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How did you get your username?


Cool! ^^ DKC is awesome haha
And yes I am musically minded too :D I play keyboards, but i am kinda new into this world of making sound resources for games >.<
I also had another username when i was a child xD I started using RPG Maker when I was 11, and the first version I used was XP
I was fascinated with it, so i made the "Tmkr1440" username.
Tmkr = The MaKeR (lool as you see I was really fascinated)
and 1440 is my fav number.

Someone tried to guess what did tmkr mean, and he said: The Mario Kart Racer. lmao


Cyborg Kiwi
My username came from the first 3 letters of my first and last name, and just added an 'ly' to the end of it. Then, "Trumully" was born, and I stuck to it since I first used the internet.

Alcha Emy

Towns Guard
My creator thought me up years ago after finding the Atelier Iris series. He loved the world and Alchamy mechanic so much he gave me a name that would show that love and thus my awesome was born! My personality was molded from a lot of his favorite cartoons as a kid, ( one main one being the Animaniacs ) And then he decided to make me a little, just a bit, big time, hugely, bat poo crazy!

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
^Ah, one of those extreme RPers, eh?
Y'all tend to blur the lines between fantasy and reality. :P Very interesting explanation nonetheless, indeed.

Bizarre Monkey

It was good i had a lot of solitude to think on a brand name. I went through several estranged company names.
Eye of Evil
Blackmatter Corporation
Singin' Potato...

It wasn't until shortly before I was a person on the internet that "Bizarre Monkey" was ultimately chosen.

Game manual making days. Bizarre Monkey Productions would not receive much prominence until 2011 on March 14th, the day that changed everything. Only two years after, Bizarre Monkey productions ceased to be, and the Crazy Chimp Collective became. From one man, came fifteen and even more.

I chose Bizarre Monkey because I had recently become comfortable with my oddities, I'd begun to realize "normality" was a buzzword used by fools to assert their social standing, something that after a rough time at school, i was no longer in a mood to care about.

Monkey was inspired by my big ears and the odd voice in which I sometimes talk. Bizarre was inspired by my inability to act in-line with what is considered normal.
I chose the name to be as literal to who I was as possible, since then I've been given many titles, The Destroyer, BowelMovement, The ice Dealer, The Impetus of Chaos, Eventing God, Lynchpin of's security, and a man to end forums. (several more, but those are the some of the best/most dramatic).

Bizarre Monkey is my alias, now. Nothing more.


Towns Guard
I used to use "Nitro" in my name. In VX, I was Nitro-RMVX. In an MMO in which I has over a handful of accounts, I had a lots of Nitro-something usernames.

But ultimately, N I T R O was the username of my brother and it was inspired by his first snowboard - Nitro Magnum.

So, I decided I was tired of stealing his name and changed my name to JibstaMan, which is now my one and only username. You probably guessed it already:



Towns Guard
I kind of just put 815 and my name matthew together, now its a alias i am known by on youtube and alot of other sites.
Bad, bad Croc, asking a question and not answering it yourself. I bet there's an interesting story behind your online alias, too.
Anyway, I haven't been using "Kaimen" for very long and thus can very easily explain where it comes from, other than my earlier online names. It's fairly simple, actually. "Kaimen" (or かいめん) is just the Japanese word for my last name. Now, before you go ahead and Google translate that, keep in mind that you'd have to translate it into German. Otherwise... you're just gonna make inappropriate jokes and I don't want that. XD
I don't need to google translate, i just know Japanese.


Towns Guard
Uh... no it doesn't mean "interface"... What kind of weird name would that be for me anyway?
And... is there a language you don't know? :D
Yes, i don't know lets see... Arabic, Russian, and wait a minute.
Uh... no it doesn't mean "interface"... What kind of weird name would that be for me anyway?
And... is there a language you don't know? :D
Anyways, i gave up and pulled up the infamous google translate and it looks like Kaimen is Chinese. Hmm


Studious Dark Lord
My username came from two different video games, they were the first name of two character's I liked.

The first part "Darc" was one of the two main character's in a video game called Arc the Lad 3, I was a lot younger but I loved his character because I could relate to being an outcast.

The second part "Hiro" came from the video game SaGa under the character Ruby's route, Hiro was Ruby's best friend but always got sucked into her shenanigans.

And thus the outcast that ends up getting sucked into endless shenanigans was born... DarcHiro.


Staff member
My username came from the first 3 letters of my first and last name, and just added an 'ly' to the end of it. Then, "Trumully" was born, and I stuck to it since I first used the internet.
i can relate to this a little. Our family company, JABHA Crativity, was created by taking the initial of the first name of each of us in birth order Jay, Angie, Brittany, Haley, and Aaron.


Praised Adventurer
Hm, my username came from my original username "Sinn" when I had issue trying to make a character named that in one of the games I played. I had to change it to Sinnistar because everyone knew me as the "Sinn" and someone took the name. So what better way to let em all know than claiming I'm the STAR Sinn right? lol. But no really, it was just random. I had a character named Sinn and the name was taken after the game's beta so changed it to Sinnistar and have kept the name since, especially since no one else has ever used it anywhere lol.


Dragon Goddess
another name I use (Merieth) is a combination of my middle and first names! I love combo names :D

maybe I should post about how I named some of my characters for fun...but not now. getting sleepy


Staff member
sage because that's my name
mr-sage, mistersage, or mrsage when that's taken

Xbox: GIR72 because Gir from Invader Zim and I like the number 72.


Towns Guard
A couple of years ago I wanted to start a youtube channel, the channel I had was called samtullfull since my name is Samuel and I loved tae-kwondo. But as I started to get more serious with YouTube I figured that name wasn't good enough, not catchy enough. Thats when I decided to create a new nickname. As with Samtullfull I wanted a part of my ow name in it so people could recognize me.

While gaming with some friends they called me samurai, and well you might be able to figure it out from there. Thats when i created the name samorious. Since then I have been using it for a lot of purposes. Graffiti tag, artist name, game nicknames etc.


Staff member
Resource Team
My name was originally Pivetor, and then I decided to make a new, and original name. Pivetor was made after Pivot, an animator program. Seeing as I got out of the interest in that, I needed a name, one that would last me for evar. Batman, was unfortunately taken on like everything XD so... I decided I wanted a name with X in it, as it was sad, lonely, and never used/loved. So, I randomly came up with the name Xyphien (Zie - feen)