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Wiki Direction?


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello everyone, so a lot of members have been talking about the Wiki lately. With the current Wiki discussion it was brought to my attention that a lot of you actually want the wiki to be a decent part of the website, and as such I'd like to help it go in the direction you all think is best.

My question for you all is, what direction would you like that to go? As of now everyone should have permission to edit things, change things, post things, etc. without the need of a moderator. This means it's more like an actual wiki as of now. Note: If things get worse I'll set up a select team of high speed Wiki members.

Would you all like it to be based on all your resources, games, etc. and that's it. Or would you like it to be solely about information about RMMV, the website, etc. Or a mixture of both. Please voice your opinion below, and let us know exactly what direction you'd like the see the wiki go so I can further implement it :)


Dragon Goddess
I think a mixture of both would be okay, but I'm not sure. since we have the MV Tutorials section and the MV Talk & Support sections, I don't know if its necessary to have all of this stuff in the wiki as well.

I would like to see wiki pages about the Admins/Moderators/Staff just so we have a place to get to know these important people a little more in-depth (other than their profile pages)--just for added fluff I guess. Also, wiki pages for momentous occasions like contests, holiday events, etc.

It would be cool to have a place where we can post/read about a game's universe/lore/backstory in more detail though. I personally love writing backstory, so I'd be posting a lot of things there about my WIP game!

So after writing this, maybe using the wiki just for forum-specific stuff would be the best bet? a user guide to everything about this little forum and a more in-depth look at peoples' games/characters/universes/worlds! Like I said, I'm okay with both forum-related and MV-specific stuff being included in the wiki.

Thanks for making a place where we can all put in our two cents! I look forward to seeing what other people think


Local Hero
I would like the wiki to be the part of the site where you go to find static information. So for plugin development you would segment it in Master and sub classes and with comments off what it does, this is missing in the original code ;)

more static information is tutorials, like how to install a plugin. and in this example you would also need a plugin wiki that explains the basis of a plugin, including a template for building a plugin, wiki style ;)


Staff member
Resource Team
Thanks for making a place where we can all put in our two cents! I look forward to seeing what other people think
I try to give the users as much control over our updates/direction as I can. You all are what make the forum tick after all, so it seems weird to ignore what people want and do what you want as an individual.

and with comments off what it does
I'm not 100% sure what you mean, if you're talking about wiki comments, I just enabled them (Or at least I believe I did)

more static information is tutorials, like how to install a plugin. and in this example you would also need a plugin wiki that explains the basis of a plugin, including a template for building a plugin, wiki style ;)
That's what I was thinking about doing. This way it has some helpful information about the plugin itself, as well as some information on resources/games.

I'll wait for further responses before I go ahead and add anything to it currently though.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I think it should be more focused on the engine, and the things thereof. Just like @eivl has mentioned, a nice plugin/javascript section is very much needed all across the web and I think it fits perfectly for our wiki. I'We can also include resource wiki information, considering it has to do with the engine, for example, I can submit my own plugin entry and have detailed information on Installation, Plugin Commands, Script Calls, Notetags, and general information. Seems like a good direction to be heading.


Praised Adventurer
Since we have the MV Tutorials section and the MV Talk & Support sections, I don't know if its necessary to have all of this stuff in the wiki as well.
I feel that tutorial sections on these types of sites tend to hold information on more complex aspects of using RM software, talk sections are more angled towards ideas and opinions, and support sections tend to have answers to very specific things. I would see the MV section of the wiki to have information on the more fundamental side of the program.


Staff member
Resource Team
I can submit my own plugin entry and have detailed information on Installation, Plugin Commands, Script Calls, Notetags, and general information. Seems like a good direction to be heading.
Information on how to use plugins seem to be something that everyone needs. I have several plugins that I have no idea how to use, and there is little information on how to use it. So I really like this, and it's something that will be added.
I too agree with @eivl in that it should have more "static information", though like an extension of the forum. Perhaps it can also contain a list of all the resources, plugins, promos/competitions, etc. linked to the corresponding posts here. Information on plugins and how to use them, as well as tutorials on MV and JGSS, I feel are a must as well.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I'm with you guys - I think one part forum archive and one part resource archive would probably make the most sense for us. I don't think enough of us are experts for it to completely be an MV wiki, and having pages for plugins and other resources would do a good job of helping people if they're confused by how to use something. (cute)

I was thinking about writing some pages about different types of graphics and how to use/import them, and including some links to where you can find them on the forum.

Bizarre Monkey

Hello everyone, so a lot of members have been talking about the Wiki lately. With the current Wiki discussion it was brought to my attention that a lot of you actually want the wiki to be a decent part of the website, and as such I'd like to help it go in the direction you all think is best.

My question for you all is, what direction would you like that to go? As of now everyone should have permission to edit things, change things, post things, etc. without the need of a moderator. This means it's more like an actual wiki as of now. Note: If things get worse I'll set up a select team of high speed Wiki members.

Would you all like it to be based on all your resources, games, etc. and that's it. Or would you like it to be solely about information about RMMV, the website, etc. Or a mixture of both. Please voice your opinion below, and let us know exactly what direction you'd like the see the wiki go so I can further implement it :)
Mixture of both allows everyone to be happy, so I think that'd be the ideal. I'd personally use it for my games and characters. But i think Amy's ideas would also be cool.

