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Camstratia - 4% complete

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Resource Team

Camstratia is a game I'm working on, and have been working on for a while now. There isn't any gameplay going on, as I am getting the graphics made first, prior to starting the game. I'm working with @JoePie with this. He is the graphics designer for the game, and @DireDimes which is the musician who specializes in 16-bit tracks. This post will be here to update, and add on to when the game gets an addition.

Official Website:

A little about the game -
If you have ever played, or heard of stardew valley, the game will be similar to that, with a HUGE twist to it. Only a very select few people know about the full details, however, I will not be releasing them until later into the development of the game.

In the game you will be able to pick a sex (male or female), and it won't affect many things in the game. In the game you have three types of characters. Combat, Datable, and General. Combat Characters are the ones you fight/kill. Datable Characters are a select few characters, both male, and female, you can have an intimate relationship with, and if you get it high enough, you can marry them. Your sex has nothing to do with who you can date. Males can date males, and females, same goes with females. General Characters are non datable characters found in your town. As you play the game you can talk with each character, and each choice of conversation you chose to have will decide if they like you, or dislike you. With each like/dislike they will begin to treat you differently. If they like you, they will open up more, if the dislike you, they will begin to say mean things, and certain characters could even fight you.

Characters -

Stanice: 37: Stanice is Maddie's mother. She is
very nice, and owns a store in the town.
She tries to help out everyone she can with
any problems, while trying to make ends meet
at her shop.

Frank: 39: Frank is Maddie's Father / Stanice's
Husband. He is very helpful, and wise.
He grew up outside of the wall, and knows the
struggles of life, as well as how to survive.
He is the lead librarian at the warriors
guild, and will help with any knowlege needed
to know of outside the wall.

Maddie: 19: Very soft spoken, shy, and loving person.
She spends her time thinking about all the
ways she could help everyone and provide a
cure to the people who have recently been
infected. Her goal is to be the opposite of
her father.

Dale: 43: Cassandra's father. He's a drunk, angry,
rude, and down right a mean person. Though he hasn't
been caught, often times does
Cassandra have bruises on her that isn't well
explained. Many think it is from Dale's known
anger problems. Dale often times can be
found in the pub, or in the
jailcell from fights in the pub.

Cassandra: 20: Cassandra is a quiet, yet quite emotional
girl who is in her scene/gothic phase. She
is either really sad, or angry towards people.
The only people she tends to be nice with
are the ones who are her friends, and truly
'understand' her.

Henry: 31: Henry is a very straight forward, blunt
individual. He is the owner of the
warriors guild, and the one that plans all
of the tasks for those who go outside of the
gate. He is also the protector of the gate,
and the one that caters all the orders around,
in, and outside of the gate when it comes
to protection.

Samuel: 65: Mayor Samuel is the owner of the town.
He is very well respected, and very proper.
Many people say he was a huge roleplayer
online prior to the apocalypse. He was
once caught boasting about his guild prior
to the outbreak. People say this is how he
became such a good mayor. His spends his life
catering to the town, and making sure
everything is in the correct balance.

Stanley: 9: Stanley is the child of Samuel. He is
extremely young, and no one knows
who his mother is. Samuel won't even talk
about it. Stanley, also known as Stan. Is
very wild, and rambunctious. If there is
ever any trouble around the town, most of the
time you can find Stanley around that area.

Micheal: 18: Micheal is known as being the male version
of Cassandra. He is very quite, and quite
rude besides towards Cassandra, and the
younger children. He is almost always found
in his room besides the occasional visit
to the bathroom.

Sarah: 22: Sarah is the 'princess' of the town. She
will never be found walking without her
head held high. She often times speaks down
towards everyone.
She is extremely bad when it comes to her
son. She is often heard belittling her son
Micheal. Many think that Micheal's behavior
is a direct response to her negativity.
She is the magic shop owner, and is often
not visited due to both her attitude
and the lack of magical knowlege in the town.
She is the only one who knows magic, and
refuses to teach anyone who is not to
her standards.

Benard: ??? : Every town, group, etc. has that one guy
who just doesn't seem 'right'. Benard has
never been seen outside of his house.
Many people wonder how he eats, or stays
alive. Many people claim a foul odor
coming from his house. No one dares enter
his house, or even bothers to check
up on him. Children claim to see him
doing 'creepy' stuff in his house. Though
none of them have ever explained what truly
goes on in the house.

Shawn: 34: Shawn is the towns farmer. He tends to
be on the lazier side, and is always looking
for people to help do his job for him. He
often times pays people to water his crops
and pick them for him. He also owns the
food store.

