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Good Motivation Advice

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Today I opened up discord and I checked out one of the gaame dev servers I'm a part of and the first message I was seen was some real solid and good motivation advice and I just had to share it here. I know we all get there eventually, lack of motivation, or lack of desire to develop your game, I know it happens to me frequently but I eventually get by it, take a break here and there but continue to work on it no matter what. Anyway, here is the advice copied and pasted:
Well, allow me to pass on some advice . Some people will say when you lose motivation on a project, you should move on to something else. This is bad advice. Development, especially game development, is not about motivation. Motivation is only needed in the early stages, you need motivation to come up with an idea and start working on it. After that, you will lose motivation eventually. The trick is to power through it, force yourself to keep working on it power through the lack of motivation until you have something playable, a prototype, or if you're already past that point, an MVP (minimum viable product) Because once you have an MVP, you can really start trying out all those crazy awesome ideas you had for stuff that you maybe had to throw out cos they were too crazy or out of scope. You can add em, see how they feel, see if they work, or don't, work on polish, make your game look all sexy and feel awesome to play. The hard part is getting to the point where you can start considering this stuff. It's not about motivation and inspiration, it's about perseverence and determination.
Let me know your thoughts about this, I myself know this to be true, the motivation eventually dies out and then it's all down to pure work, polishing, tedious things which don't help the situation but you know the end product will be good(at least you hope) So I feel in a sense the motivation will never be as strong as it was when you first came up with the idea but capturing that moment and going back to it when you need that extra force or push to the development of your game.

What do you do for motivation? When all else seems to fail what is your go-to activity that seems to help?
As a writer, this is very relatable to me, and I have to agree. a key to a successful work, but..on the other side, it is also the most slippery key you'll ever hold onto. It can easily slip away from your grasp, and poof. Everytime I feel dismotivated, I lay down a little, thinking that "If you never stop changing your work, then when will you finish one, and worst, when will you succeed?".

I know it sounds much more dismotivating, but sometimes "fear" can be the best thing that keep you up. I know some people disagree with this, but it works for me and what leads me to be successful writer in my college years. I always set "fear" as my topmost motivation.

But I also butter my minds by imagining a little, "what would it be like if THIS work was the actual thing that made me successful?" setting this thinking, I also inflict myself with the eagerness to finish the project I'm working on, filled with "hope".

So you could say that my motivation source is based off on my mind, or to narrow it down, imagination. Imagining the "fear" and "hope" of the future, they are two different things, yet they have a similiar reason, to keep you inside the line ;P and if that doesn't work, like you said, take a break a little. It could be just your mind overworked and feeling like laying down the pen for a while, just make sure you don't forget what you were doing and lose the track of time, I always do this in my younger days.

But hell, it's just my opinion XD it may sounds so wishy-washy(maybe) but hey, opinions have a different color for each person.


Lord of Memes
I'm in the middle of making my first game, and it feels very very difficult at times. I get tired of working on parts of the game, ill move onto another area, and ill still feel tired and bogged down. Being a no name dude just wanting to make game in his free time really makes me worry that when it's done, nobody will care or play it, and I get big urge to just give up.

I quit, for a while. After about a month, I found this site, while looking at possibly getting back into making this game, and lordy was that a great moment. I saw all the amazing games people here have made, I saw how nice and supportive people are in this community, I found an actually active community where you could throw in ideas and projects and get real help. This community has made me very very enthusiastic, to the point that im likely annoying to some. I never want anyone to give up like I did, which is why if you make a post about stopping work on your game you'll likely get a message from me soon.

So, what do I saw about helping people get motivated? Go and look around, find games and find what's amazing about them, contact devs, ask them about how they did it. Find motivation through the end result that shall come from giving back to a community that is open and welcoming to a niche few who have a passion for game development.

Thanks to everyone on this site for being awesome! And to everyone looking to this thread for motivation, please, keep working on your games <3


Today I opened up discord and I checked out one of the gaame dev servers I'm a part of and the first message I was seen was some real solid and good motivation advice and I just had to share it here. I know we all get there eventually, lack of motivation, or lack of desire to develop your game, I know it happens to me frequently but I eventually get by it, take a break here and there but continue to work on it no matter what. Anyway, here is the advice copied and pasted:

Let me know your thoughts about this, I myself know this to be true, the motivation eventually dies out and then it's all down to pure work, polishing, tedious things which don't help the situation but you know the end product will be good(at least you hope) So I feel in a sense the motivation will never be as strong as it was when you first came up with the idea but capturing that moment and going back to it when you need that extra force or push to the development of your game.

What do you do for motivation? When all else seems to fail what is your go-to activity that seems to help?
That's true because if you move out of your first game, it will become a habit and you will never finish any game in the end.