Hi folks,
I'm currently developing a game called Secrets of the Vairfey (Working Title).
I'll keep this thread updated with updates to the game, along with previews of maps and characters as they are developed. (You can also keep up to date via my Blog)
Here is the Prelude to the game for those interested (put in a spoiler tag, in case anyone doesn't want to read it):
There will be 4 characters in the game which the player will control:
There are also 10 major cities in the game:
So there you go guys! Some insight into the development of my game. I've got a number of people helping me on it.
If you're interested, one of my preliminary maps for Imston Village is attached.
I'm currently developing a game called Secrets of the Vairfey (Working Title).
I'll keep this thread updated with updates to the game, along with previews of maps and characters as they are developed. (You can also keep up to date via my Blog)
Here is the Prelude to the game for those interested (put in a spoiler tag, in case anyone doesn't want to read it):
Several hundred years ago, the world of Vaire was wracked in turmoil. The kingdoms of the age fought over resources, land and power, for each one believed they had the right to be the ruler of the world. Peace talks and negotiations were always wracked with assassinations, conspiracies and lies. For a time, it appeared as if Vaire would destroy itself.
The fighting had been going on for nearly 100 years when the storms came. They covered the world in perpetual darkness as they whipped up powerful winds, caused raging floods and battered the kingdoms with such ferocity that the towns and cities were crumbling before their might. Not even the magic users of the kingdoms could calm the weather, as it threatened to destroy the world.
The rulers of the kingdoms gathered in the neutral city of Greyhall (for it had not joined in the fighting), the largest and most fortified city of the age. There, they tried to determine the best course of action to battle the storms. These talks lasted for months, while the storms battered the walls of Greyhall, and decimated the land.
Then, one night, as the rulers were to retire to their chambers, the 9 Vairfey, or the sprites of the world, appeared before them, along with their queen, the Lady Quiana. Quiana told the rulers that it had been they, the Vairfey, and herself, that had caused the storms, in order to stop the war which had almost destroyed Vaire, and to get the rulers to a point where they were willing to cease their conflicts and strive towards a solution to a common threat.
The rulers were outraged, and demanded that the Vairfey stop the storms at once, but Quiana, knowing full well that this would be the reaction she and the Vairfey would receive, bound them to their respective chairs and forced them to listen to her proposal.
Her proposal was this: that the rulers would build 9 great cities, one for each of the 9 elements, and in the center, Greyhall. Within, or near, each of these cities, a Vairfey would build a shrine, from which they would watch each city and keep the peace if needed. But Lady Quiana conceded that the storms were extreme, and she, along with the Vairfey, dispelled the storms and the starlit sky glittered once more over the world.
Quiana then released the rulers, and told them that she would build a tower in Greyhall for herself, from which she could view all the kingdoms. But she warned them - should they begin another war of the same magnitude as the one which they had been engaged in, she and the Vairfey would wipe the world clean and begin anew. But they Vairfey would send heralds ahead of them, to give the people a chance to change. The heralds would also awaken if the world faced any form of danger.
The rulers agreed to the terms that the Vairfey had presented, and did as they were told.
For a time, the Vairfey would enter the cities and mingle with the people, and the people would hold celebrations and festivals for them. But most of the Vairfey have not been seen for nearly 100 years, and a darkness looms on the horizon…
The fighting had been going on for nearly 100 years when the storms came. They covered the world in perpetual darkness as they whipped up powerful winds, caused raging floods and battered the kingdoms with such ferocity that the towns and cities were crumbling before their might. Not even the magic users of the kingdoms could calm the weather, as it threatened to destroy the world.
The rulers of the kingdoms gathered in the neutral city of Greyhall (for it had not joined in the fighting), the largest and most fortified city of the age. There, they tried to determine the best course of action to battle the storms. These talks lasted for months, while the storms battered the walls of Greyhall, and decimated the land.
Then, one night, as the rulers were to retire to their chambers, the 9 Vairfey, or the sprites of the world, appeared before them, along with their queen, the Lady Quiana. Quiana told the rulers that it had been they, the Vairfey, and herself, that had caused the storms, in order to stop the war which had almost destroyed Vaire, and to get the rulers to a point where they were willing to cease their conflicts and strive towards a solution to a common threat.
The rulers were outraged, and demanded that the Vairfey stop the storms at once, but Quiana, knowing full well that this would be the reaction she and the Vairfey would receive, bound them to their respective chairs and forced them to listen to her proposal.
Her proposal was this: that the rulers would build 9 great cities, one for each of the 9 elements, and in the center, Greyhall. Within, or near, each of these cities, a Vairfey would build a shrine, from which they would watch each city and keep the peace if needed. But Lady Quiana conceded that the storms were extreme, and she, along with the Vairfey, dispelled the storms and the starlit sky glittered once more over the world.
