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balanced game


Praised Adventurer
I know a simple way to balance enemy stats if you're using Yanfly's enemy levels plugin xP. That makes the balancing extremely easy. Weapons/armor not too sure on those as I always run into balancing issues there myself, but Yanfly also has an equipment scaling plugin too that will scale those stats as well.


I know a simple way to balance enemy stats if you're using Yanfly's enemy levels plugin xP. That makes the balancing extremely easy. Weapons/armor not too sure on those as I always run into balancing issues there myself, but Yanfly also has an equipment scaling plugin too that will scale those stats as well.
where i can get these plugins. thank you

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Balancing is one of the hardest things for a game, depending on the style and dedication of course. For me balance is done throughout the entire time of development, it never stops, you always have to think about how things should be obtained, how much things should cost and how strong enemies are. There is no easy way of doing it, but if you always think about balancing then you're always balancing and in the end it will be easier on you than just doing the balancing all at once and trying to make things smooth for your players. So my only advice is always balance, always think about how much the player will need to do so and so, and to get from point A to point B, etc.


Praised Adventurer
I'm far from expert; I have exactly these same questions and issues. My solution is to create a Demo game and both play it myself and ask others to play it, giving feedback. With information gleaned from both, I adjust the Demo and learn. I've no better method than that, as I believe each game to be different. If one creates small(ish...) games and Demos, experience is built up which make it much easier later on. I don't know of any all-embracing method that gives a clear-cut reply to your question, so I'd suggest just doing as best as you can, but allow for adjustments and 'tweaking' in the Test phases.
Hope this helps.


Praised Adventurer
Yeah, there is no end to balancing until the game is completed and even then sometimes it's not done lol. I tend to test every part that I add into the game along with everything before it with each addition. This way I can get the idea of if things are too quick or too slow, too easy or difficult, etc. If I feel it's in a good spot, then I'll make the demo and pass it off to my dev team and testers and get their feedback. If they mention something is off then I'll go back and test it again with that in mind, often times realizing what they meant and fixing it accordingly. But yeah, one of the best ways to make this process easier on you is to know what you have in mind for scaling before doing it. Adjusting an entire game after it's complete can be extremely tedious and often the cause for abandoned projects (even with them so close to being finished). So my way is to do it step by step and test it as I go. This way I have everything in order and it all flows together with a nice difficulty curve as the story progresses.

It does really depend on your game's genre and style to determine what would need balancing and be able to fit with how you want the game to go. If you don't want to do balancing by using plugins, you can likely refer to some of the tools that Yanfly has linked on their website. Those tools include enemy paremeters, player parameters, and several other tools that will definitely make the process less confusing without the need for a plugin (but if you're using a standard RPG style to your game I'd highly suggest using plugins since they'll make it less time consuming and generally easier).


My advice would be to get familiar with spreadsheets like Microsoft excell or google sheets. Give in the damage formula , and a table of possible stats, and see what happens, or you can use a little math.

Warning: Math ahead!

There are 5 parameters that count during a random encounter:
Player Attack (A)
Monster defense (M)
Damage done/attack (D)
Enemy HP (HP)
Turns the combat lasts (T)

And 2 Equations:(For standard damage formulas)

Because we have 2 equations and 5 Variables, we can freely choose 3 Parameters and the other 2 will be calculated.
You certainly want to control the amount of turns a battle takes, and then you get to freely choose 2 other parameters. Let's suppose we have a certain player attack and a certain damage we want to see appear, then we can calculate the other 2 stats by rearranging the formula's.

This will give you a baseline for your stats.