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Salt, Bandannas and Muscles! Iron Croc's Campaign

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Staff member
Resource Team
This question goes past a mod a little bit. However, it is still a question that shows a lot about your character.

A member of your forum, or a forum you're an admin on applies to become a staff member. He has broken a few rules months ago, and the warnings are off, as well as you absolutely despise this person greatly. How would you handle his/her staff application?

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
This question goes past a mod a little bit. However, it is still a question that shows a lot about your character.

A member of your forum, or a forum you're an admin on applies to become a staff member. He has broken a few rules months ago, and the warnings are off, as well as you absolutely despise this person greatly. How would you handle his/her staff application?
I would give them a shot anyway and see how qualified for the job hey are, despite despising them. Personal grievances should not and for me, do not shape whether or not they might actually qualify for the job. If I dislike them but they end up excellently as a staff member, then hats off to them.

Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
Sorry if all of my questions are joke questions, I really just can't think of any serious ones that are good enough. XD

A leprechaun approaches you, asks you to give him some money. He does not state the reason why. What will you do?


Staff member
Which of our candidates has answers that are just too darn long? And someone please tell this dude to use that SPOILER feature.

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
Sorry if all of my questions are joke questions, I really just can't think of any serious ones that are good enough. XD

A leprechaun approaches you, asks you to give him some money. He does not state the reason why. What will you do?
Offer to buy him irish whiskey instead.

Which of our candidates has answers that are just too darn long? And someone please tell this dude to use that SPOILER feature.
I take the 5th.

Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
I'm not good at asking questions, and the same kind of question may have been asked, but hey.

A member has contributed a lot, perhaps resources, donations, or quality posts. But then suddenly this member started to harass other members (or break other rules), but still contributes. What will you do to resolve this problem?

Also, what will be the new formula for your fire salt? :3 (I remember you saying that you were going to make it spicier...)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Question based on a true story...

As a moderator, you will be faced with very nice people, which sometimes praise you for what you do around the community. Then comes a time when you find a post that should be given a caution or a small warning to make sure the topic stays in line and does not break any rules. So you do this, you leave a very nice caution/warning message with mod speak to the user you have been praised by beforehand but then the user quickly gets upset, his nice attitude towards you has does an 180-degree flip, and is breaking Rule #2 in response to your post. What would be your steps to getting this member, and these posts under control?

Second Question....
A well-known member Is creating a Farewell/Goodbye post, stating in the post that he just does not like the way the community is handling certain situations and has numerous complaints but he does not directly tell anyone in the Farewell/Goodbye post about the problems he is having.

As a staff member, we should all be a bit concerned with the issues they’re having, our community strives to better itself, losing a member that is well known can be quite an impact in our community. If you become a moderator what sort of actions would you take when a member is leaving due to the way the community is handling certain situations?

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
(I don't have a lot of time before I have to leave for a long time, so please forgive my lack of formatting this post)

@HotfireLegend That thing that can be either filled with regrets or full of life... depending on whether or not you pursue your goals and dreams. :)

@Eien Nanashi I'd give them a warning, and if they still pursued things, I'd council with other mods and admins to have him or her removed from the RT. Beautiful resources don't mean squat when you don't have a team attitude.

@MinisterJay I've enjoyed these following nicknames (by no means are any of you allowed to call me these.)
Crocadoc, Black Iron Crocus, Croccy-Poo

@LTN Games Just because a member praise us doesn't mean they are immune to the rules. I'd send him a WARNING and tell him WHY what he did was unacceptable. And that despite his praise, he is not exempt from the rules.
(Off the record: The only difference between a mod and a member IMO is our badges. A good mod will be down to earth and personable. Until the time comes to assert his power, that is...)

Question 2: If I knew the person I'd ask 'em why they left. Even if they refused to come back, we could use the reason to better ourselves. Then I would issue a community-wide warning (not an official warn of course) expressing my disappointment in us (note: US).
If I didn't know the person I'd send an apologetic email to them, ask a friend of theirs why they left, then do the same thing.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
- Do you regularly check for updates to the forum rules?
- Do you foresee your personal rules/values interfering with the forum rules?
- What forum rules do you think need changed, and why?
- A rule is changed, and suddenly you have to remove or edit some of your content. What do you do?

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.

-To be honest, only once a week do I check the rules for updates.
- I don't forsee my personal moral code interfering, no :) And if there was an interference, I would choose to believe I'd follow the forum rules.
- I'd simply remove or edit the content! If it was someone else's, I'd explain to the member why I had to do it and cite the particular rules that changed or were added.

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
^ It depends on who is "right" according to evidence and after investigations.

Attention, Forum:
No more questions, please! I've officially dropped out of the running. Any future questions will be ignored. Thanks!
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