Quiana then released the rulers, and told them that she would build a tower in Greyhall for herself, from which she could view all the kingdoms. But she warned them - should they begin another war of the same magnitude as the one which they had been engaged in, she and the Vairfey would wipe the world clean and begin anew. But they Vairfey would send heralds ahead of them, to give the people a chance to change. The heralds would also awaken if the world faced any form of danger.
The rulers agreed to the terms that the Vairfey had presented, and did as they were told.
For a time, the Vairfey would enter the cities and mingle with the people, and the people would hold celebrations and festivals for them. But most of the Vairfey have not been seen for nearly 100 years, and a darkness looms on the horizon…
There will be 4 characters in the game which the player will control:
Leon - The Fighter
Leon hails from a small town in the north of Vaire. He has always been eager to get out of his little village in order to explore the world. Ettiene, a knight in the city of Teriot, agreed to train Leon from a young age after his parents disappeared. Leon is quite educated for someone of his age, but is not one to mince words.
Sarah - The Rogue
Hailing from Nautilia, Sarah was raised by noble parents, but she was never one to stick to her studies. She tends to be both tomboyish and poised, skills which she picked up by being both the daughter of nobles, and her time in the thieves guild. She was trained in assassination techniques by Vernon, leader of the theives’ guild in Nautilia, after seeing potential in her. Her standing in society, plus the skills she’s acquired, make her cunning and the perfect one to infiltrate noble houses and castles.
Devlin - The Mage
The city of Isos, also known as the city of Magic, is home to Devlin, an apprentice in the University of Magical Arts. Many magic users hail from Isos, and it is here that Devlin learned the elemental arts, mostly from studying on his own. His parents were not all that well off, but managed to save enough money to get him into the University where he studies basic spellcraft. He is fairly quiet, and often practices his magic alone.
Rose - The Ranger
Rose is the daughter of farmers who work outside Embris. She knew how to use a bow from the time she could walk, and helps her folks and the other farmhands tend the fields, and keep wild animals and monsters away from their crops and livestock. While she knows how to handle herself in a fight, she is also very trusting. She is one person you never want to get on the bad side of though, as her brother once found out after she pinned him to a barn wall with well aimed arrows.
Leon hails from a small town in the north of Vaire. He has always been eager to get out of his little village in order to explore the world. Ettiene, a knight in the city of Teriot, agreed to train Leon from a young age after his parents disappeared. Leon is quite educated for someone of his age, but is not one to mince words.
Sarah - The Rogue
Hailing from Nautilia, Sarah was raised by noble parents, but she was never one to stick to her studies. She tends to be both tomboyish and poised, skills which she picked up by being both the daughter of nobles, and her time in the thieves guild. She was trained in assassination techniques by Vernon, leader of the theives’ guild in Nautilia, after seeing potential in her. Her standing in society, plus the skills she’s acquired, make her cunning and the perfect one to infiltrate noble houses and castles.
Devlin - The Mage
The city of Isos, also known as the city of Magic, is home to Devlin, an apprentice in the University of Magical Arts. Many magic users hail from Isos, and it is here that Devlin learned the elemental arts, mostly from studying on his own. His parents were not all that well off, but managed to save enough money to get him into the University where he studies basic spellcraft. He is fairly quiet, and often practices his magic alone.
Rose - The Ranger
Rose is the daughter of farmers who work outside Embris. She knew how to use a bow from the time she could walk, and helps her folks and the other farmhands tend the fields, and keep wild animals and monsters away from their crops and livestock. While she knows how to handle herself in a fight, she is also very trusting. She is one person you never want to get on the bad side of though, as her brother once found out after she pinned him to a barn wall with well aimed arrows.
There are also 10 major cities in the game:
Greyhall - The First City
Greyhall is the heart of Vaire, as well as a major center of trade, commerce, and the like. Within its walls stands Greyhall Castle, where King Galston resides. This is also where the rulers of the Old Kingdoms once sat to discuss the fate of Vaire, and where Lady Quiana and the Vairfey appeared to them. To the east, walled off, lies Vairfey Tower, where Lady Quiana is said to reside. However, no one has seen her or the Vairfey, except for the Vairfey of Life, for some time…
Embris - The City of Fire
One of the first cities founded after the Old Kingdoms were dissolved, Embris is the city of fire. It is a major hub for agriculture and machinery, and harnesses natural thermal emissions from nearby lava pools as an energy source. Mt. Vulnac lies to its east, where Blaise, the Vairfey of Fire, built his shrine. Embris also houses the Tactican Fraternity, where Fighters can train in the ways of the Tactician.
