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This Monkey thinks he arteh.

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
So we say demoness, I didn't know about that :o
Great explaination and very easy to read and understand. I really like the concept ^^

Bizarre Monkey

So we say demoness, I didn't know about that :o
Great explaination and very easy to read and understand. I really like the concept ^^
Ever since I began work on Hellcat three years ago I wanted to do a twist on heaven and hell that was more morally ambiguous in both centers. I do like playing with concepts that are typically predefined and messing with them.
Menagerie for example, was inspired by a lack of things in fantasy settings, such as Dwarven hippies or Goblins with Good will and a religion. Menagerie is built on the current archetypes and stereotypes we have for races, and then have one among them that is vastly different.

Intelligence was designed to be almost like a road trip Fantasy RPG, but in a setting of neo-modern differentia rather than in some fantasy land. The plot of Intelligence is set in 2052 Earth, and the world is completely run by mammals, I thought of this concept and thought, yes! I want to do that.

Perseverance is a bizarre twist on revolution movies like V for Vendetta, where the protagonist is portrayed at first glance as a cocky can-get-things-done type, but as stakes escalate beyond his comprehension, he starts breaking, and in the end, actually becomes the big bad in a way. Like his morality eventually tears away as more of his friends die or even abandon him, and he just loses it.

Finally, Exile, is about an already established criminal trying to get by on an alien world, well alien to her, to us it's the earth we know and love. In an invader Zim sort of fashion, it serves to be a satirical looking glass at our odd and contrived systems we take as normality, which may seem completely bizarre to a visitor.

Hellcat doesn't really have a plot. Mostly because it's a 15 minute demo heavily inspired by DooM 95.

There's also a couple neat concepts that I'm surprised I haven't seen more commonly, High Elves are high just, all the time. Wood Elves are grotesquely fond of trees. Kelp Elves are underwater elves that are really friendly and have to avoid things that eat kelp.

Dwarves are typically absolutely inundated with cartoonish acts of violence, and the more you practise your vandalism the more cool you are by dwarf standards, Goblins are obsessed with wealth and will destroy anything that's in the way of their personal gain (the exceptions to bother are Fatty and Gerald), then you have ... oh man don't get me started on the Supremacist Galaxions and their weird and entirely society based romance system.

Or the bloody Simopian evolution/devolving into all of the modern races. Or frikken how much Pi and the Universe are intermingled, especially when Corporation XVI are involved.

I'll copy paste a couple stories and such when I finish this post.

Right so, back to art!

This is a WIP.
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Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
That's impressive with that amount of originality you have. Your ideas are extremely deep of well thoughts and concepts, and that's not like a typical save the world as we see a lot with the majority of japanese RPG games.

Bizarre Monkey

That's impressive with that amount of originality you have. Your ideas are extremely deep of well thoughts and concepts, and that's not like a typical save the world as we see a lot with the majority of japanese RPG games.
Well, to be fair. I have had 12 years of near-solitude to flesh out all these ideas and canonize the universe I've created.

Bizarre Monkey

And that's why I have a lot of respect for you because I've never managed to be constant for long and get my stuffs sorted out ^^"
I think deciding early on that all games will take place in the same Universe is a really good idea. Then you can workout timelines, events and all that before you have to retcon things.

If anyone asks me what Earth year the Battle for Nadine was, I can easily say... 1612.

Anyone asks what time Lyza crash landed on Earth, 2012, March 14th, late morning.

Anyone asks me how Esperia appears in 1612 despite her Death being in 2011, it's simply that she travelled back in time, time is constant, as well. Meaning that her first known appearance is in 1612, keep in mind, she is immortal, 2011 only signifies her death as a mortal, everything beyond or possibly before that she appears as she does in the games. Heldath, Galvana and the Necropolis all have time capabilities, after all, population is an ever presently changing thing. It's funny, you might grow up and die during one of Heldath's depopulation regimes, and in death end up being one of the ones behind it.

Anyway! I'll definitely post some lore blots later in another thread.