Isaac The Red

Towns Guard
It could get a little cluttered I think with too much information in it. Especially if the forum grows considerably large in user base. As far as a breakdown for information on it, I think it should be primarily the core information surrounding RMMV and its mechanics in its vanilla form, key information about the usage of included scripts, scripts from the biggest contributors out in the wild such as Yanfly Engine Plugins, and Yami Engine stuff, as well as from larger plugin contributors from within our own circle here, as we have some great scripters among us as well.

So far as forum user pages, It could go both ways, as it would be great to have sort of a central hub, of user information for say, what projects they are working on, goals, milestone etc. But this really should be curated strongly, as it's kind of pointless for say Myself to have a page in the wiki. As while I am working on a few things in MV, I am primarily doing nothing but extensive testing. from event chains, to skill action sequences, to effects and animations.

In contrast it would make sense for say, Amysaurus to have a page as she contributes to the community we have here with her skills, and place on the staff. As well as those here who have Game projects in development and have shown bits here and there for us to marvel at.

Anyway that's my wooden nickels on it.


Dragon Goddess
So overall, have we made a final decision on this or are we still discussing what is/isn't allowed on the wiki? Sorry if I missed it, just wanted to clarify in this thread, since it's where the main discussion is happening.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
As far as I can tell we will be heading the Wiki in the direction of General RMMV Community information and of course General RMMV Engine information, with more focus on plugins created by the community and big timers like Yanfly, Galv, etc. I don't see there being any harm in creating your own entries now with that general idea in mind, as for it being official, I would say lets wait a little bit more on more members opinions on the Wiki.


Towns Guard
What about documenting the JS shipped with MV by default? A wiki's power is to organize large amounts of information, having focused articles with links to everything that is mentioned (and categories to navigate similar pages). We could explain each object (or "class") individually, with links to other objects as well as examples on how the object can be used (maybe also linking to plugins).

So, personally, I'd go more in the direction of tutorials. Looking at JavaScript 201, the length of it is massive. This could be a great tutorial for the wiki. There would be a page (or category?) containing links to all parts, in order, for someone who wants to read it from top to bottom. The entire tutorial is broken down into wiki pages, focusing on one piece at a time. When people have questions on the forum, you can direct them to one or more wiki pages easily, making the information much more accessible. When more tutorials are added, you can simply link to the existing pages, making them more focused and creating a collaborative system, since you don't have to repeat what others have said. Another reason is, since anyone can edit, people can improve on the tutorials and clarify things when needed (or do proof-reading).

Ultimately, we're all researching RPG Maker MV, it's defaults, it's capabilities and stretching those to our will. For example, I might take a deep dive into the battle system and share my research on the wiki, linking to other pages that are considered "prerequisites"/basic knowledge needed. This way, the wiki allows us to share what we know, making the information accessible, instead of everybody doing their own research. And people new to it all and starting somewhere advanced, can easily be linked to pages with the basics they need to start there learning journey.

The main problem is knowing there's a wiki with loads of useful information. So, within the "The Rules (Read Before Posting)" or somewhere, we should point people to the wiki. Or something else, as long as the awareness of the wiki is increased. New members generally start looking through the forum, instead of thinking, "hey, a wiki! Let's look there as well.".

That all said, I'd say both resource and game related wiki pages should be allowed.

Bizarre Monkey

with more focus on plugins created by big timers like Yanfly, Galv, etc.
Why make the focus on scripts by those guys, don't those plugins already have massive coverage elsewhere? They don't even visit here and likely won't so long as I'm around.

And believe me that isn't entirely a bad thing like it may sound.

I don't see there being any harm in creating your own entries now with that general idea in mind, as for it being official, I would say lets wait a little bit more on more members opinions on the Wiki.
My opinion is that the Wiki should be an open resource, so if Members want to write documentation about someone's games, be that their own or somebody elses, they can.

I sure as heck won't have any reason to use the wiki if you take that away. And AFAIK I'm it's largest contributor at the current and have definitely been in the past.


Staff member
Resource Team
hy make the focus on scripts by those guys, don't those plugins already have massive coverage elsewhere? They don't even visit here
A lot of their plugins are complicated, and some of them are not shown how to use, and if they are, they are extremely hard to find. If we have a wiki explaining it, and how to use it, that'd help out a LOT of people. I want this site to be as helpful for MV as possible, and that means covering some plugins the owner may or may not be apart of this community, then that's fine. As long as the general public is helped out as a whole.

My opinion is that the Wiki should be an open resource, so if Members want to write documentation about someone's games, be that their own or somebody else's, they can.
I thought that's what most wiki's were about. This is something I was going to have done

Bizarre Monkey

That's fair. And if we are ascertained the be all end all MV site, may as well do what we can.

I thought that's what most wiki's were about. This is something I was going to have done
I know, I wasn't responding to a response of yours, I was responding to LTN who seems keen on the idea of a focus being put on the MV Stuff, nothing wrong with that at a base-level! Just wanted to be sure we weren't gonna do away with the members ability to post stuff about their creations, be it games or what have you, because some do get a joy from doing that.