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Writing Buddy?


Dragon Goddess
so, I love to write fantasy and stuff, but I think it's much more fun when I have someone else to write with. if anyone is interested and likes writing fantasy (dragons, magic, knights -- it's all great stuff!) let me know! I'd love to make some friends to write with. ^_^

P.S. -- Hopefully this is in the right section haha.

anyways, just to make some discussion here: do you have a writing buddy? do you think it is more fun writing alone or with someone else?
I've been writing for a long time and have written a considerable amount. Some have been published, some have been self-published and most are just gathering dust, or are locked away in my head somewhere. Probably way too much for my own good and more than I can write in a lifetime.

I prefer writing alone because I've often found that writing buddies - even ones who share your visions - will have their own ideas. Each contribution is valid, but you have an idea for a story, so you know its direction, its mythos, or its nuances in your head, so when someone else comes in and says, "Oh, how about this. Or changing this." it usually won't fit into what you'd first envisioned, even if they're excellent ideas.

I've had my share of writing buddies too. Most of them have been awesome. It's just a matter of learning to compromise, to adapt and to think how that cool idea is going to integrate into the storyline. Oh, and they point out spelling, grammatical or punctuational errors (I make very few of those), but also plot holes (which there tend to be quite a number of given that my mind races at 100 mph in a 30 mph zone!).

I've also had some really bad writing buddies. And I mean BAD!! One in particular (quite recent) actually had a very good idea for a story, one that would certainly work well in a game environment (which was going to be the intention). The problem is that the story closely resembled another game - almost too much so that we had to try and tweak things so they became unique. There were things in the storyline that just didn't make sense; they jumped from one thing to another and the readers/players were just expected to know why they were at that point.

The problem wasn't so much in all these flaws - those are inevitable in the first few drafts. It was that this person was not open-minded at all to any ideas but his own. Subsequently, we spent most of our time explaining why things didn't fit into the theme or work as a concept, or listening to him rant about how we were trying to take over HIS story and change it completely...Blah! Blah! And then there was the issue of copyrights (specifically the author's, artist's and game maker's materials)...I'm not even gonna touch that one! Haha!

Unfortunately, it got to the stage where we just had to abandon the whole project and wish him well.

I like working with others as writing buddies a lot of the time because they can give a fresh perspective on and old idea or shape parts of the story into something you didn't think of. My main writing buddy is - and always has been - my wife. She's a story-crafter in her own league, so when it comes to ideas she's brimming with them. She's also my inspiration and my Muse. :)


Dragon Goddess
Awwww~ You're so close that's so sweet.
@Cunechan this is off-topic :P

@Companion Wulf Yeah most writers I've tried to work with have been bad, just as you describe lol. it's very difficult to find a writer who is not only decent, but open to the ideas of others. I've been searching forever! I always write my own stuff, but sometimes I enjoy writing with others... it really helps to get me inspired/motivated. :)
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@Micro I hear ya. Over the years - ever since I first met my wife, in fact - I've grown to be quite open-minded when it comes to writing. Honestly, I think I have to be. We've collaborated on a number of stories and there have been some clashes, but it's now more a case of her having these cool ideas and me writing the majority of them, with her pointing out certain things that don't fit or that needs changing. It works out quite well.

A prime example (and one with an interesting backstory) is The Saga of Rusty Knight. It's complete but remains unpublished, more as a kind of personal thing between her and me. We actually met online 15 years ago - back when the Internet was just about out of dial-up LOL - and we used to frequent those old Yahoo! chatrooms devoted to roleplaying. So we started doing some roleplaying of our own, inserting some of our personal lives into this fantasized world we were creating, and it was so much fun we continued on and off for about a year. This was when we first started having feelings for one another (we were friends for 2 years first) and before we met in person. A tangible story started forming, so I dug out our sessions from archives and compiled it into a working short story. In time, this expanded and the full novella was born. My wife tweaked things here and there, mostly from the perspective of her character and it worked very well. In fact, we've not stopped doing just that, which is what makes it all successful and worthwhile. (She's doing the same thing with Gaia's Dream, which is mostly her story idea anyway.) :)

Like you, I'd welcome working with someone else on their stories/storyline, but mostly stay with proofreading nowadays.


Dragon Goddess
that's really awesome Wulf, truly an inspirational tale. I think it's beautiful how you met your wife and that you guys were able to write awesome stories together! thank you for sharing this story with me, it really made me smile!!


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
@Micro oh sorry XD silly me always wandering off topic.

Actually I have a writing partner, well more or less. She's a friend of mine and we write a fantasy story together (it's about our classmates). It's like I have the ideas and she has the writing skills and self-confidence I'm lacking of. Usually I'm writing/drawing stuff for myself and barely tell others but it feels good to do something like that with a friend. But we actually rarely meet lately. And I feel like my writing skills become worse and worse (seriously it feels like I was so much better one and two years ago. My teachers always said that my sentence structure was too complicated and the words I used either. So I changed to a simple style but I regret it and can't find back to my original style. It's weird hahah).

