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typing lessons


Hello. I know this might sound odd and random!

However, I am offering typing lessons for anyone who wants to improve their speed and efficiency. Free of course. Shouldn't even have to mention that. haha

Why is this relevant? Being deft of hand on a keyboard makes forum life so much better lol

I say this because I used to type with 2 fingers, until I took a class and I can actually be involved in forum topics and keep up.

In about 5 lessons (and of course you practicing about 10 minutes a day) you can double your typing speed. Unless you of course already type 100 wpm... human hands can only go so fast XD


Cyborg Kiwi
Hello. I know this might sound odd and random!

However, I am offering typing lessons for anyone who wants to improve their speed and efficiency. Free of course. Shouldn't even have to mention that. haha

Why is this relevant? Being deft of hand on a keyboard makes forum life so much better lol

I say this because I used to type with 2 fingers, until I took a class and I can actually be involved in forum topics and keep up.

In about 5 lessons (and of course you practicing about 10 minutes a day) you can double your typing speed. Unless you of course already type 100 wpm... human hands can only go so fast XD
Hehe, I used to 2 finger type XD I upgraded to 2 hand typing. That should be your advertisement XD From 2 Fingers to 2 Hands ;) :P XD


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I remember having to type with coins on my fingers back in grade school, lol. Everyone was expected to type proficiently with 2 hands before we made it to middle school. This is a nice idea, though. I still take typing tests every once in a while to see how I'm doing.


haha. We had to type on a keyboard with the letters blacked out. We just had to type words for 30 minutes a day. It wasn't even sentences. Just words. It worked. lol

David FoxFire

If there's one skill I'm actually grateful I've learned in both High School and Business College, that's how to touch type. It's a hard skill at first, but once you learn how, it's becomes riding a bike second nature, and your productivity will thank you for it.

Tu Chau

You remind me of the mario typing game, the one I played in the computer classroom because there was no other games =))


I can't help being naturally competitive, so in class I made it my mission to be the fastest. Currently the fastest I've ever peaked is 140wpm

Tu Chau

My best record when typing in my first language was ~120 wpm without thinking too much of the meaning and spelling mistakes.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I think i'm okay with typing, I still make spelling mistakes and grammar but that is because I type to faster than I think sometimes lol.

David FoxFire

I think i'm okay with typing, I still make spelling mistakes and grammar but that is because I type to faster than I think sometimes lol.
I find that a familiar complaint. That's why when I type, I use Microsoft Word, and if I really need it, add Ginger for an additonal grammar checker. If I were made of money, I'd hire an editor, but I'm stuck in SSI Hell and I'm not the kind of guy people stand in line to help me out. (Unless it's demanding that I go back to remedial school and post my homework on DeviantART for all to see. Because they claim that I'm functionally illiterate....and what the Fuck was I doing for the past thirty seconds?)

It's one of the reasons why I don't do fiction or post on DA anymore.
I can peak at 90 wpm, heaven knows how you can physically do more!!

I one finger type on my ipad pretty fast, two hands on computers.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I one finger type on my ipad pretty fast, two hands on computers.
Im two hands on computer, and I hate typing on anything but my computer. Touchscreen I get like 50% more spelling mistakes than my coomputer. If the word is wrong I have to pause make sure the right word is auto corrected and ughhh, Touchscreen = headache for me.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I switched from a phone with a QWERTY keyboard to an iPhone about 2 years ago, and I actually haven't had any issues with the switch. I will say that typing on a smartphone does make it way easier to make mistakes, though.

Also, autocorrect still doesn't understand that I curse. Trust me, I'm not typing "duck".

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Trust me, I'm not typing "duck".
Warning!! You said a curse word that's totally - 1 to your overall awsomeness. hehehe just kidding. Though I can type fast on phones I always need to fix something, causing me to pause my fast typing skills to highlight word and click what I meant, or delete and try to fix causing auto correct to attempt to autocorrect the two letters I am just trying to fix on the word that it has already messed up... uhhh, huhh, okay im breathing it's okay seriously.