Sinnistar submitted a new resource:
RTP Edits - Enchanted Forest - My recolors of tilesets A1-A2 for my enchanted forest in my project.
RTP Edits - Enchanted Forest - My recolors of tilesets A1-A2 for my enchanted forest in my project.
Read more about this resource...I recolored these manually pixel by pixel lol. I figured I'd share the awesome outcome. These go well with Maru's purple trees and other enchanted forest themed tilesets. I made them to match with Maru's trees though, since that's how my project will be using them.
I'll share a screenshot of one of the maps I make with these as soon as I finish so you can see the full effect. Do note, these are not my personal works, just edits from the RTP so no need to credit me but you'll have to own a...