@LTN Games has won the Staff Of The Month #1! We will be giving him his SOTM#1 badge here soon! Everyone please take the time to congratulate LTN on this amazing achievement. He could not have done it without the help of you all! We had a poll in this months survey, and it was a close call, however you all chose LTN as the SOTM winner!
A small prize has been given to him as a reward. It is the least we can do, and I wish I could have gave more to reward such an amazing part of the community, however, as of now we cannot. @LTN Games I hope our reward was enough to show our gratification to have you apart of the staff team, and to show thanks for all you do over here on the site. You're a huge help to us all, staff, and members. Staff members are the backbone of the forums, and help keep it up and running when the admins are busy (which we have been a lot of recently)LTN Games said:Thank you for seeing me as staff of the month, I do my best to make the community happy and provide them a comfortable place to enjoy. I am glad you all accept me as a valued staff member and I promise to keep doing my best for you all.