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Keyboard plugin version 1.1

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I honestly don't know how to use this, I'm fairly new to this and just want to use a key for a common event since MV limits me to only a few options but I don't know how to set that up, let alone call the plugin. I'm so confused. If someone could tell me how to use this that would be great.
Would you mind telling what you are trying to do in detail? I managed to set up a common event which allows the player to open up a worldmap picture with the pressing of a button and close that picture again with the same button(I had a lot of help though xD)


Would you mind telling what you are trying to do in detail? I managed to set up a common event which allows the player to open up a worldmap picture with the pressing of a button and close that picture again with the same button(I had a lot of help though xD)
Well, I want to set up an event where when you press a button (The C key in this case) It would make the screen flash, but I want to make this as an event where you can do this multiple times in a row. Like taking a picture basically. I used this in a common event and it works fine, just need to change it so it instead uses the C Key.

But I don't know how to set up this plugin, I don't know how to use it or make it work. How do I set this event for the player to use C and make that common event happen?


How do I set this event for the player to use C and make that common event happen?
Alright, I just set the needed events up and tested it, it works, so here's what you have to do:

Common Event.jpg Map Event.jpg
You create a new common event, [first pic] and in it you create a conditional branch wherein you state that if the script shown in the pic is triggered (here's the code for you to copy: Input.keyTriggered("C") ) a screen flash will occur. The common event must be set to parallel (marked in yellow) and must be triggered by a switch (marked in red). From there on out, you just create an event on your map [second pic] (starting map would be convenient, whatever suits you, as the switch stays on), which's trigger is set to parallel (marked in yellow) and let the event set the switch for the common event to ON. That should set you up ready to go ^^ As I said, I tested it, and now whenever you press the C button the game flashes. I think, that's what you wanted, right? I hope that helped you :)


Gasp! Yes thank you! That worked. I had most of it set out already but thank you so much! <3 Now I can continue working on my progress.


Gasp! Yes thank you! That worked. I had most of it set out already but thank you so much! <3 Now I can continue working on my progress.
Glad I could help :D Would you mind rating my post as the best answer? ;)


Sure thing! I think I did it. I'm still new to this site so you'l have to forgive me.
Don't sweat it. I'm new here too :D It's all fine, though you just gave me an "informative" upvote :P Well, eventually we'll figure out this forum so keep it going, mate! ;)


I have another question, would I be able to use this plugin without the conditional branch? And if so how would I go about using it without the conditional branch? (I'm trying to set up a little mini game where you have to press buttons in a time frame but so far I can't set it up)

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
Alright, I just set the needed events up and tested it, it works, so here's what you have to do:

View attachment 1981 View attachment 1982
You create a new common event, [first pic] and in it you create a conditional branch wherein you state that if the script shown in the pic is triggered (here's the code for you to copy: Input.keyTriggered("C") ) a screen flash will occur. The common event must be set to parallel (marked in yellow) and must be triggered by a switch (marked in red). From there on out, you just create an event on your map [second pic] (starting map would be convenient, whatever suits you, as the switch stays on), which's trigger is set to parallel (marked in yellow) and let the event set the switch for the common event to ON. That should set you up ready to go ^^ As I said, I tested it, and now whenever you press the C button the game flashes. I think, that's what you wanted, right? I hope that helped you :)
I'm sure this is the other half to what people are commonly wanting. (I know it's what I want as well.)
Should put Input.keyTriggered("INSERT-KEY-HERE") as a plugin note for sure.


Is there some sort of tutorial for this? i've spent hours trying to figure out how to use this but I'm not super experienced with scripts and there is no directions, just commands, and I might be using the commands wrong? Whenever I put in the commands it says there's an error..

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
Is there some sort of tutorial for this? i've spent hours trying to figure out how to use this but I'm not super experienced with scripts and there is no directions, just commands, and I might be using the commands wrong? Whenever I put in the commands it says there's an error..
1. Create New Event
2. Set Event to Parallel Process
3. Create an Event Command: Conditional Branch
4. On Conditional Branch, go to page 4
5. Select Script
6. Input
7. Press 'Ok'
8. Inside the Conditional Branch Content, do something simple like Show Text
9. Make it say something and press 'ok' for everything and exit that event.

You now have created an event that will check for the D key to be pressed. If you did this correctly, your text should've came up. This is how you use it. Now depending on what you want to do with is up to you.

What can you do with it? Some notable things :
1. Create an event and control them
2. Act as if it's multiplayer
3. Create cheat codes
4. Special abilities
5. Change Outfits for things like trying to blend in
6. Change 'Modes' that you create
7. Use other things like iPod, radars , maps, etc.

Let me know if any of this helps. (blush)