Rose hails from the farms outside of Embris, near the Vulnac River.
Dimandi - The City of Ice
One of the first cities founded after the Old Kingdoms were dissolved, Dimandi is the city of ice. Located in the northern most regions of Vaire, it is built on icefields which were once littered with fallen soldiers after one of the last great wars. In the waters north of the city, the Cartril Glacier is where Citra, the Vairfey of Ice, built her shrine. The Warlock Confederacy is housed here, allowing mages to learn the arts and skills of the Warlock.
Voltaic - The City of Lightning
One of the first cities founded after the Old Kingdoms were dissolved, Voltaic is the city of lightning and thunder. The south-western city on the Abalast Continent, Voltaic is built in the Thodrak Wasteland, which is struck by electrical storms year round, but gets little in the way of rain. The Thodrak River runs through the city which gives it water, while a small island in the middle of the river holds the shrine of Pazrek, the Vairfey of Thunder.
Voltaic is home to the Warden Society, where aspiring Rangers can learn the ways of the Warden.
Teriot - The City of Stone
To the south of the Galphur Continent lies Teriot, the city of Stone. It is built within a canyon and harnesses the natural energies of both wind and the minerals from the Teriot mines. At the bottom of one of these mines rests the shrine of Teros, the Vairfey of Earth. The Shadow League houses itself to the east, where Rogues can learn the skills needed to become a Shadow.
Leon lives in Imston Village, north of Teriot.
Isos - The City of Wind
Isos is built in the western ranges of the Kiriax Continent. As the city of Wind, it uses many windmills to power itself. It is also known as the city of Magic, as this is where many magic users are found. Above the city, a cave housing the shrine of Stratos, the Vairfey of Wind, looks over the University of Magic, where Devlin trains to become a Mage in his own right.
Rangers wishing to become Snipers can learn those skills by visiting the Sniper Range to the north of the city.
Nautilia - The City of Water
Nautilia is the only city on Nautilia Island, an island far to the east. It is known for being a noble city, but many fishermen live and work here. In addition, Nautilia is also home to the Vaire Thieves’ Guild, due to the amount of money that passes through the casino in the city. It is here, in the guild, that Sarah learns the arts of assassination, and in the Noble Quarter where she learns how to be a lady. Marauders house themselves near the Nautilian Docks, and are willing to teach any rogue their tricks, if you can afford them, that is.
Vapora, the Vairfey of Water, resides in a shrine that is built into the central fountain in the Nautilia Noble Quarter.
Minello - The City of Light
The city of Light, Minello is built north of Voltaic, on the Orias Steppe. It is known as the city that is built to guard the Feygate, a gate of power that was sealed during the ancient wars, and never reopened.
The Order of the Holy Knight teaches fighters how to bring out their inner defender and the ability to use some basic magicks to help support and defend the weak or helpless.
Aurora, the Vairfey of Light, is said to sleep in the temple that the Feygate resides in, in order to ensure that it is never opened. But it seems that a crack has appeared in the gate, and strange energy is spilling forth, and Aurora, or any other Vairfey for that matter (except Emori), are nowhere to be found…
Nexius - The City of Darkness
The only city or town to thrive in the Miasmic Swamplands, Nexius is the city of Darkness. While it is not an evil darkness that it represents, many items used for making poisons, weapons and the like, are found in its markets and in the surrounding swamp. That said, it is also the home of the biggest manufacturer of antidotes for most poisons.
Out in the swamplands, the shrine of Iniq, the Vairfey of Darkness, lurks. It is usually shrouded by a shadowy haze, though it is said that the poisons in the Miasmic Swamplands and the haze weren’t there prior to the Vairfey’s disappearances…
Exetos - The City of Life
Far from the Miasmic Swamplands, deep within the Kiriax Forest and far to the east of Isos, lies the city of Life, Exetos. The centre of all medical advances on Vaire, Exetos is known for have a lifestyle most in tune with nature. Exetos is also home to Divine Order, a group of mages specifically catering for those mages who strive to be, or are, Divines or healers.
Emori, the Vairfey of Life, is the only one of the Vairfeys who still regularly visit the people in Exetos. But he has been looking frail for as long as anyone can remember, and he goes away longer and longer between each visit...
Greyhall is the heart of Vaire, as well as a major center of trade, commerce, and the like. Within its walls stands Greyhall Castle, where King Galston resides. This is also where the rulers of the Old Kingdoms once sat to discuss the fate of Vaire, and where Lady Quiana and the Vairfey appeared to them. To the east, walled off, lies Vairfey Tower, where Lady Quiana is said to reside. However, no one has seen her or the Vairfey, except for the Vairfey of Life, for some time…
Embris - The City of Fire
One of the first cities founded after the Old Kingdoms were dissolved, Embris is the city of fire. It is a major hub for agriculture and machinery, and harnesses natural thermal emissions from nearby lava pools as an energy source. Mt. Vulnac lies to its east, where Blaise, the Vairfey of Fire, built his shrine. Embris also houses the Tactican Fraternity, where Fighters can train in the ways of the Tactician.
