Hello ladies and gentlemen of RMMV.co! I'm proud to announce we will be doing our first ever game night next Sunday at 1700 CST. We will be playing a free browser based game to ensure everyone is able to play. The game is called Town of Salem. https://www.blankmediagames.com/phpbb/index.php Simply register an account (Use my referral if possible. Name is: Xyphien). We will be talking using the RMMV official Discord chat channel. The max users is 15 so if we have any more than that we will have to use two separate games. The secondary discord channel will be Amy's if we get over 15 people participating.
Comment below if you're interested, as well as wanting other information.
Date: 12-June-16
Time: 17:00 CST (5pm)
Comment below if you're interested, as well as wanting other information.
Date: 12-June-16
Time: 17:00 CST (5pm)
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