Sinnistar submitted a new resource:
Tales of the Lumminai (MAC) - Here's the mac version for TOTL's demo. I'll update both versions each time it needs it.
Tales of the Lumminai (MAC) - Here's the mac version for TOTL's demo. I'll update both versions each time it needs it.
Read more about this resource...TOTL now supports MAC! A note of advice though, I cannot test this personally so I will not be able to know what's wrong if anything is. Please share any bugs and such you find with me so that I can fix them up! But yeah, this version is untested (although it should be fine too since the windows version works great) since none of my team can test mac versions.
The Game:
Tales of the Lumminai is a dark fantasy rpg set in two parallel worlds. As the player, you get to choose which world to...