Rose hails from the farms outside of Embris, near the Vulnac River.
Dimandi - The City of Ice
One of the first cities founded after the Old Kingdoms were dissolved, Dimandi is the city of ice. Located in the northern most regions of Vaire, it is built on icefields which were once littered with fallen soldiers after one of the last great wars. In the waters north of the city, the Cartril Glacier is where Citra, the Vairfey of Ice, built her shrine. The Warlock Confederacy is housed here, allowing mages to learn the arts and skills of the Warlock.
Voltaic - The City of Lightning
One of the first cities founded after the Old Kingdoms were dissolved, Voltaic is the city of lightning and thunder. The south-western city on the Abalast Continent, Voltaic is built in the Thodrak Wasteland, which is struck by electrical storms year round, but gets little in the way of rain. The Thodrak River runs through the city which gives it water, while a small island in the middle of the river holds the shrine of Pazrek, the Vairfey of Thunder.
Voltaic is home to the Warden Society, where aspiring Rangers can learn the ways of the Warden.
Teriot - The City of Stone
To the south of the Galphur Continent lies Teriot, the city of Stone. It is built within a canyon and harnesses the natural energies of both wind and the minerals from the Teriot mines. At the bottom of one of these mines rests the shrine of Teros, the Vairfey of Earth. The Shadow League houses itself to the east, where Rogues can learn the skills needed to become a Shadow.
Leon lives in Imston Village, north of Teriot.
Isos - The City of Wind
Isos is built in the western ranges of the Kiriax Continent. As the city of Wind, it uses many windmills to power itself. It is also known as the city of Magic, as this is where many magic users are found. Above the city, a cave housing the shrine of Stratos, the Vairfey of Wind, looks over the University of Magic, where Devlin trains to become a Mage in his own right.
Rangers wishing to become Snipers can learn those skills by visiting the Sniper Range to the north of the city.
Nautilia - The City of Water
Nautilia is the only city on Nautilia Island, an island far to the east. It is known for being a noble city, but many fishermen live and work here. In addition, Nautilia is also home to the Vaire Thieves’ Guild, due to the amount of money that passes through the casino in the city. It is here, in the guild, that Sarah learns the arts of assassination, and in the Noble Quarter where she learns how to be a lady. Marauders house themselves near the Nautilian Docks, and are willing to teach any rogue their tricks, if you can afford them, that is.
Vapora, the Vairfey of Water, resides in a shrine that is built into the central fountain in the Nautilia Noble Quarter.
Minello - The City of Light
The city of Light, Minello is built north of Voltaic, on the Orias Steppe. It is known as the city that is built to guard the Feygate, a gate of power that was sealed during the ancient wars, and never reopened.
The Order of the Holy Knight teaches fighters how to bring out their inner defender and the ability to use some basic magicks to help support and defend the weak or helpless.
Aurora, the Vairfey of Light, is said to sleep in the temple that the Feygate resides in, in order to ensure that it is never opened. But it seems that a crack has appeared in the gate, and strange energy is spilling forth, and Aurora, or any other Vairfey for that matter (except Emori), are nowhere to be found…
Nexius - The City of Darkness
The only city or town to thrive in the Miasmic Swamplands, Nexius is the city of Darkness. While it is not an evil darkness that it represents, many items used for making poisons, weapons and the like, are found in its markets and in the surrounding swamp. That said, it is also the home of the biggest manufacturer of antidotes for most poisons.
Out in the swamplands, the shrine of Iniq, the Vairfey of Darkness, lurks. It is usually shrouded by a shadowy haze, though it is said that the poisons in the Miasmic Swamplands and the haze weren’t there prior to the Vairfey’s disappearances…
Exetos - The City of Life
Far from the Miasmic Swamplands, deep within the Kiriax Forest and far to the east of Isos, lies the city of Life, Exetos. The centre of all medical advances on Vaire, Exetos is known for have a lifestyle most in tune with nature. Exetos is also home to Divine Order, a group of mages specifically catering for those mages who strive to be, or are, Divines or healers.
Emori, the Vairfey of Life, is the only one of the Vairfeys who still regularly visit the people in Exetos. But he has been looking frail for as long as anyone can remember, and he goes away longer and longer between each visit...
So there you go guys! Some insight into the development of my game. I've got a number of people helping me on it.
If you're interested, one of my preliminary maps for Imston Village is attached.
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