Here's some quick sai doodles I did recently, depicting me and my friend Kurtis.​

Want to know what we're saying?

There's a post over here...
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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Your artwork isn't always the prettiest, but there's no contest here - it's the most expressive. I'm especially digging that sixth panel for some reason. XD

Bizarre Monkey

Thanks Amy! I do love my expressions.

Here's some recent things I did for the mascot contest.
And here's some doodlefoolery.
Redefining Galaxions

And some more on that expressionism.

More hilarious doodle-foolery.
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Bizarre Monkey

Some older though still pretty recent pencil sketches.
Unnamed Girl

Unnamed Seraphim

Yeah the left wing is too thin at the base. Sorry!

Lethal Scratch

Nola going a bit feral.

Nola gains Humanity

How I imagine Nola may look if she became human.

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
Everything is possible, depending what you intend to do with your game project and alternatives ^^
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Bizarre Monkey

Thanks! Ultimately when I started out I always did go for style rather than realism. That I've now got this near inimitable style that people can recognize as 'OH THATS GOTTA BE BIZ'-- it's, I dunno, I think it's really cool.

So sure I'm not the best or brightest out there, but in my differentiation and expression I get a pass.

Here's a traditional drawing i did recently on the train, I didn't have my mechpen and the HB I had was used to the flat and I didn't have a sharpener.
And these are always pretty exciting, and I have had requests enough to show them.
But one at a time.

Flesh is but a mortal tool, beneath lay the bones that make us.

Hollow, insincere and savage, just as we were designed, just as we are. The facade of skin, the curse of the moral mind. In our worst, we are no more than primeval occupants of an ever-changing world. One day the dreams will end, we will see ourselves and each other for our true nature.

Pray you have an iron-stomach, because inside we hold demons, thinly or excessively veiled by a warm countenance.
This isn't you, but it may be similar...

I was recently inspired to take to heart and draw my inner demons, so that's what this image represents. I'll explain it some:

The steel look of my face is the facade I use to appear 'human', the lack of eyes state my ignorance to what is in plain view and show that I don't use appearances to judge, I use things much deeper inside. The hole where my nose would be symbolizes the nasty way in which I judge, even silently.

The whole appearance of the image feels very lonely and withered, color only emerging in the background and in rare places on my outfit.

The ears, still fleshed and fuzzy, symbolize my inability, and absolute desperation to keep as one with my humanity... or, simianity in this case.

My hands blued by the lack of care I possess for anything, Apathy is also a large element... most of all though, is the largest demon I house.


If you took all my happiness away, only an angry, psychotic absolute monstrosity of hatred remains.

You may also notice the distortion and static in the image, this infers to my dark existential (often also edgy-seeming) rambling that I do from time to time.

I'd never want to be THAT.

So well have I rendered my inner demons, that now I know more than ever, I can't let them succeed morality.
Okay, nothing super impressive this time around, but comical? Yes.

I've been making emote facesets for the Demigods. Primarily in preparation for the 314th Clash.
Safael: The World Shaper

Yasondre: The Fable Druid

Blu: The Spellweaver

Bubbles: The Grim Reaper

Galdath: The Lightbearer

Seradath: The Nightbringer

Coolarooni, huh?

Here's some examples of them in game.
Also, not all is lost, I did do a cool concept for Saxxis Bufudyne.
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Bizarre Monkey

Glad you like it Rise! ^.^

Did some RTP editing.

Niirgo Sprite

Also update to Limbo Bingo.

In contrast to his old self.
While in Hospital I did some Undertale fan art.

Finally, an actual full sai render after all this time.
Deep Into The Code
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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I'm liking those edits for Nirgo a lot - that skeletal appearance really works with the reaper cloth-esque oufit. There should probably be more of a shadow at the top of his "face" on the sprite (what would be under the hood), but that's more a matter of how much you want that contrast.

The Limbo Bingo outfit looks much better - he pulls off that pimp hat very nicely. I think his main issue before was that the lime green, while going well with the purple, didn't look so hot with his bone color.

