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View user's topics/posts?

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Currently, we can view our activity by going to our profile, then "our recent postings" (which is a bit odd) but there is no way to view someone's topics or posts individually as far as I can tell.

On RMW, you can simply click your profile to get a dropdown of "my content" which by default shows you topics you've posted in (so you can see if they've been updated or not) and this is sortable into topics and posts.

The way it currently is, I cannot easily check out if topics of mine have replies, for example.

Is this addable?



Staff member
Whenever you make a thread that you're interested in following, you should click "Watch thread." You'll get a notification when anyone posts in it. It's at the top right of every thread.

As for what you're asking about:


Yeah, but I don't want (email) notifications every time someone posts in the thread, I'd just like to be able to periodically view the threads from time to time :P

Could those two links in the second image be moved to the top? XD


Staff member
You don't have to get them.

When you click "Watch Thread," you have the option of receiving the email notifications as well, or turning them off.


Thing is though, that still sends me notifications every time someone replies, when I just want to periodically check.

Have you seen how RMW does it? (Lists your topics, bolds ones with replies and allows you to expand to see last post and last unread)


Staff member
Thing is though, that still sends me notifications every time someone replies, when I just want to periodically check.
Wouldn't it be easier to just periodically check in the forum section that it's in then? Or with the "New Posts" button at the top of the page?

Have you seen how RMW does it? (Lists your topics, bolds ones with replies and allows you to expand to see last post and last unread)
I haven't. It sounds like they have a special plugin for it though.
I do indeed use New Posts, but it's quite hard to find my own stuff, even without the forum at full activity :P

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I swear that wasn't there before... :P

Still, it's a bit narrow - doesn't show me topics I've posted in, literally just my topics and posts.
You may be right, it may not have been there before. Xyphien may have used his special abilities to create it lol.
It is kinda narrow, I know what you mean, I use Rmwebs "new content" quite often, whenever i'm active there. It shows all the topics you posted in, and whenever there is something unread its noticeable because the text is darker. Here is a screenshot, you never know it might help xyphien find a plugin for it.
rmwebs new content.png
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