art of Alchemy. With this weapon the Demons finally learned fear themselves! He cleansed our village of the wrath that had almost doomed us. This is our village’s legacy this is why you must learn the way of our people. To cleanse this world of the darkness that surrounds us!"
My plans are to make this game hard with adult themes. It’s a dark harsh world where surviving day to day is no easy task. So to keep to that theme I want a death to matter! If you’re team mate falls in battle he only has a short time before he bleeds out and dies for good. No resurrection going to bring back your fallen comrades here.
An obvious theme is the world is covered in a black void. Visibility in this world is low with only certain lights sources increasing it. A common one being fire. So keeping a good supply of torches and etc is a good idea. Unless you want to wonder aimlessly in the dark.
You leveled up! I want exploration and using your knowledge of the enemies you face be what makes you strong. You can’t expect to walk into a strange monsters nest and expect to walk out unscathed. You’ll need to learn its habits and weaknesses. Was that a growl or a hiss? Knowing the difference will help you avoid a incoming attack that could devastate you! Talking to villagers or reading scattered scrolls/journals will be some ways of getting this info. Plans for leveling on the other hand is passive perks or unique weapon skills with very minor stat increases. Feel like this is a good way to express your character learning from experience.
Silver! A rare old ore is the only known weakness of the creatures who live in the dark. This will be a main source of currency. The idea is to make this a valuable resource. Crafting or finding weapons made of this will not be common place. I want this to be part of combat strategy. Do I save this silver bullet for the journey ahead? Or do I use it now to kill this mob and save me some health for a upcoming battle.
Mmm that's some good potion! Alchemy is another big part of the strategy of survival/combat. With it you can create tools, bombs, and poisons. With herbs being scarce as well as some ingredients only come from certain monsters. Needing you to choose wisely on how you spend those resources. You will not be able to making Healing Potions, but rather Healing salves. What’s the difference you may ask? Healing salves will not be common or easy to make and will only heal small portions of health (More of a I need a little health to make it to the next town or I need to hold on just a little longer in this fight!). The goal being I want to keep the game difficult and potion chugging or healing spells make life to easy. The only way I want a full heal is by camping or by staying at an inn (Old school I know, but feels more grounded and real to me).
Gardening! With herbs being such rare resource you will need to grow some of your own, but you’ll have limited space. Another level of strategy…I want you to be able to play your way so here a added layer of customizing your play style. Do you like bombs or poisons more? Maybe both? Then grow what you need, but beware! This will not be instant gratification! These things take time to grow so use that limited space wisely!
Adding onto crafting….I want crafting to be part trial and error some recipes you’ll have to figure out for yourself while the basic ones are taught to you from completing quest or scrolls you may randomly come across from exploring.
PEW PEW GUNS! Well Flintlock guns really…In combat I plan for this to replace magic. Being able to do big burst damage or CC effects with the downside being its flintlock so it takes a while to reload in between shots (With perks being able to shorten the timer depending if you want to invest in Gun perks).
Combos! Another level of customization of how you choose to fight. Much in the way of Chrono Trigger. I want your special attacks to change depending on who you choose to fight by your side. As an example...one of the side characters I have planned who we will call “The Mutant” for now. His specialty is that his blood is contaminated having a thorns type effect while also being able to injure himself in able to empower an attack or allies attack. Can be helpful support but be careful not to abuse it and end up killing him and as I stated before death will be permanent!
Rating: M
Length: Undetermined
Battle system: Side view
This is only a first draft and things are likely to change. The game is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi themed world with a bit of a horror/survival twist.. The following mostly to set up for this world I have planned. I plan to flush it out a bit more even if some of it may be considered cliché. The tale below is of the world’s history told by a village elder and is told much like a fairy tale. So please keep in mind that much like a game of telephone maybe not every bit of it is true and over generations the story changed. It’s just what they were raised to believe.
A low rough voice echoes off the softly illuminated walls where shadows dance from a nearby fire. You fall hypnotized as you begin to focus on the voice of the old man before you…
“In The Age of Light the world prospered as the gods smiled upon man, but man’s rapacious nature would lead to its downfall. They learned to harness the power of the gods, the power of light! Man no longer feared the dark and with their new power came the creations of wonders! Chariots that needed no horses, the warm illumination of the sun on every street corner, and metal animals to do their biddings.
The Church had warned that the gods would become angry and they would not tolerate man’s gluttony, but we were blinded with our new power and lost faith in those we once praised. Not long after the war began. The Church could no longer tolerate man’s sins and began their crusade to save us from ourselves, but they were too late The Darkness came! The god’s wrath finally fell upon us. The Twilight moon came crashing down from the heavens. Erasing man sins from the surface of the world, dark clouds blotted out the sun covering the land in complete darkness.