I still need to finish a few endings of Undertale, but those two boneheads are certainly my favorite characters. Cute!

Your "Deep Into the Code" drawing looks very nice, but, for accuracy's sake, it's Sacré Bleu. Not sure if you were going for the phrase or coming up with a name, but hey, it's there if you need it. The shading gets a little smudgy on her hat, but otherwise you're getting much better about that. Also, your linework is getting much cleaner than before, which is great.

Nice job all around. :)

Bizarre Monkey

I'm liking those edits for Nirgo a lot - that skeletal appearance really works with the reaper cloth-esque oufit. There should probably be more of a shadow at the top of his "face" on the sprite (what would be under the hood), but that's more a matter of how much you want that contrast.
You're right, adding a shadow from the hood won't be difficult, either, so I'll see if I can get around to doing that!

The Limbo Bingo outfit looks much better - he pulls off that pimp hat very nicely. I think his main issue before was that the lime green, while going well with the purple, didn't look so hot with his bone color.
Agreed. Also his shapes were overly complex before.

I still need to finish a few endings of Undertale, but those two boneheads are certainly my favorite characters. Cute!
Undertale has certainly inspired me some ways! It is now a trophy bearer alike Homestuck in that they are the only two things I've done fan art for.

Your "Deep Into the Code" drawing looks very nice, but, for accuracy's sake, it's Sacré Bleu. Not sure if you were going for the phrase or coming up with a name, but hey, it's there if you need it. The shading gets a little smudgy on her hat, but otherwise you're getting much better about that. Also, your linework is getting much cleaner than before, which is great
I do know the spelling is inaacurate, the Boss is named on a play of Sacré Bleu and that both Sacrelige was committed against Blu (Demigoddess of Magic) to acquire said form, then it's also that Blu was sacrificed by Origin to become a sacred being. It's all a big bunch of hoity-toity wordplay.

I see what you mean about the hat smudginess, but I'm probably not gonna fix it, it's too small of a detail to stress over.

Nice job all around. :)
Thanks! Now I've done more, oh dears!

Mostly just MSpaint/GIMP work, but here's the redesign of Tristy Heals, the Kangaroo in Intelligence.

This was a long time coming, and a decision I had thought about for a long time. Eventually the majority of my collective just outright started redefining the fuzzy characters in P:A with clothes and stuff instead of being weird and naked.

Here's Amy's take on Pep.
Seeing how fun it might be to develop costumes and such for all of them, I eventually decided that we'd phase out these odd naked weirdos...

In exchange for some more personifying outfits. Like so:
So with all that, I'm also redesigning Tristy and Rolly, Tristy is done. Sans a couple picture files like falling and a lung full of buckshot.

Some of those looked really awkward or creepy.

Also here's all the uncropped updated versions in an imgur album.

Update: Emotesets and Imgur links updated. Had some really bad looking arms, those have been corrected, The Bliss, Growl, Bored and Guruu expressions were also updated to be less weird.

Update 2: Updated Bliss, for real this time!
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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Eh, yeah, I figured as much with the naming thing. :D

Tristy's redesign looks nice! I think she looks less like a kangaroo now, though. It's just hard to put clothing on that kind of a body shape, lol. The facial expressions work better on her now, and the yellow works well. Nola looks good, though I'm sure I've already mentioned that some other time.

I still like that Pep drawing, lol. I think everyone did a good job when they drew him. :)

Bizarre Monkey

Ultimate she's never looked a large amount like a Kangaroo thanks to her rounded muzzle and ears, which are features noticably triangular on kangaroos, she still looks like an Australian Marsupial so that's all I need.

And yeah, everyone did a stellar job on Pep.

Now I've done three massive art pieces.
Aspect of Erasure

Or the skull of Niirgo, feel free to check out this music that was created for him.
Against the Necrotic Horror

The trio of Intelligence fighting the first actual boss.
Your remaining minutes are...

One of the most feared and infamous bosses in Intelligence, he is the only boss so far to use real time, meaning that the player has to get a strategy worked out and fast to do the most damage and beat him before time is out.
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