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need help with movement

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yes i am having a problem with my set movement route i want my npc to take 5 steps forward then 1 down and speak and it dose this but then it repeats and keeps going with 5 steps and down 1 and talk and i have repeat movement off, when i thought it was a bug with the button i turn on repeat and all it dose is walk and no talk how do i make the darn npc not repeat movement or is MV do not allow this for npc?

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I've moved your topic to MV Support, The section MV Tutorials are for member submitted tutorials.

Sounds like the event is repeating itself. Do you have the event set to Autorun or parallel? If so put in an Erase Event command at the end of the event list to stop the event from looping.
If you want some more detailed support, show us a screenshot of your event so I can see what it is you're doing and how it's being done.


no i was doing it like you do on XP i did not notice they have the other option next to image icon mostly because the how to play book that comes with it tells you nothing and XP was the last maker i used was not into the other one inbetween
[doublepost=1462326872,1462326711][/doublepost]just delet this so people do not think i am dumb


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
just delet this so people do not think i am dumb
You don't have to XD things like these just happen but if someone once has the same problem it's easier to find a solution to it, you know :D? Don't worry, we all ask more or less dumb questions sometimes ;)
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