When I was 10 I had a friend who wrote a story with me about dragons and pigsXD We got pretty far and it was fun but somehow we stopped meeting and we wrote everything in a small book. Still have it though. Gshhg one realizes while reading that it was written by kids XD


Staff member
My wife is sometimes my editor before I submit magazine articles, but I have had multiple writing partners. The largest amount is when I am working on an anthology. I love how different writers from diverse parts of the world can look at things from totally different and fresh perspectives.
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When I was 10 I had a friend who wrote a story with me about dragons and pigsXD We got pretty far and it was fun but somehow we stopped meeting and we wrote everything in a small book. Still have it though. Gshhg one realizes while reading that it was written by kids XD
Back in my post-teen pre-adult years, during a particularly dark period in my life, a friend and I wrote a few stories together. I found them a few months ago - surprised I still had them on FLOPPY DISKS I kept!!! - and, man, were they grisly gory. I also found some stories I'd started writing back when I was 15! And a LOT of near-complete ones from later in life. What surprised me most of all is how GOOD they actually were! My writing style's changed so much since then; I wish I could go back to that style of writing. :D


Whenever I try to write with someone else, we seem to get stuck in a never ending argument about something. It can be a simple thing like a character name, or even the title of the story itself. That's probably why I just gave up and stuck with worrying about things like art or mechanics and avoiding plot and name detail haha.
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∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Whip? What? Sorry, but I found that very offensive and unnecessary! It's not very Minister-like to imply that you want to whip a girl (who happens to be my dear sister) for clarifying a topic's purpose. Please choose your words more carefully next time
Sorry for causing you all trouble. I hope Mj meant whipped cream, for party (aww) (I really hope)

@Companion Wulf IKR? I drew a manga in a team with two people (who used to be my friends but aren't anymore) when I was 12 and the idea was actually really good. Although it was supposed to be a parody and it was all about jokes. I actually made like ten volumes (i drew everything with my hand and it's also in a book) but it's reallllly crappy XD My sis loves that manga and she started developing the idea and thinking about almost every character, made designs, etc and she wants to remake everything as a game (tears)
When you wish you could rewind time to get back your writing style XD

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I am not a writer at heart, I have no issues expressing myself through writing but when it comes to fictional stories and dialogue I have a very hard time putting them into words. I can think up some amazing stories and plots, I just can't get it on paper or any kind of written form lol. This is what makes Sock Quest development a very slow process, I probably would have been done a few months ago if I could get my ideas on paper and be able to have a good few hour sessions for a couple days, then the game would be done in no time lol. Even when I was younger I always ideas in my head, I think I even started a book and got about 2 chapters in and just could not go through with it. I think a majority of my issue is I tend to over analyze, I try to make unique character dialogue then wonder what other think about it, then I come to my own conclusion of it being silly and either continue writing or re-write the last few sentences, meh, what can you do, is what it is.


Dragon Goddess
@Micro oh sorry XD silly me always wandering off topic.

Actually I have a writing partner, well more or less. She's a friend of mine and we write a fantasy story together (it's about our classmates). It's like I have the ideas and she has the writing skills and self-confidence I'm lacking of. Usually I'm writing/drawing stuff for myself and barely tell others but it feels good to do something like that with a friend. But we actually rarely meet lately. And I feel like my writing skills become worse and worse (seriously it feels like I was so much better one and two years ago. My teachers always said that my sentence structure was too complicated and the words I used either. So I changed to a simple style but I regret it and can't find back to my original style. It's weird hahah).

When I was 10 I had a friend who wrote a story with me about dragons and pigsXD We got pretty far and it was fun but somehow we stopped meeting and we wrote everything in a small book. Still have it though. Gshhg one realizes while reading that it was written by kids XD
@Cunechan that sounds pretty awesome. it's sad that you don't meet with your friend much anymore ;w; I totally agree, it's so fun to work with another person just because of all the different and cool ideas you get. I love writing fantasy too!

lol dragons and pigs whoaa! haha that sounds interesting. I've always written about dragons since I was a little girl just getting into writing, they are the best! do you have an OC? or I guess, what is a character you made that really represents you?

OMG you made a manga? that's SO cool, I've always wanted to do that with an artist friend!

@LTN Games I know what you mean! I do that sometimes too, like I get these awesome ideas but they wind up just withering away in a folder on my computer somewhere lol. I think what makes a writer is their ideas anyway! it's not all about fancy words :) haha omg, I do the same a lot! like, hmm... would this character really say this in this situation? how could I make it sound better? it's definitely a pain sometimes!

@MinisterJay lolwut? I was just reminding her about the topic at hand, and I'm glad I did because I got a very interesting response from her ^_^


Digital Artist
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Resource Team
I prefer writing by myself, but I have a few friends that help me brainstorm/edit things. I prefer writing blog/essay-style pieces, so I'm usually not too much of a stickler for perfection, lol. I think it's a lot of fun to brainstorm in a group, since you can see all sorts of perspectives and ideas about a topic. A lot of times I'll hear an approach to a topic I hadn't thought of before. (cheeky)

lolwut? I was just reminding her about the topic at hand, and I'm glad I did because I got a very interesting response from her
He just means don't mini-mod. If someone is off-topic, report the post and let someone handle it. No need to get in a huff about it ^^
What I used to do for those times when random thoughts, inspiration, etc. would strike is never leave home without a pocket notepad to jot them down as notes for later interpretation. And then those dictaphones came out (people would often think I was a raving lunatic when talking into them). Nowadays we have tablets and smartphones so it's a little more "acceptable" to talk into it and it's much easier to write those ideas down. How those touch-handwriting and voice translating apps would have come in handy all those years ago!! You could say these are now my TRUE writing buddy?! Haha!


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@Companion Wulf: Lol! Yes! When I leave the house, I always have at least 1 sketchbook ready, as well as my phone's notepad app. They're my best "buddies"!

Random inspiration appears? Gotta record it all!


Dragon Goddess
Are you looking for a writing partner?
yeah I've been searching for years, no luck though haha. ones I do find usually just drop out and disappear from the face of the Earth unfortunately. or else they are so inactive they only post like once a month and I get bored. :c


I really enjoy writing with my old friend! we are not in contact anymore though(dead)
Writing with some friends give room to some humor, it also makes you write longer in the end.
But there are times when I like to write stories by myself.