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Speaking out against the badges!

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[Insert Member Title]
Right, here goes.
You know the current badges system? i don't like it. I'm all for badges to make people more active, but the fact that they are the only way to increase your level, and thus your respect in the forums is just annoying.

I don't want to have to do anything out of my way. Post a topic? Fair enough. Get loads of likes? Okay. Use an annoying style? Ehhhhh....
"Have one of your videos uploaded to RMMV's official youtube!" ......wat?

"Have an idea, suggestion, etc. get implemented into the forum!" No.

Note that I don't have a problem with the badges themselves, more of the fact that they give loads of exp.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
What would be a good solution? Maybe earn experience other ways, badges that a bit more simple and just as much experience? . I think when the community really starts going there will be easier ones to gain, just right now I think it's early stages of the badges and some are probably defualt badges. I am sure the staff will figure ways out to make it more balanced, but suggestions are good.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I agree with @HotfireLegend on this. I don't think the ones for providing ideas and promoting the forum will make as much sense later on, but I think they are very good ideas for now.

As for post and like count badges, I think they're at reasonable levels for now.

Cloud Knight

Praised Adventurer
i like the system, i mean what is a badge ? what clairify's a badge ? definition states it as this "a distinctive emblem worn as a mark of office, membership, achievement, licensed employment, etc." all we need is more friendly one's, but those type of badges are there for the ones that like to as you say "go out your way" to get them! i find those cool, special, unique, there's nothing wrong with having badges normally everyone can't or will not do to get them. it's like the boy's scout's or girl scout's or xbox or psn, u get rewarded for what you do and if you don't do it who cares ?
does it increases levels yes same way it does on xbox (
gamer score) or psn (trophy count and level stat)
but hear me out it also doesn't mean you will be respected just because your a high level user on the
you can be an
absolute saint and the nicest member but be a level zero and have everyone respect you because of it. then on the flip-side could be an absolute anesthetist douche and have the top level!
level's are purely cosmetic and contain to give forum user's something to do. don't let it control ya or be who you are remember this forum is purely made to make a community that is tightly knit with unity, love in design and game making.
the levels and badges are just there for those that like that system such as myself, and i'm assuming many others.

now we just need lots and LOTS of new one's both frenziedly and unqine !

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
it also doesn't mean you will be respected just because your a high level user on the forums.
you can be an
absolute saint and the nicest member but be a level zero and have everyone respect you because of it.
This is a great point you bring up, it's really not about the badges you have but the actual intent behind the badges you earn that make the person have more respect. I have a ton of badges and some of them I recieved just for being me you know. This is why I like badges because you can totally be yourself and recieve awards for doing it lol.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Subconsciously, people will associate the higher levels with people being "better" than others, but I'd like to think that's just incentive for everyone to be active and earn those higher levels. I think that's important for a community that's just starting. I also think they're a good indicator for other members of who may be a good person to go to if they have a question.

@LTN Games : Exactly, lol. There will always be members posting just for likes and all of that, but it's kind of nice to be rewarded for doing what you'd normally do anyway.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I also think they're a good indicator for other members of who may be a good person to go to if they have a question.
BAM!! Good points being brought up all over the place. I agree with this as well, If you go through the badges and someone has a badge for a ton of likes recieved then that is obviously someone that others like and is probably easy to chat with and get along with. It will help determine the trolls/ not so friendlys and the awsome people.


Staff member
Resource Team
i like the system, i mean what is a badge ? what clairify's a badge ? definition states it as this "a distinctive emblem worn as a mark of office, membership, achievement, licensed employment, etc." all we need is more friendly one's, but those type of badges are there for the ones that like to as you say "go out your way" to get them! i find those cool, special, unique, there's nothing wrong with having badges normally everyone can't or will not do to get them. it's like the boy's scout's or girl scout's or xbox or psn, u get rewarded for what you do and if you don't do it who cares ?
does it increases levels yes same way it does on xbox (
gamer score) or psn (trophy count and level stat)
but hear me out it also doesn't mean you will be respected just because your a high level user on the
you can be an
absolute saint and the nicest member but be a level zero and have everyone respect you because of it. then on the flip-side could be an absolute anesthetist douche and have the top level!
level's are purely cosmetic and contain to give forum user's something to do. don't let it control ya or be who you are remember this forum is purely made to make a community that is tightly knit with unity, love in design and game making.
the levels and badges are just there for those that like that system such as myself, and i'm assuming many others.

now we just need lots and LOTS of new one's both frenziedly and unqine !
I could not have said this any better. Badges increase level, which gives you a new title yes. But all of that is cosmetics. There are a lot of badges you can get automatically, as well as lots of unique and Legacy badges that will be readily available for loads of competitions. They're simply there to reward the member for doing stuff you'd normally do, or go above and beyond for. People will go out of their way to advertise the site, thus the reason why we'd reward for this. People are extremely helpful, we say thank you by giving you a badge. The harder, or more work you'd have to do, the better EXP you'd get. Users don't have to go out of their way to do things to help us out, so to say thank you for doing so we'd reward them with the badges. (It's extremely late so sorry if I repeat stuff) It's all for fun, and it's all to help allow people to get rewarded for what they do. You won't be looked down on if you do not badge hunt, and you won't be looked up upon solely because you badge hunt. It's about who you are on the forum that defines you.


LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Locking and moving, this has been addressed. If for any reason you believe it should be re-opened please contact a staff member or report the post.
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