Boy Who Codes
Praised Adventurer
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But LTN, if I go back in time and kill my character from the past, it would create a paradox :P kidding, I actually love this plugin because it can be used to simulate many stuff. Great work!
A paradox may cause a game breaking bug!! Oh No! lol Thanks for the nice words, I'm actually quite excited for this plugin because of how many things can be done with it. I plan on making quite a bit of add-ons for it, I have lots of ideas.But LTN, if I go back in time and kill my character from the past, it would create a paradox
You bet! I give you permission to do videos on any of my plugins, I would love the publicityHopefully gonna start doing videos on scripts, mind if I cover your script here?
TE SetTime hour minute day week month year
TE SetTime 18 30 14 Thursday December 2000
TE Variables Hour Minute Day Week Month Year
TE Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6
TE pause true
TE pause false
Oh wow! I never realized the instructions never shows up in the actual help section, it seems my email address for donations cut the rest of the help file off because it has an @ symbol in it and this symbol is what tells MV where to look. Well, that is all fixed, I still never uploaded the update I have a couple more things I would like to do before uploading but should be uploaded shortly.These instructions are not in the Help file; they are, however, in the js code of the plug-in itself. No big deal, but not so easy to consult as in the Help file.
Is it not working for you at all? This is how I do it, and it seems to be working for me. The dialogue window will show the variables after I set them up. Always ensure there is a space in between each argument in the plugin command otherwise my plugin will assume it's all one argument. If you still have issues I would recommend waiting for the update to see if that will work for you.Could I also clarify, whilst I'm here, the TE variable part..? I've tried several permutations, but have not struck upon the right one..! Could you give an example, preferably with a screen shot, of affecting the 'Hour' to a Game Variable, such as Variable ID012, please..? I've not managed to get it to work, so must be doing something wrong
Yes, that's what I did at first, and collected nothing (just '0' in the \v[1]...). I also tried using my own variables (we should be able to, I assume..?) and collected only '0' in my Variable \v[12]....This is how I do it, and it seems to be working for me...
View attachment 4515
View attachment 4517
The updated version will give you both the static time(or the time it was when you set them) and active time which will always give you the current time. I also implemented a show clock and hide clock which will hide the clock everywhere until you decide to show it again.Does it store it with each update or can I store it, change the time for one scene and then restore it from a variable at a later date?
Read the rest of this update entry...Added active and static time variables. You can setup variables to be updated during gameplay(active) or you can set a one which is static and this will record the current time it is when you set that variable.
Added message codes to retrieve the current time and or date and input into your dialogue.
\STIME - Retrieves standard time
\24TIME - Retrieves army time (Still a bug I'm working out for this one)
\FDATE - Retrieves full date
\SDATE Retrieves abbreviated date.
Parameters are...
Read the rest of this update entry...Just re-uploading correct version, sorry about that.
You betcha, I'm aiming to be finished this weekend, along with my layers plugin. The harvesting crops plugin or "Time Control" is my time travel plugin but in general it allows for more manipulation over the Time Engine, so far I have it set up so you can spawn or activate a self or global switch every hour on a specific minute, every day on a specific hour and every month on a specific day etc etc. I am currently working on adding in the ability to spawn an event every half hour, every hour, every day, every month etc. I also have a few other features in mind that will be a surprise on release day. I'm not 100% sure I'll finish this weekend but it's looking promising, I just want to make sure I work on the kinks and bugs and make sure everything is running smoothly.Do you plan on having an add-on for things like shop hours or harvesting crops once a day?