No one's commenting/replying/even giving good/bad it bad/worse? :(
The system depends heavily on the over mechanic of battle. If your game requires a strategic approach wherein the player preloads commands ala Argarest War, it works but honestly it's still a bit busy.
If you're going for more of a tactics style mechanic ala Disgea then it makes sense and falls squarely in that vein of mechanic for more of the RPG lean over tactics side.
For just a basic RPG battle system it will become both cumbersome and aggregate players because they'll want to rush it along and see damages to evaluate their next round of actions.
Visually its nice and care and design are apparent so that's definitely a plus, but it is overdone and may find better use in a game designed for a slower pacing than the sense given in your demo.
i'm not sure if i understand the system. is this like vagrant story, where you press the keys at the right time?
anyway, it seems too long for me. an attack that takes about 40 secs in every fight, could get boring pretty soon.
Vagrant Story and Parasite Eve used the same battle system, where the player targeted specific parts of the enemy and accuracy and damage were affected by weapon stats over player stats. I don't recall being required to participate in QTE as part of that mechanic. It wasn't ATB or RTB either, as the moment paused to give players time to assess what was in range of their weapon at the time.
You might be thinking of Xenosaga and Tales Series games.
Though, the engine in PE and VS was a rare engine and at times, a huge pain, but fit both games well. My only complaint with Vagrant Story was that is wasn't a commercial success and it shouldve been... Sort of like Sanity's Requiem and D