Kayla: 32: Kayla tends to stay in the shop to manage it
as she knows her husband Shawn tends to cut
a lot of corners, and is quite lazy. She
sometimes jokes to customers about it, which
Shawn doesn't seem to have a problem with.
Though she tends to stay to herself, once
you get to know her, she is quite the
talkative one.

William: 8: The child of Kayla, and Shawn. William
is a very energetic young child who is
mostly found outside playing, and enjoying
the view of everything. Most people see him
playing in the park area, climbing on trees
and splashing in the water.

Blossom: 7: Blossom is very quite, and loves to
read books and study. Often times found with
Cassandra reading books with her. Everyone
says Blossom will be the next air to the
village with her amazing talent for strategy
and intelligence. If you do not see her with
Cassandra, you will almost always find her at
the library.

Hank 20: Hank was found a few months after the town
got set up. He was badly injured, yet
didn't seem to have any bite marks on his
body. His injuries seemed to be caused by
another human vs. an infected. He now lives
by himself, and tends to keep by himself.
He is apart of the towns guards, and spends
most of his time watching the gate.

Ernest: 47: Ernest was apart of the town long before
the infection, and spent his whole life
trying to help better the town. Now he spends
all of his time guarding the town, and
ensuring no ill happens to the town. He is
one of the most valued towns guard.

Map of the town:

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∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
yess YESSS I love Harvest Moon, AC, Stardew Valley and all of this! And dating games in general X3 Actually Harvest Moon was the reason I started with rpg maker. Gonna look forward to it, keep us updated here :D

The art looks so lovely and I hope there will be a lot of character depht. Wish you good luck cause it's a lot of work (tried it twice in ace). This looks really interesting so far and hope you'll have a lot of fun creating this game~


Staff member
I like how the character's face poses look too. Looking forward to see what comes up, s the game progression continues.


Staff member
Resource Team
yess YESSS I love Harvest Moon, AC, Stardew Valley and all of this! And dating games in general X3 Actually Harvest Moon was the reason I started with rpg maker. Gonna look forward to it, keep us updated here :D

The art looks so lovely and I hope there will be a lot of character depht. Wish you good luck cause it's a lot of work (tried it twice in ace). This looks really interesting so far and hope you'll have a lot of fun creating this game~
I forgot to mention Harvest Moon. I've actually never played it sadly. I'm glad you're excited for this, and I'll be keeping everyone up to date on what all is happening :)

Currently, I'm talking to a few musicians on making 8-bit music. I'm not too sure how it's going, as one seems interested, and the other one seems to be on the line.


I forgot to mention Harvest Moon. I've actually never played it sadly. I'm glad you're excited for this, and I'll be keeping everyone up to date on what all is happening :)

Currently, I'm talking to a few musicians on making 8-bit music. I'm not too sure how it's going, as one seems interested, and the other one seems to be on the line.
Good luck for the rest of the 99% and 17 characters! sounds like a big project, the character arts looks great.
Looks like a paid game on steam already.


Staff member
Resource Team
I was just wondering if this project here is still in progress? It would be a shame if its not :c
It is now, I haven't had time to continue it, however I just sent out a message to the graphic designer to see if he is still up to making the graphics for the game. If so, this project will be up and running once again :)

Good luck for the rest of the 99% and 17 characters! sounds like a big project, the character arts looks great.
Looks like a paid game on steam already.
Thank you so much for the kind words :) I'll post some updates as they appear!


Staff member
Resource Team

Here's a sample of the town.

I'm working some things out, and we're still in heavy development. I had to put this on hold until I settled down, and I am now able to continue this.


Towns Guard
This looks really nice and I can't wait to see more of this.

(Although I do find the map a bit empty but oh well that's just me.)



Here's a sample of the town.

I'm working some things out, and we're still in heavy development. I had to put this on hold until I settled down, and I am now able to continue this.
Ooooooooh Fancy! I can see a great 1% is added here, even though the development is baby steps,
it is going into the right direction.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Will there be random items/flowers/plants spawning on the ground or some certain terrain? That'd be awesome. How many datable characters are you going to implement?

Ohww they look so cute xD <3 Did Joepie make them? I made some similar sprites one year ago lol


Staff member
Resource Team
Will there be random items/flowers/plants spawning on the ground or some certain terrain? That'd be awesome. How many datable characters are you going to implement?

Ohww they look so cute xD <3 Did Joepie make them? I made some similar sprites one year ago lol
All graphics in the game will be made by joepie :) so everything you see thus far is made by him.

Also, most of that will be spawning outside of the town. I cannot say much more other than that thus far :)
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