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Here's a noob~


Hello all.

I'm Caluce, and... Gnu I don't know how introduce myself in english without say anything strange. Ok. Easy mode activation.

Me ?

I'm French ; my brain is burning when I use english... o español ; it's the first time I join an english forum. I'll spamm reverso.

RPG maker expérience ?

I tried to make a game with RPGMVX when I was in primary school . And it was... Functionnal. Maybe.
I have made a little game for an french event on the Motion Twin game: Hordes (scenario + part of mapping + part of others things don't know say) with VX Ace. (game crash one day before the show because I have made some stupid things with the img files, I've never "work" as faster before to fix something, wooohoo)

I understand NOTHING about script. Or plugins. Or both...?
I make some bidules with variables and dialogues and events... Then I pray.

And sometimes it's works!

Why I come here ?

In fact I just search "RPG maker MV tilesets" and "Ho no registration, gneee" and "I'll find elsewhere" and "Ok elsewhere sucks" and "Ok, ok, I'm registrating".
Why is the french community so big- I feel like there's more frenchies than actual english speakers on here. ANYWAYS, I laughed at "bidules".

Other than that, welcome to the forum, hope you have a great time around!


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Ohh it's okay :D Salut! I'm learning French but I pretty much suck at it. Anyway don't worry xD and feel free to ask if you have any questions. Hope that you can find what you're looking for and have a lot of fun~


Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca
Its ok if you don't speak good english, not many people who speak good english can actually type in good english (like me) XD. welcome and have a nice stay. :)



Why is the french community so big- I feel like there's more frenchies than actual english speakers on here. ANYWAYS, I laughed at "bidules".

Other than that, welcome to the forum, hope you have a great time around!
Because frenchies will conquer the internet! (devilish)

Ohh it's okay :D Salut! I'm learning French but I pretty much suck at it. Anyway don't worry xD and feel free to ask if you have any questions. Hope that you can find what you're looking for and have a lot of fun~
Ahah, good luck, I know learning french is sooo terrible... Even for frenchies. (dead)
I'll try to learn by myself before cry a river of help demands.

Chibae: Thank you~!


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Ahah, good luck, I know learning french is sooo terrible... Even for frenchies. (dead)
I'll try to learn by myself before cry a river of help demands.
Ahh I know ewe But it's also a thing about motivation and not-lazyness lol. I bet learning german is way worse xD But thank you :3~


Praised Adventurer
A suggestion (goes for others, too...)
Write any posts in English, but write in French, too. That way, anyone fluent in French (as you say, there are many here...) can at least understand the intention, if there's any ambiguity, and maybe even offer a correction or complement of information..?
Disclaimer: I'm British, living in France for decades, now. Not good with Spanish, German, Finnish etc, though..!

Une suggestion (qui va pour d'autres, aussi ...)
Écrire des messages en anglais, mais écrire également en français. De cette façon, tout le monde parlant couramment le français (comme t'as remarqué, il y a quelques uns ici ...) peut au moins comprendre l'intention, s'il y a ambiguïté, et peut même offrir une correction ou complément d'information ..?
Avertissement: Je suis britannique, vivant en France depuis des décennies, maintenant, mais pas bon de tout avec l'espagnol, l'allemand, finnois, etc..!


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
On peut essayer? xD We'd have to ask @Xyphien or any other staff member. People also requested that with spanish, as long as an English version is included it should'nt be a problem, should it?
@Dad3353 do French people hear your British accent or did it dissappear over the years? That French accent is so special and kinda impossible to imitate xD (atleast for me, I'm German).
Ching Chong Dong Ding Kong Pang Kim Lang Doo Suzuki Honda Domo Arigato Mr.Roboto

I actually support that, I was kinda afraid of using any french word in posts due to what I had read in the rules.


Praised Adventurer
On peut essayer? xD We'd have to ask @Xyphien or any other staff member. People also requested that with spanish, as long as an English version is included it should'nt be a problem, should it?
@Dad3353 do French people hear your British accent or did it dissappear over the years? That French accent is so special and kinda impossible to imitate xD (atleast for me, I'm German).
I think as long as the post is doubled in English, it's OK to use one's native tongue. As I mentioned, I think that it can only help; I can't see a downside. Perhaps a Mod or Admin could confirm or deny..?
My accent..? Preciously guarded as being just about the only 'quality' I have with which to charm young ladies. It's worked, modestly, up till now. :-|
Hiya, caluce!! Hi-five for being a fellow foreign member who also joined at the same day ^-^ I'm not french, though XD, but I hope we can be friends!!

(note : your story on why you decide to join here is kinda funny XD)


Staff member
Hi @caluce . I am half Cajun French, so I know a little of that dialect, as well as the French learned in school. We have a good number of Mexican workers in the area, so myself picked up some Spanish. Remember some from Sesame Street and also took it in school.

What do you like to write about?


Ahh I know ewe But it's also a thing about motivation and not-lazyness lol. I bet learning german is way worse xD But thank you :3~
But being lazy is so comfortable. (cry)

@Dad3353 @Cunechan: Wow It would be cool if we could do that.

Hiya, caluce!! Hi-five for being a fellow foreign member who also joined at the same day ^-^ I'm not french, though XD, but I hope we can be friends!!

(note : your story on why you decide to join here is kinda funny XD)
*spear her hand toward @kuzuryuu_shiko * Not reason we'll not be~

Hi @caluce . I am half Cajun French, so I know a little of that dialect, as well as the French learned in school. We have a good number of Mexican workers in the area, so myself picked up some Spanish. Remember some from Sesame Street and also took it in school.

What do you like to write about?
I didn't know what means "Cajun" before (I just say "Francophone people in USA" (ignored) ) so, thanks to you and wikipédia!

I want to become a Fantasy/Historical autor, so when it's not for a special event, I imagine some strange land with some historical bases or inspirations. Maybe I'll try to make a game about the French (I think there are english and others versions ??) game "Eladarya". Post-Apo world or Pirate univers is also good...

Okey. A Fantasy Post Apo world with Pirates! (perplexed) Oh wait it might work.