Right, here goes.
You know the current badges system? i don't like it. I'm all for badges to make people more active, but the fact that they are the only way to increase your level, and thus your respect in the forums is just annoying.
I don't want to have to do anything out of my way. Post a topic? Fair enough. Get loads of likes? Okay. Use an annoying style? Ehhhhh....
"Have one of your videos uploaded to RMMV's official youtube!" ......wat?
"Have an idea, suggestion, etc. get implemented into the forum!" No.
Note that I don't have a problem with the badges themselves, more of the fact that they give loads of exp.
You know the current badges system? i don't like it. I'm all for badges to make people more active, but the fact that they are the only way to increase your level, and thus your respect in the forums is just annoying.
I don't want to have to do anything out of my way. Post a topic? Fair enough. Get loads of likes? Okay. Use an annoying style? Ehhhhh....
"Have one of your videos uploaded to RMMV's official youtube!" ......wat?
"Have an idea, suggestion, etc. get implemented into the forum!" No.
Note that I don't have a problem with the badges themselves, more of the fact that they give loads of exp.