The Age of Twilight had begun the world born anew and covered in darkness. Man was scattered and frighten. The need to survive will bring you to do things you never thought possible. The strong fed on the weak, pillaging and murder common place. The land had started to become stained with blood. Then in the darkness a ray of hope! A faint light had shown itself! In what is now knows as the City of Light. The gods spared the true believers! The Church had survived and were blessed with the god’s illumination. It was not long before survivors all over began to migrate, but not all were given entrance to the city. Only those who give all obedience to the church are allowed to enter. Was not long before those who had grown strong and in power outside the walls grew jealous and wished to wield the power of the gods for themselves once again. An army had gathered outside the walls ready to siege and that’s when they came the monsters….the Demons. Like a flood they came out of the darkness slaughtering those who stood beyond the gate of the glimmering city before retreating back into the black void. There must be no doubt the city is blessed as it was left unscathed, but its doors now forever closed to us who live outside its gate.
It seemed a new life form was to take over our world. Demons…feeding on us who were unworthy of the god’s blessings. Our village was soon too to be engulfed by the wrath when our first chieftain fell to his feet and prayed asking how we may prove ourselves. In a bright flash of light a weapon was found. A silver sword appeared in his hand and enriched with the knowledge on the ancient art of Alchemy. With this weapon the Demons finally learned fear themselves! He cleansed our village of the wrath that had almost doomed us. This is our village’s legacy this is why you must learn the way of our people. To cleanse this world of the darkness that surrounds us!"
My plans are to make this game hard with adult themes. It’s a dark harsh world where surviving day to day is no easy task. So to keep to that theme I want a death to matter! If you’re team mate falls in battle he only has a short time before he bleeds out and dies for good. No resurrection going to bring back your fallen comrades here.
An obvious theme is the world is covered in a black void. Visibility in this world is low with only certain lights sources increasing it. A common one being fire. So keeping a good supply of torches and etc is a good idea. Unless you want to wonder aimlessly in the dark.
You leveled up! I want exploration and using your knowledge of the enemies you face be what makes you strong. You can’t expect to walk into a strange monsters nest and expect to walk out unscathed. You’ll need to learn its habits and weaknesses. Was that a growl or a hiss? Knowing the difference will help you avoid a incoming attack that could devastate you! Talking to villagers or reading scattered scrolls/journals will be some ways of getting this info. Plans for leveling on the other hand is passive perks or unique weapon skills with very minor stat increases. Feel like this is a good way to express your character learning from experience.
Silver! A rare old ore is the only known weakness of the creatures who live in the dark. This will be a main source of currency. The idea is to make this a valuable resource. Crafting or finding weapons made of this will not be common place. I want this to be part of combat strategy. Do I save this silver bullet for the journey ahead? Or do I use it now to kill this mob and save me some health for a upcoming battle.
Mmm that's some good potion! Alchemy is another big part of the strategy of survival/combat. With it you can create tools, bombs, and poisons. With herbs being scarce as well as some ingredients only come from certain monsters. Needing you to choose wisely on how you spend those resources. You will not be able to making Healing Potions, but rather Healing salves. What’s the difference you may ask? Healing salves will not be common or easy to make and will only heal small portions of health (More of a I need a little health to make it to the next town or I need to hold on just a little longer in this fight!). The goal being I want to keep the game difficult and potion chugging or healing spells make life to easy. The only way I want a full heal is by camping or by staying at an inn (Old school I know, but feels more grounded and real to me).
Gardening! With herbs being such rare resource you will need to grow some of your own, but you’ll have limited space. Another level of strategy…I want you to be able to play your way so here a added layer of customizing your play style. Do you like bombs or poisons more? Maybe both? Then grow what you need, but beware! This will not be instant gratification! These things take time to grow so use that limited space wisely!
Adding onto crafting….I want crafting to be part trial and error some recipes you’ll have to figure out for yourself while the basic ones are taught to you from completing quest or scrolls you may randomly come across from exploring.
PEW PEW GUNS! Well Flintlock guns really…In combat I plan for this to replace magic. Being able to do big burst damage or CC effects with the downside being its flintlock so it takes a while to reload in between shots (With perks being able to shorten the timer depending if you want to invest in Gun perks).
Combos! Another level of customization of how you choose to fight. Much in the way of Chrono Trigger. I want your special attacks to change depending on who you choose to fight by your side. As an example...one of the side characters I have planned who we will call “The Mutant” for now. His specialty is that his blood is contaminated having a thorns type effect while also being able to injure himself in able to empower an attack or allies attack. Can be helpful support but be careful not to abuse it and end up killing him and as I stated before death will be permanent!
In Closing
That's all I really got for you now. I could go deeper into who the main character of the story is and what his story arc may be, but i'll keep that close to the barrel for now. My hope is after months of hard work getting the systems in place that I want to add i'll be able to show a demo of it and get feed back on balancing and such from the community, but for now i'm willing to take your thoughts and critiques on the ideas I've laid out. For those of you who actually read it all thanks for putting in the time!
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