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Zeb's AMA thread


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Do you use a template in your DAW? ...and if so, can you post a screen shot of it?
I've never used one of the pre-made templates, nor have I actually made a custom one myself. I always start from scratch with a completely blank project. I enjoy the creative freedom that I get by doing this. And if you want to have a look at how my projects look like, just head over here. :)


Yo there! >:3

What got you into creating music in the first place and why did you not follow the glorious path of design?
Worst game you ever played? What about best?


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Yo there! >:3

What got you into creating music in the first place and why did you not follow the glorious path of design?
Worst game you ever played? What about best?
Already getting your revenge, eh? Alright, I'll answer. ^-^

I've always been more into game soundtracks than any other kind of music genre. I used to spend a lot of time listening to game soundtracks and I was a frequent visitor of the forums back when they were still around. That was about eight or nine years go as of now. However, I didn't get into composing my own songs until three years ago. I actually started out by making remakes of classic game tracks. That started in 2011, if I remember right. So, I went from listening over remaking to actually making my own music. It's just all because of my love for soundtracks. (glee)

And now the hard part: the worst game I ever played... lemme think... that would probably be that Tamagotchi Gameboy game I owned as a child. It wasn't "bad" per se, it was just weird and I didn't understand it. I haven't really played any objectively bad games, really. But I wanted to give Superman 64 a try. :D

As for best game... that's even harder! *starts to sweat* Okay, okay - I can do this! *takes a deep breath* I can't pinpoint one singular game as the best I've ever played, I'm afraid. There's just so many games that I consider to be masterpieces. If I wanna go for a more recent game I'd say Undertale, but everyone pretty much loves that so... I don't know. I always like those games that are pretty good but aren't noticed by a lot of people. Lost Odyssey is one of those. It's a classic JRPG for the Xbox 360 that always manages to move me to tears at the end. And it also has my first-ever video game character crush, so... yeah, I guess I'll go with that. :D

Alright... I hope you're happy now! 'Cause I sure am! I love answering questions~! Thank you, @DolorIpsum (icecream)


Wow, that's a pretty cool story. Kind of inspires me to try my hand at music (jolly)

And yes, I most certainly am happy. comes more questions.
If you had to be an animal, real or fake, what would you be and why?
Do you have any pets?


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Wow, that's a pretty cool story. Kind of inspires me to try my hand at music (jolly)

And yes, I most certainly am happy. comes more questions.
If you had to be an animal, real or fake, what would you be and why?
Do you have any pets?
If I could be an animal, I'd want to be an owl! They're associated with smartness and manage to be cute and graceful (and sometimes derpy)! Either that or chocobo. Everyone loves chocobos!

I myself don't have any pets right now. When I still lived with my parents we had a parrot, then a bunny, then two budgies and now they got a cat. That's 20 years of pet history right there. :)


Global Moderator
I'm too lazy to look back at answers you've already given. Are you lazy too? And how do you feel about repeat questions?
If you could have any animal as a pet (real or fantastical) what would you have?
Do you play the saxophone? Your image makes me curious.
What instruments /do/ you play?


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I'm too lazy to look back at answers you've already given. Are you lazy too? And how do you feel about repeat questions?
Am I lazy? Heck yeah, I'd say. Sometimes I even have my groceries delivered to my place! And repeat questions? Sweetie, there was so little activity in this thread lately, I don't even know what people asked me. And I sure don't mind being asked things multiple times. As long as it's not multiple times in a row. :P
If you could have any animal as a pet (real or fantastical) what would you have?
Well, I'm gonna go with the same animals that I'd want to be - I'd have an owl or a chocobo. I'm favouring the chocobo here though, because I'd love to ride one~!
Do you play the saxophone? Your image makes me curious.
What instruments /do/ you play?
Naw, I'm just a huge fan of Jinguji Ren from Uta no Prince Sama. :P
Joking aside, I have played the saxophone for a few years, yes. But I had to stop since I moved away from where my music school was and never picked it up again. I might do that though. I've also wanted to learn how to play the piano, too. That's always helpful for composing. ^-^


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
What is it that you like to do the most when you are bored? So bored that being on internet won't cure this boredom.

Would you watch the world burn or attempt to save it from the burning?

If you could travel anywhere in the world with all expenses paid and everything then where would you travel to?


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
What is it that you like to do the most when you are bored? So bored that being on internet won't cure this boredom.
I'd take a nice, long nap. That way I don't need to worry about being bored~ ;)

Would you watch the world burn or attempt to save it from the burning?
I'll spare you the long philosophical discourse and just say: a mix of both. Maybe I'll even be the one to set it on fire. Who knows?

If you could travel anywhere in the world with all expenses paid and everything then where would you travel to?
I'll go full otaku here and say Japan, Japan and Japan. Oh, and Japan too! :P


Global Moderator
What's your favorite kind of music to make? (By that, I mean do you prefer making dark and dreary or peppy stuff, for example).
I see you used tildes in your signature! Do you use them often in general? (Tildes are this thing: ~)
Do you use alt characters often? Y'know, those characters you make by using the alt key and random seeming numbers. I hate them personally. So complicated.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
What's your favorite kind of music to make? (By that, I mean do you prefer making dark and dreary or peppy stuff, for example).
I don't really have a favourite. "Darker" sounding songs are easier for me to make but that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy composing a light-hearted tune. ^-^
I see you used tildes in your signature! Do you use them often in general? (Tildes are this thing: ~)
I don't use them "a lot" a lot but I wanna say about once per post on average maybe. I use them though and I like it~! :)
Do you use alt characters often? Y'know, those characters you make by using the alt key and random seeming numbers. I hate them personally. So complicated.
Hmm... I don't really think about those a lot. Hence why I don't really use them. Heck, half of the time I completely forget that those exist until I see someone using them and then I'm like "huh...?" XD


Global Moderator
I love ending my sentences with tildes for some reason (even though grammatically, that's not what their for, so it makes me a horrible editor at times xD). I just find it really cute for some reason. It got me a nickname even.

Speaking of...Do you have any nicknames?
Have you ever written lyrics for the music you compose?
Have you ever written lyrics without music to go with it? For me the later is true xD